This is to give you something jet-capable for the northern area of Europe.
Hi ladies and gentlemen,
this is a jet airbase mod of agracier's amazing Lapland map.
Edit, new link in post No 34 for all files!,31708.24.html"
OK, same map in two parts to get the entire add-on of trees and tex as well as other stuff in.
Just follow the folder structures (and the readme for the additional files.

) you already have agracier's map installed, you only need the extra trees textures
for textures, I made a small edit for Lapland autumn, added 2 bump files after checking all textures.
The below link and blue stuff is now more redundant except you like confusion.
You need the pack from here, at least the textures from agracier's download. And the fix files from page 2.,20446.0.html
Download, install as per instructions and backup the ag_Lapland map folder, so you can switch back to the WWII version anytime. E.g. rename to "-ag_Lapland". The textures are identical.
Then download this and add it to your map's folder instead, e.g. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#DBW\Mapmods\Maps. But I added an alternative forest load.ini as for the summer version and, more important, edited the water look for the summer and autumn version.
A photo recon has shown that Lapland very often, from above, reflects the sky's colour and the endresult is a rather dark to strong reflecting blue. .as often seen on the North Sea as well.
Since we fly most of the time, I went for that. Just check any Google result list or the Lapland Water /Sea etc..results.
Some will show what I mean, also depending on the daylight. The bluish water looks very nice when flying over the land with these amazing water areas spread all over the landside by agracier, an amazing job. If you dislike the water, replace the load.ini's water entry with the entry from the stock maps:
Water = water/Water.tga
Added and tested in a small but stressy test circle airbases to make the map jet operation capable.
Therefore I had to make minor adjustments for height and tex here and there and also delete the original air fields.
Following areas now have new bases:
AltaWorks, except AI nos 2 and 3 will vanish after parking.
BanakWorks, but I cannot promise the AI will not cause troubles with very fast jets (fast while on approach) after one has touched down.
However, the base was tested and looks just fine to me.-The posit was chosen after testing multiple placements in FMB.
IvaloDual directional base with one active runway east/west or west east.
In RL one runway with a half section of a 2nd runway.

Enontekio/Enontekiö Air Base (new as per RL naming)Worked very well, had to do minor adjustments to get it going.
Very nice runway tex for takeoff and landing cockpit views.
KautokeinoWorks well, be aware
of planning the waypoints, AI will hover 2-3 meters over forest, looks aweseome.
Since this is a rather remote looking "highway strip"

type of base on Google, I gave it a very small base.
I spent quite some time, also thanks to my friend "Snail" from the FreeFalcon dev team/BMS Falcon forums, getting info which potential military airbases would be in the area, yet all the official mentioned Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish mili bases are outside the remote area of this map.
However, all bases are definately there in RL and surely military capable.
For Kautokeino, Norway, a hint: Sweden you find MANY air strips on enhanced highway routes, quite interisting.
That was why I gave that one a concrete field, thanks to SAS~farang65.
All airbases are directly taken from work by
SAS~Mission_bug's South Vietnam map in Dixiecapt's 1968 version and from SAS~farang65's ElSalHonNic map.So credit for the bases goes to these three gentlemen.
Credit for the map of course to agracier!Airfields: ..made some edits but the basic layout of the bases is almost 100% the one from South Vietnam and ElSal.
For Banak, I had to edit a lot to allow the AI to taxi and not crash and burn hehe.
Rest info on this screen:

More screens:

Hope you will be able to fly there with no issues.
This will load in 4.09m, but in my HistoMod (old version 4) old game install, Banak and Enontekiö airbases where missing objects and looked therfore sad. JP, if you read this, I have a screen with a log and may also run a logfile test.

Seems we miss some objects in Histo.
Saw that also with the Djibouti mod (same base as Banak)