TESTED IN #DBW 1.7.1This will modify 3d appearance of the beautiful western0221's Re.2002m "What If Marina version" (
into a naval Re2001, that really existed. From wiki:
"Re.2001 OR Serie II
Aquila's planned air complement was 51 non-folding Reggiane Re.2001 OR fighter-bombers: 41 stowed in the hangar deck (including 15 suspended from the deck head) and 10 on the flight deck in a permanent deck park. A folding-wing version of the Re.2001 was planned, which would have increased the size of Aquila's air group to 66 aircraft, but this never materialized. Only 10 Re.2001s were fully converted for carrier use. They were given tail hooks, RTG naval radio equipment and bomb racks for carrying 650 kg (1,400 lb) of bombs. They were also armed with two 12.7 mm (0.5 in) Breda-SAFAT machine guns mounted above the engine cowling."
DOWNLOADhttps://www.mediafire.com/?yb282kjckakt193Install1) Install western's Re.2002m (
2) unzip "Reggiane Re2001 naval.zip" (my download) then, after backup of original files, copy the folders:
into: #DBW/Re2002m/3do/Plane
replacing existing ones (remember, always after backup!)
OWN SLOT, MADE BY PAULUS:https://www.mediafire.com/?jafhmik86s4lpq0To install it:
1) Install western's Re.2002m (
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,27534.0.html) (to get cockpit )
2) Unpack package to mods folder (e.g. #DBW)
3) Add lines from "-entries.txt" to proper files
What is in the package:
- new FlightModel with DB 601A
- also with mass/speed/range updated
- Original Re.2002m cockpit still in use
- "green" engine cowling included
- Own 3DO/plane folders:
of course you can use skins of Re2000 and 2002 if you want to fake a normal 2001

or an ICAF aircraft

if you want it entirely green, like in the photo below, use instead these TGAs:
CREDITSPAULUS, that made it flyable as standalone
Team Daidalos,
western0221 for his excellent mod,
RedFox_90 from whose old franken I was inspired
(if I forgot someone please let me know and I'll add him)
IMPORTANT NOTEThis is NOT, absolutely NOT the franken circulating time ago, as you can easily verify checking .msh .mat .tga and .him of the two versions. I am the only responsible for the whole monsterization.
UPDATEhttps://www.mediafire.com/?ua8w9144fsm9lfldownload, unzip, copy the two folders into "Plane" and overwrite the old hier.him files when requested (after backup)
These are two new hier.him that slightly but sensibly change the shape of the engine (I was told it should be a little shorter...hey, it's a
Progress after all!!!

By Paulus:
Small amendment to weapons_ru entry.
It was still pointing to old Re.2002m class instead of Re.2001m.
Please use this one:
# RE-2001m
RE-2001m.default Default
RE-2001m.2x100kg 2x100 kg Bombs
RE-2001m.2x100kg+1x240lTank 2x100 kg Bombs + 240l Droptank
RE-2001m.1x250kg+2x100kg 1x250 + 2x100 kg Bombs
RE-2001m.1x250kg 1x250 kg Bomb
RE-2001m.1x500kg 1x500 kg Bomb
RE-2001m.1x630kg 1x630 kg Bomb
RE-2001m.1xTorpedo 1xTorpedo
RE-2001m.none Empty