Hello Sonny,
First off thank you, and you may scrutinize, no problem!
I think behind the number `white 11`it should be RLM 78. Reason being:
~ This was a late war modification (around April, 1945). Paint was in EXTREME short supply, and thus, very hard to get.
~ Judging by the foto on page 41, it looks much lighter then RLM 75, and although RLM 78 had been discontinued via
technical bulletin, it was probably 'on hand', or, its whatever the painter happen to grab.
The cowl is a tuff one. I see no evidence of a painted over JG53 symbol, so therefore no reason to believe this is a panel from a former JG53 aircraft. Reasons I decided on that colour on the cowl:
~ Staring at the foto, inverting the colours, making known colour example into black and white with simular contrast, I
can safely say the cowl was mostly done in RLM 81 & RLM 83.
~ The RLM 27 Luft 4 50cm stripe, thats the controversy. In the book 'Augsburg's Last Eagles - Colors, Markings and Variants' is a better foto, although still with contrast. In my eyes, I can see no stripe, but I put anyways. That may change.
Other then that, the rest of the paint seems typical for a WNF built G-10. I think the truth lies somewhere inbetween the two books, and
thats what I try to show here.
Yes.. I'd like to get rif of the radio mast too..
Best Regards!