many years ago...[/b]]
Im not quite sure whether this should not have it, but it appears that the sea fury has a large amount of roll to the right without trim, and you cannot seem to trim the ailerons so i have to trim the rudder which only medicorely fixes the problem and leads to the aircraft falling into a spin alot easier.
I too have this problem with this pack, especially the Sea Fury. But for me, I have a severe roll to the left and it's impossible to trim out. The Tempests in the pack also have the issue but to a lesser extent.
Funny thing is, my friend who has an identical version of the game and mods, can trim and fly with no problem. Other than some key binds, our settings/mods are the same.
Our version: 4.12.2m from Steam (directory moved)
SAS Engine Mod 2.7
Guncam Tracers
Screenshot propeller v2
TEST 412 FPS friendly engine start smoke
Sound mod for MG/Cannon, not sure by who
Mods loaded through #SAS dir, not JSGME (its empty). IL2 Selector is set to SAS Modact.
We fly the stock tempest mk V a lot and while we can't quite get it to go perfectly straight (as with any other AC for that matter, save for maybe ones with contra-rotating props), it only requires minimal rudder trim to get it going without having to make constant adjustments during cruise.
Another thing is that as soon as I load the Sea Fury in QMB,
it violently rolls to the left and the left wing tip points at the ground and the whole AC begins to nose dive.
I then give it some elevator trim to get it flat but I have to give it a ton of rudder right trim and while it stops the rolling to left (starboard? port? whiskey?... I'll stick to left and right

, the AC begins to slip right and the only way to get it to fly straight is to tip the left wing so that it flies about 10 degrees leaning left. I only have to do this in the stock Tempest MkV if I have severe wing damage. Turn and slip indicator shows 20 LEFT. In a test, my buddy flew his in QMB, didn't get the violent left roll upon spawning and was able to trim it with the turn and slip indicator in the center. It felt about the same as the stock MkV for him. Same with the other AC included in the pack.
And like kaxii mentioned, it has a tendency to snap-stall very easily.
If there was a problem with my stick, then all AC would exhibit this behavior.
On another note, we
removed this pack (and Hurri pack) and installed the older Sea Fury by SAS Cirx and it has the same problem for me but not for my friend.
I also installed a P40 pack just to check and was able to trim those out nearly perfectly.
I even reinstalled my game.In the original post, it says that non-DBW flyers need Diff_FM but I believe it is already included in SAS Engine mod.
At this point, I am completely baffled as to what the problem is. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long post, I just want to supply as much information as possible.