So, yeah. This is the first thing I uploaded here (apart from pics), and it may actually be useful.

pdittrich at 2012-06-17
What it does:
When you use
this tool, the old and venerable classcheck.exe, it creates a file called doublon.txt, in which your conflicting classfiles are listed.
I found this file somewhat hard to read, especially since mine is >20kb, and it sometimes is just cluttered with information you don't even want. Such as conflicts between your newly installed mod and your XTD folder (and to my knowledge, overwriting these files is the whole point of some mods) or conflicts between mods that are not even activated (de-activated by putting a "-" in front of the folder's name). With all them listed, finding the actual problem can be hard.
At this point, enter my programm. It asks/looks for the location of your doublon.txt file and then gives options how to reorder the long list of conflicts, namely, not displaying XTD conflicts and not displaying inactive mods. Also, the conflicts are shown in a way that is easier to understand (at least for me), as it can be seen above. The names are not autoshortened but it always takes only the first 20 letters.
It should be ridiculously easy to use, and if not, there is a built-in "How-To".
Download here v1.01Moar pics:

For credits, I don't know who wrote
classcheck.exe, but it sure is a great tool.
This program I wrote myself, see included EULA for details what you are allowed to do with it

No worries, beerware license.
This version is distributed as-is for now.
I am always open for suggestions, bug reports etc., so feel free to do so.
Version 1.0, so to speak, contains:
-Loading, reading and reorganization.
-XTD conflicts can be suppressed ( =not shown).
-conflicts with disabled folders can be suppressed.
-"simple doublons" (same name and content) are omitted.
Version 1.01
-added "autoload"-feature, now automatically loads the doublon.txt if there is one in the same directory.
(how could I have forgotten this?
