Hi "GAE_Chape", and I would also like to say
A big hello to all,

I have long been absent from the forum for several months now, an unfortunate events in my life and
various health problems, they was not possibility to continue what I had planned for the Corsairs...
then a lot of problems with my actual graphics card

for correctly play with Il2,
it is a bit of a drag (

great sorrow) ...everything stayed in standby since four months...
Now, I have a little more time to devote, and try to fix all that...
All main default templates are corrected now if I am well organized, the work can go quickly (these are just the
layer group transfer to make for all squadron models)...
but, my main problem is the conversion into "indexed color"

(color compression)
and the countless retouching to make on some models, this is what gonna take the more time

it is imperative that everything is as perfect as possible (quality and sharpness of detail especially)...

And if all goes well (fingers crossed) and if I have not problem or unexpected,
I could release may be the new pack between 25 December and 1 january,
to give you a beautiful Christmas, (I'd like good)...

hi to all and very soon... I hope...
Big Hugs runny from Normandy...
...Muuuuuh! sorry for the bad English...