Welcome to RedSpade's Helmet EmporiumWhat the well dressed Pilot or EWO is wearing this seasonThis is not necessarily a mod. This is a resource kit to manipulate two elements inside of an existing and available mod. In this resource kit there are more than 130 different helmets that are pre-made and ready to install into your F-4 Phantom mods folder. Only a a minimal amount of file renaming is required on your part. Also included, is more than 50 different pre-made face shields. In addition, I've included a helmet and shield void image so you can "roll your own".
Optionally, you can take one or the supplied TGA images, load it into your graphics program, add some of insignias of your own, or re-color to suit your tastes, and save them (make sure the TGA compression is not on/used). Viola, you've just personalize your own helmet/face shield.
Complete instructions are in the included ReadMe file.
Download ==>
https://www.mediafire.com/?juju4be4atsjdjdI would like to add a personal thanks to Beebop of MT4 for his encouragement to get involved. This was so much fun!
Also this is my first attempt at modding, if this really is a mod. It seems more like adding electronic paint than modding. I just put a bunch of pieces together for your use.
Credits go to the following: (I hope I did not forget anyone, let me know if I did)
LC_Crafts,OC-Tiger, Wasted, Ton414, Mario71, Batbomb, Vega, The_Alaska_Man, 51sfts_FC, BT~MilanTarik,and Ranwars
if not for the hard work of the people mentioned above, I could not have brought you this fun making set of resources. If you don't enjoy this and have fun with it, then . . . well WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU.