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Author Topic: WIP Spanish nationalist CantZ-506.  (Read 8138 times)

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WIP Spanish nationalist CantZ-506.
« on: May 25, 2012, 08:22:21 AM »

Hello all, here is what I originally created my CantZ-506 template for. ;)

With the german and Italian sea rescue service skins out of the way I'm now finally
making a start with the aircraft used by the Spanish Nationalist forces.

The three aircraft that were delivered appear initially to be in a single colour overall, I've gone
for aluminium but it could be light Grey.

Later photographs show the aircraft to have quite distinctive upper and lower colours, but for
the moment I'm doing the aircraft as they were very early in their carreer.

The skin above is a test for placement and will in due course have codes added.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: WIP Spanish nationalist CantZ-506.
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2012, 08:46:56 AM »

Really cool MB. Wondering If is there any chance you can create a He45 skin (and edit the Heinkel 60 floats) so we can have a nationalist Heinkel 60 too.



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Re: WIP Spanish nationalist CantZ-506.
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2012, 09:45:15 AM »

Great work, Mission bug. I wanted to make all this hidro skins myself, but no time lately.
I guess you have already seen sites like this, where they posted interesting pics and discuss the colours.


I've got some good pics that may be you already have but I can try to post them later, to help a little bit.

I only would make black discs on wings a little smaller and closer to wing tips, which were painted in white, as you already know.

You'll add the red rays on fuselage and numerals later, wont you?

Great work, indeed.


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Re: WIP Spanish nationalist CantZ-506.
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2012, 03:22:21 PM »

This is another good site with lots of pics of the Airones in Spain and some texts in English:



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Re: WIP Spanish nationalist CantZ-506.
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2012, 02:57:00 AM »

Hello RealDarko, time at the moment is in short supply so a skin to represent the Heinkel would not be forthcoming any time soon, sorry, the Cant is what I'm working on when time allows.

PA-Asis I believe did some for the He-45 which fit, as here, although in this instance the codes are for that version, but you could use it as a stop gap until someone can do an actual Heinkel with the appropriate codes for you.

The floats I did for a skin representing a French Potez 25 floater, the link to that skin is in the original He-60 thread and with it is the file skinPo to change the floats, just drop that into the relevant part of the mod.  The floats are from the Arado-196 and I used a template from that aircraft to colour the floats.

Note:  V3 of the He-60 mod has the float colour altered. ;)

Hell juanmalapuente, the skin in its current form is based on the photographs of aircraft 73-1 and 73-2 which are both featured in the thread in the second link you posted.  They appear to be in a single overall colour which I take it is the delivery scheme and without the fuselage flash so that is how they will be finished, not sure if 73-3 would be the same as those at the time it was delivered, the photographs of that particular aircraft all show it with the fuselage flash and wearing a two colour scheme.  One of the delivery photographs does show an un-marked aircraft carrying the fuselage flash, maybe that is the aircraft that became 73-3 and is why there is a profile of the single overall scheme featured in the thread.

The intention is to create each aircraft in what I call the delivery scheme and also in the later two colour finish, that hopefully satisfies all with regard to the aircraft camouflage. ;)  The size of insignia is still in progress, although I judged size from the model of 73-3 in the thread.  Wing tip colours have still to be added.  The images posted were of the skin as I finished positioning of things last night so there are still things to do including the codes.

There is a profile of one of the aircraft in a land camouflage scheme in the thread, yet I have no photographic evidence confirming that scheme, would be nice to know something about it although i doubt my painting abilities could create the patern well.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: WIP Spanish nationalist CantZ-506.
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2012, 08:05:17 AM »

Hello all, this is the skin so far.

Aircraft 73-1 of IE-73.  Wing tip bands added, insignia made smaller and engine nacelles painted.

I don't have a font available that replicates the text as seen on the actual aircraft
so this will have to do until something better turns up.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: WIP Spanish nationalist CantZ-506.
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2012, 01:43:23 PM »

That's a really great work. What I do with the strange fonts (usual in SCW) is to transform the text layer in image layer and manipulate it, add different parts, repaint the letters and numbers to make them like the ones in the pictures.
Looking forward those skins.


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Re: WIP Spanish nationalist CantZ-506.
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2012, 02:58:18 PM »

Hello all, here is the progress so far. ;)

I've tried as best as I can to portray the codes as close as possible to the photographs, my skills are severely lacking
where it comes to manipulating font though so it is as good as I can get it.

Here is the link again for anyone who hasn't seen the article on the Spanish Cant 506:


Aircraft 73-1 and 73-2 as near to the photographs as I can get.

These aircraft appear to be in a single overall colour, aluminium or grey with metal engine nacelles.

Aircraft 73-3 in various photographs and in one profile would again appear to be in a single overall
colour fairly early on its career but with a red fuselage flash and devoid of the 1-E-73 badge.
I've added the Cant 506 inscription to the nose but one photograph would appear just to show
a round coloured area here and much smaller.  It may be a badge of some description or just a
circle of colour, not sure.

Aircraft 73-4 is as the first two aircraft because there is very little photographic coverage of it, in
one photo she is seen alongside 73-3 and both carry the flash and 1-E-73 badge but the image isn't
clear enough, too much light shinning on the fuselage, to disern whether both are in the overall aluminium
colour or painted as per that rather gorgeous model kit assembled by Dusan Slezak. :-\

73-3 is the only aircraft where there are photographs of it in a distinctive upper and lower camouflage
scheme so the problem now is should I do all the four aircraft in that later scheme or just 73-3. 
Also the model by Dusan Slezak shows it to carry a blue fuselage flash so is there any written evidence
to confirm either red or blue for the aircraft using both the early and late scheme.

If anyone can provide an answer to some of these colour problems please post your thoughts.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: WIP Spanish nationalist CantZ-506.
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2012, 03:44:16 PM »

The Cant Z506 were in standard Italian camouflage - Originally in overall Aluminium paint,at some point in 1938-39 they began to be repainted with the new Italian scheme of bluish slate-grey on the oversurfaces and the sides of the fuselage, and of light-grey undersides.
To make matters more complicated, some Cant Z506 also bore civilian airlines colors - overall biancho-avorio (yellowish cream-white).
Color photographs of the period illustrate these schemes.
The color of the flash on the sides of the Z506 is more problematic - it was basically a civilian insignia. All the period illustrations I could find show it as blue. And the color of this flash on the Polish Z506 was definitively also blue. On the other hand all the profiles consistently show it as red on the Spanish machines...and a red flash insignia was also part of a complex red over ivory-white decoration scheme of at least one known civilian machines. It must be understood that these flash insignia colors were not choosen by "chance" but represented the area of operation of the civilian italian seaplanes - transatlantic, mediterranea, middle east/red sea - the colors being blue, red and black.



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Re: WIP Spanish nationalist CantZ-506.
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2012, 12:31:11 PM »

Thank you very much for that info Dreamk it would seem to confirm that I was probably interpreting the photographs I've seen correctly in that aluminium was the overall colour of the aircraft delivered to Spain. 

Seeing as we already have Italian skins for the Cant that have the red fuselage flash it may be appropriate to conclude that the military adopted red for the meditteranean as did the civilian operators.  Could it be that some or all of Spanish aircraft were diverted from an Italian military order, some having already adopted some of the markings, hence the photograph showing one of the aircraft with the flash in Spain which I've finished as 73-3?  Maybe that aircraft actually became 73-4, or there could have been two aircraft delivered with the flash so maybe I should actually add that also to 73-4.

The photograph which shows 73-3 and 73-4 together could actually be the aircraft in the early aluminium scheme with 73-3 having by that time had the Escuadrilla 1-E-73 badge applied, or it could be both aircraft in the later grey scheme, shame the photograph has so much light reflecting off the fuselage of both aircraft.

The blue doesn't appear to fit with the area of operations for the aircraft, yet on the black and white photographs the shade I think would probably more suggest blue than red, but interpretation of any such photographs is always difficult due to the age, time and lighting of the image.  A further complication is we have both blue and white fuselage flashes illustrated already on the skins for the existing aircraft in sim, addmittedly these are for a different variant to what I'm trying to illustrate here but it all starts to get rather confusing doesn't it as by the civilian colour code blue is transatlantic if I'm interpreting your data correctly.  Maybe there is more at play here, did Italian military aircraft determine the colour of the flash by squadron and if so could it be that the Spanish adopted the colour used by particular Italian units flying the cantZ-506.

I think I'll go with blue for the later schemes, it is possible there was some decree from the Spanish ministry of Defence on this issue when the aircraft were re-painted, the truth will probably be lost in the mists of time.

The re-paint also brings forth another query, had this taken place before the loss of cant 73-1 on the 28th October 1938, or was it done at a later date?  If later had 73-4 actually been re-painted before she was written off in January 1939.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: WIP Spanish nationalist CantZ-506.
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2012, 01:52:50 PM »

Aircraft delivered to Spain from various Italian sources, some civilian, even from outside the mediterranean theater, some diverted from various military units. If we add to that the fact that the Italian air force looked at Spain as a perfect field to experiment the new camoflages schemes being developped incidentely in these very years, all what appeared on Italian planes can be found in Spanish skies. Even the most improbable becomes true if one looks throroughly enough for sources. I found recently a photo taken on a Spanish airfield, early 1939 - officially depicting a regular Fiat Br20 delivered to Spain. A careful examination of this photo shows that it is without any doubt one of the first examples of the Br20M that is siupposed to never have been serving under Spanish skies or colours.


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Re: WIP Spanish nationalist CantZ-506.
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2012, 03:35:23 PM »

Hello Dreamk, yes the Spanish Civil War was certainly the major testing ground for aerial warfare leading into WWII, all the types of aircraft, operational theories and camouflage were tested in that theatre and would be used to devastating effect both in that conflict and later as axis forces pushed across Europe during the Blitzkreig.

This is probably what makes that period of aviation history so facinating to most aircraft enthusiasts.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
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