After French and British aircraft, time has come for last plane (but not the least one) of this batch of "La Gloriosa" aircraft to join "La Gloriosa", straight from Czechoslovakia, the Letov S-231

The first batch of eight Letov S.231s arrived in Spain at the end of March 1937, and after assembly, were transferred to the Bilbao sector. Two of these aircraft were almost immediately damaged during test flights - This had nothing to do with lacking of the right blue prints or incorrect assembling of these aircraft, a myth that still can be found in a lot of publications).
The aircraft were mainly in some fighter, but mostly reconnaissance, coastal support and ground attack missions. The last surviving aircraft was captured by the Nationalists in October 1937
The next batch of nine S.231s arrived at Barcelona in May and June 1938. They were assembled and formed into the 2a Escuadrilla of Grupo 71, assigned to coastal patrol and city defense duties. They operated mainly from the airfield of BaƱolas. Two of these aircarft survived the Civil War and were pressed into service with the Ejercito del Aire with Grupo (type code) 3W, together with the S.321 that was captured in the Zone North. One of them was still flying on the 1st of March 1940.
The QMB viewer will always show the plane with a 4 guns configuration, but the plane will appear in the game with the selected correct configurations - 2 Vickers MkIII, or 4 ZB vz. 30 or 2 wing Vickers MkIII and 1 additional synchronized Vickers MkIII mounted on the left side of the cowling - a remembrance of the old Breguet 14 froward machine gun and synchronization mechanism (what it was possibly and even probably).
At the difference of previous planes in this pack, the Letov has a more historically plausible, if not correct, cockpit.
Concerning the compass - it works, but get stuck in high speed turns or brutal changes of direction - probably as in real life as it was a single axe compass.
download link: to air ini:
Letov_S231 air.Letov_S231 NOINFO i01 SUMMER
Additions to
Letov_S231 Letov S231, 1934
Additions to
# Letov_S231
Letov_S231.2xVickers 2 Vickers MkIII 7.7mm
Letov_S231.4xVz30 4 ZB vz. 30 7.92mm
Letov_S231.3xVickers 3 Vickers MkIII 7.7mm
Letov_S231.none Empty
This mod is for 4.10 and has been tested on SAS modact and DBW 1.7
This package is freeware.
This software may be freely used, copied and distributed with the following restrictions:
1) the present post must be included as a "Readme" text file.
2) DO NOT place these files anywhere that requires a fee for downloading.
3) DO NOT place any of these files in any commercial package or any CD collection without the authors consent.
Original 3d Model: Martin Dolejsi
3dModel re-work, Java Files, FM: Dreamk
Skins and template: Agracier
Flight Testing: Real Darko
Theses files should not cause any problems with your computer, but we accept no responsibility if you think it does.
Thanks to Oleg Maddox and Qtim for creating Il2 and opening the gates to Mod creation, to Kumpel for his matrix tool, and thanks to SAS for enabling modders to share their knowledge on Il2 modding.