The GC II / 5 P40 F's were from 33rd FG,they have an MTO camouflage :
Touch-up paint to blot US markings, seem to have been made with fresh dark earth paint, or with the French color "chocolate"
View on the wings and fuselage
a black & white photo
Hello Mr. Le père Magloire.
Could it be that you are one of this NN fan ?

or that you have some relation with Normandy ?
Thanks for coming to the rescue and Thanks for these pictures and video link you provided us with. After the reading of specialized litterature ,this is the kind of document I use to rely on to paint my models.
As soon as you know that these aircrafts were painted in accordance with MTO scheme , and that we have the chance to get colour pictures , even old, that leaves very little doubt. !.Now , about the exact shade...all is in the eye of the artist , and that's why modelling is so funny.
There has never been one aircraft ressembling another as far as colours are concerned. All we can do is approaching the reality as much as we can, and the most seriously.
What is true today was true 70 years ago. ( Look at Rafales on the " Grand Charles ", some are looking as if they had been painted 20 years ago , and others look like they are just coming out of the paintshop. Moreover , they are operated under peaceful circomstances and so we could expect that they are well taken care of and that there is no shortage of paint cans !)
One thing is sure , the rendering of these worn out , oil stained and dirt covered ,Lafayette aircrafts in models , or skins is a real challenge and my hat off to anybody who takes the challenge on his shoulders.
Sonny Tucson