28 pavas were delivered to Nationalist army in September and November, 1936. They were organized in 4 escuadrillas. Legion Condor operated one and the other three were passed to Spaniards. She was supossed to be a modern aircraft that could replace the old Breguet XIX bombers, but resulted they weren't superior in any aspect.
Anyway, they fulfilled their duties as light bombers and observation planes over Andalucia, Aragón and Central Spain, having important rol in some famous battles, such as Belchite.
All the Nationalists He-46 had the code 11, but serial numbers started apparently from 150. Some authors say that it was to make enemy believe that they had much higher number of planes.

All the skins in the pack are historic, based in pictures. I'm afraid that as usual, some of the planes were extensively photographied, while others never appear, so, since I don't want to invent skins, I made only the ones I found. If anybody has pics for other planes with other serials, I would be really happy to make skins, If you send them to me.
Other funny thing in this batch is that almost all of the planes have early and late skins. Curiously enough, most of the He-46 were repainted in some moment and is hard to know when, because you can find group pics from 1937 and 1938 with a mix of different Camos and patterns. They all arrived in 1936 in grey colour, and different camos were applied earlier to some and later to others.
I also added a postwar skin of one of the few survivors.
Thanks to DreamK for this amazing mod and to Murdoc, who uploaded the template I used. Great template, I had most of the work already done.
You can download them here:
https://www.mediafire.com/?yrft0v62vxfotvtThis time I just post a few more unusual photos. You can easily find many more in the web.

Escorted by He-51

Ready to bomb something

I don't know what is wrong with this pic. Every time I turn it, comes back to this position. I wanted to post it because it's such a beautiful pic, with the whole squadron of 7 planes.

Camos far from a standard again

11-176 flying with a "polaca" over Aragon.

Have fun.