Here we are today again mates. After Emil 1 void "retrofit"

as said I wanted to "overhaul" all the previously released Emils skins, now on its correct version, and with latest up to day things we now about them.
So, here are 20 skins for Emils in SCW. Now I was able to identify accurately various numbers with its exact model (because new photos mainly), so every aircraft on this pack is correctly identified. They could be even more but some of them remain unidentified, others were not specially brilliant skins (no identify markings, very far photos and so) and some of them I didn't made because simply I thought 20 skins for the moment are enough

. Best known aircraft anyway are in the pack.
About colours, I don't remember again if I has upload at any moment the old pack around here, but if yes and some of you remember its Emils were at that moment all painted on RLM 62 instead of 63. After looking many photographs and some books I now think it's probable some aircraft were 62 painted at any moment, possibly close after arriving, those aircraft are identified on photographs easily and you can see they are from first period (we are talking about 4 months here from arriving to war end, so may be a month, or even weeks) and on that period they had numbers painted but not unit markings, that's very clear. Later looks like they were all repainted same colour (63) and this time with unit markings. For now and normal use it has no sense, I think, to make two or three versions of a paint that an aircraft wore for a few months (but I did some on B models skins, yes), so now they are all "late version". About unit markings and aircraft "better painted", after I saw some of the photographs, supposed to be on Leon Aerodrome, they probably are from the another four moths period Condor Legion was in Spain after the war and until their come back to Germany, specially 3J88 aircraft (mickey mouse) so probably many aircraft operated during war with no unit markings. As we can't know 100% sure at the moment I let them like you can see, but it's more than probable that paint wasn't a "war paint" (really unit markings only).
Here they are...
Emil 1

Yes, AFAIK there are only one full photo of this aircraft, it's dated well after the war, but very clearly we can see the famous Hans Schmoller-Haldy aircraft was an Emil 1 and not 3. Behind it, 6-106 is the preserved aircraft on Munich Deutches-museum, there you can see it like and Emil 3 but it was an Emil 1 even on after war photographs so we don't know the moment at its armament was changed...

Second Emil arrived to Spain, first of them, 6-87, was an Emil 3

(also in the pack) so we can conclude really Emil 1 and 3 were developed at the very same time...

Emil 3

One of those probably on "after the war" paint...
DOWNLOAD EMIL SKIN PACKMore coming, now it's time to those first Emils over Poland and France
