Hey Max....Just about to cut some Desert Grabs... Thanks for the interesting Mail. Hahaha! Some of you guys are absolutely bonkers.
Have any of you heard about Jaime Maussan.
He is a journalist from DFe Mexico City who is one of the top UFO researchers anywhere who took films along with the Airforce of those incredible multiple sightings over DFe. Saucers ducking down and up over office buildings and it was no joke, no hoax. Witnessed by thousands at
lunch hour and It had nothing to do with The USA.
I do believe I can find some of that film.
Now as far as Roswell goes. The USAAF base has been gone for close to 60 years so I've heard. The crash took place not there, but out on the desert about 20 miles from the military base on private property. The crash was seen by two ranchers,,however after the news release by the Airforce,that this had been seen, everything changed to weather balloons overnight,What was reported was that parts of the saucer and two small humanoids we refer to now as the Greys , One died in the crash and the other shortly after the military arrived at the crash site.
After that, everything was packed up including the two grey bodies and flown within the next 24 hours up to Wright Patterson Air Force base in Ohio and putin special ice coffins and high security was placed in building 2.

When people attempt to disprove these events,and there have been many disbelievers, there have been many more people who were there
and were in the Military who swear they were were witness to all of this from a Brigadier General to several Bird Colonels as well as NCO's Staff Sargent s and civilian government workers. They were all told to shutup or face heavy prosecution by the government. This was top secret.
Check in with your friends and I'll find some of the film from Mexico City. You know how to reach me...Night!!