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Author Topic: Dornier Pack 2  (Read 15304 times)

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Re: Dornier Pack 2
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2013, 08:43:02 PM »

Yeah, pack 2 has been gone for quite a long time now.


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Re: Dornier Pack 2
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2013, 03:58:03 AM »

Still not there.  :(

I just sent a PM to RDDR at A&A requesting to make these available again. Let us wait for his reaction :)

RDDR Hangar19

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Re: Dornier Pack 2
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2013, 11:29:47 PM »

 Hi Maurice, Their coming. I have been pretty busy this last half week but I will keep at it. VP?
  I found the Desert.
 I also have a Finnish, one as well as some BOB's.
 I'm going to send two Blanks for each. One completely Un marked, and another with Unit Markings so you can fly as many as you need
 for Missions and Camp's . I just looked at the original releases guys. You have some but not everything.
  OK Maurice, VP, Take Care,      Einfeld  as they say in Mexico and up here in Santa Fe, "Relajate Muchacho"

I'll pack up what I have got later in the day tomorrow,
Maurice, I forgot, "Clean out your mailbox" :o

RDDR Hangar19

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Re: Dornier Pack 2
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2013, 01:04:00 AM »

Evening guys, Attempting to do a bit better on these birds. I cut some Grabs of one Dornier from KG/3  which was one of the last
 units to stand down in Russia, and then converted to Ju88's. What I have done is show it in Standard livery,then it was painted during the winter months with white distemper which eventually wore off as it was water based but often times worked even better than the first paint.
 I have  then taken the same aircraft  and put up a version with KG/3 Markings in Winter and lastly a blank using the Sim markings.
 I have the Do 17 in  Italian Sand and RLM 83 Green and RLM 78. I am going to put up a few from the same unit in another desert scheme as well as standard Camo as a good few of these planes were not painted in Sand. Only a few sections.
Lastly A few more Grabs  which include  Channel based aircraft. .for you all.
I'm going to talk with Duggy and we're going to put them into a clean section at A&A  for all of you.
Try to be patient guys...I'm trying to do my best to get them to everyone both at A&A and here ASAP.
 Here's a little something to look at.I have 6 more but still have to do some fixing in the AM and more after that.
 By the way.....  We all had some mechanical difficulties last Summer and I do believe  Pack 2 is no more,however I'm going to make this one
 with as many options as I can.
Nght All,




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Re: Dornier Pack 2
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2013, 07:48:50 PM »

Please make sure you guys make a Do-17 desert skin. It is much needed.


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Re: Dornier Pack 2
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2013, 07:49:37 PM »

Thanks for the up date RDDR, looking forward to your awesome crafting. ~S~
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Re: Dornier Pack 2
« Reply #18 on: April 05, 2013, 08:42:44 PM »

Good looking paint on those aircraft. I like those winter schemes.
Thanks RDDR
Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening ! Welcome to SAS1946

RDDR Hangar19

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Re: Dornier Pack 2
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2013, 08:51:40 PM »

Hey Max....Just about to cut some Desert Grabs... Thanks for the  interesting Mail. Hahaha!  Some of you guys are absolutely bonkers.
Have any of you heard about Jaime Maussan.
 He is a journalist from DFe Mexico City who is one of the top UFO researchers anywhere who took films along with the Airforce of those incredible multiple sightings over DFe. Saucers ducking down and up over office buildings and it was no joke, no hoax. Witnessed by thousands at
lunch hour and It had nothing to do with The USA.
I do believe I can find some of that film.
Now as far as Roswell goes. The USAAF base has been gone for close to 60 years so I've heard. The crash took place not there, but out on the desert about 20 miles  from the military base on private property. The crash was seen by two  ranchers,,however after the news release by the Airforce,that this had been seen, everything changed to weather balloons overnight,What was reported was that parts of the saucer and two small humanoids we refer to now as the Greys , One died in the crash and the other shortly after  the military arrived at the crash site.
 After that, everything was packed up including the two grey bodies and flown within the next 24 hours up to Wright Patterson Air Force base in Ohio and putin special ice coffins and high security was placed  in building 2. :D
When people attempt to  disprove these events,and there have been many disbelievers, there have been many more people who were there
and were in the Military who swear they were were witness to all of this from a Brigadier General to several  Bird Colonels as well as NCO's Staff Sargent s  and civilian government workers. They were all told to shutup or face heavy prosecution by the government. This was top secret.
 Check in with your friends and I'll find some of the film from Mexico City.  You know how to reach me...Night!!



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Re: Dornier Pack 2
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2013, 12:53:18 AM »

Hey Max....Just about to cut some Desert Grabs... Thanks for the  interesting Mail. Hahaha!  Some of you guys are absolutely bonkers.


AHAHAHA ROFL  :D  some of us are out of this world... literally !
We have some pilots from everywhere around here at SAS. From Everywhere!
I have read about that story (legend) of the Roswell incident and also involving some other nearby airbases
in the summer of 1947. I dont know what to make of it. There is no proof to see or something to point a finger at.
If its true, its the greatest event in human history since we invented how to make fire. If its a hoax, then its the
worlds greatest hoax.
It´s just an idea that has been circulating in the air now for quite awhile and it might come true. Perhaps.
If you do live nearby we would love to have some aerial photographs of it from the 1940s or
1950s if you can find it in some old book in the local town library. It would help in creating a more realistic
armed forces airbase. It was a very importante nuclear armed air base. Someone once told me that the air base was
also used to test Luftwaffe aircraft after the WW2 and also a few Soviet machines later on. I am still trying to find
more information about this. Up to now I have come up with blank pages.
Anyway enough of that ,

I am enjoying seeing your new spotted camo schemes on those classic Luftwaffe bombers.
Excellent coloring on them. This will be a much anticipated and sought after set of skins for every IL2 fan.
Thanks once again RDDR.
Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening ! Welcome to SAS1946

RDDR Hangar19

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Re: Dornier Pack 2
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2013, 05:51:44 AM »

 Thanks Max, for the kind words.
Over the weekend  I'll keep looking for more and if I get lucky I will send the Photos,Maps or  the film of the big UFO gathering in Washinton. The coolest thing about that is most all the guests are ex military with a great deal of info to share like this Captain who was in charge of a ICBM  complex up in Montana that just disarmed itself and shut down when a UFO hovered over the buildings.....
5:45 AM gotta hit the sack...Talk soon

RDDR Hangar19

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Re: Dornier Pack 2
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2013, 04:10:05 AM »

 Hi guys,
More Do-17/2 Bombers for A&A and SAS.
Several Grabs. Things moving a lot more quickly this evening. even as I had things to do and lost a couple of hours.
It seems that German Desert aircraft are a little scarce according to a number of people. I Just saw Armin has posted his Desert Stuka  pack and  don't forget the JU-52'swhich were really the backbone of the Afrika Korps....Excuse my Spelling if it needs excusing.
Manana RDDR

When The Afrika Korps  landed In North Africa,  the Supply line was moving much slower. The Italians already in Parts of North Africa
helped at that time with paint and other supplies as The luftwaffe was still playing catchup with their supply chain.
I have always liked a lot of those soft but bright Italian Desert Colors.
These two Dorniers were painted in Soft Sand, Bright Green, and Rusty Brown Camo.

For the new skinners that have been looking, go no further than over to A&A.
I have posted the Italian paint chip plates,however Try to verify from Photos as they are out on the Internet.



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Re: Dornier Pack 2
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2013, 04:20:16 AM »

cool, the winter camo looks especialy good :)
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