Hold on guys!!!

I'm sure we can release something to get people started hopefully soon..
A foundation template that can be worked on and improved by other skinners.
No one is accusing anyone of anything here ,however we have been concerned on more than a few occasions where
people have released skins as theirs, that have many elements of our work,without any credits or recognition to the original artist or artists.
We are just being careful that this doesn't happen a lot as there have been several instances only just recently.
I cant ever remember turning down any serious skinners who personally approached me and asked if I could help them.
Many of my friends have given me a leg up when I have asked, however these last few incidents really upset our members,
and it all came from another unnamed site more than just once.
Rock is just being careful,and I don't blame him one bit.A lot of hours and days of work stolen.All they had to do was credit.
So,lets all get on with what we all enjoy.
