ah here goes combine again...
Thanks for checking in and taking the time to reply!
okay. Hmm.
Lets start:
Okay, you say you have disabled the UP3 mods in JSGME.
The 95% Crash:
a 95 percent crash, i sniff that out as the following:
you have disabled the UP3 mods, but have left UP3 (#UP#_Enable_UP3.0) active.
It is still written on the right side... right?

People regularly make that mistake, thinking that the whole setup is built like a House:
Top floor =DBW
Middle Floor =UP3
ground floor= 4.101
From the "Data and Files" Stucture, it indeed is.
But from the activation and stuff, To reach the DBW level and get that thing running, UP3 must be DIS-abled in JSGME.
I think the DBW guys have put in an elevator somewhere. and no exit on the middle floor
So what my Gut tells me:
Make some coffee.
Lets go back and remove everything from JSGME.
Then , in the Game selector, run a 4.101 standard game
(there is only one 4.101 - no "m")
That should run.
If it does... backup.
in JSGME, Enable the UP3 (#UP#_Enable_UP3.0)
In the selector, chose UP3
That should Run.
If it does, and you have a minute to spare, and a couple of Gigabytes on the HDD... "backup" (yea people hate me for that.)
Remove anything UP3related from JSGME
Chose DBW in the selector:
*crossing fingers, anxiously waiting*
(anyone else reading this and discovering i am talking BS, please tell me - )