Driveable Jeep Super Gunner Experiment (4.10 / DiffFM)------------------------------------------------------
by UberDemon/danzigzag
adapted from MAXHO's Jeep with .50 Cal machine gun
(DiffFM version - This was only tested with UltraPack 3 RC 4, but should work with Dark Blue World, and ModAct)
(This is the version of DiffFM that I use for UP -> )
WARNING: This MOD was created primarily for all-including super packs like UltraPack and Dark Blue World, because they already include all the weapons necessary for this mod to work... I cannot guarantee proper performance in the very flexible Mod enablers such as MODACT because you may not have all required weapon types installed, or vehicle added classes.

This is a "for-fun-only" Mod to allow you to experiment with different weapons, turning a Jeep into a weapon's platform, from small caliber MGs to Medium Flak, to rocket launching and even SAM (using AIM-9 Sidewinders)
For firing rockets, the rocket points to the last location fired. The same goes for firing the AIM-9s. For them to work as intended, you need to fire a salvo of two at a time. So 20 AIM-9s really mean 10 working shots, most of the time. The US Chaparral SAM system used AIM-9s for its missiles.
Super Thank you for MAXHO's work.
DOWNLOAD LINK: install, extract contents of archive to a temporary folder, change the name of the "[ModsFolder_#UP#_#SAS_#DBW_or_MODS]" folder to the proper Mods folder for your installation. Now move contents to IL-2 1946 folder, overwriting if asked.
You have to have the 4.10 DiffFm mod for this to work, which is located at:,12169.0.htmlAdd the contents below to the configuration files, as instructed.
[YourModsFolder] is:
#UP# for UltraPack 3 RC 4
#SAS for SAS ModAct
#DBW for Dark Blue World
MODS for other activators
(Note I have not used or tested with Histomod).
AIR.INI File (located at [YourModsFolder]\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects)
JeepGunner Jeep Super Gunner Experiment
# JeepGunner
JeepGunner.default 1x.50 Cal w/1000 rnds
JeepGunner.gun100 1x.30 Cal w/4000 rnds
JeepGunner.gun101 1x7.62mm ShKAS w/4000 rnds
JeepGunner.gun102 1x7.7mm Type 99 w/4000 rnds
JeepGunner.gun103 1x7.9mm MG-15 w/4000 rnds
JeepGunner.gun104 1x7.92mm MG-17 w/4000 rnds
JeepGunner.gun105 1x7.9mm MG-81 w/4000 rnds
JeepGunner.gun106 1x.50 Cal w/3500 rnds
JeepGunner.gun107 1x.50 Cal AP w/3500 rnds
JeepGunner.gun108 2x.50 Cal w/3500 rnds
JeepGunner.gun109 4x.50 Cal w/3500 rnds
JeepGunner.gun110 1x12.7mm UB w/3500 rnds
JeepGunner.gun111 1x13mm MG-131 w/3500 rnds
JeepGunner.gun112 1x20mm MG-FF w/3000 rnds
JeepGunner.gun113 1x20mm MG-151/20 w/3000rnds
JeepGunner.gun114 1x20mm ShVAK w/3000 rnds
JeepGunner.gun115 4x20mm Flak38 w/3000 rnds
JeepGunner.gun116 4x20mm Flack C30 w/3000 rnds
JeepGunner.gun117 1x23mm VYa 2/3000 rnds
JeepGunner.gun118 1x25mm Zenith w/3000 rnds
JeepGunner.gun119 1x25mm Japanese Flak w/3000 rnds
JeepGunner.gun120 3x25mm Japanese Flak w/3000 rnds
JeepGunner.gun121 1x30mm MK-103 w/2500 rnds
JeepGunner.gun122 1x30mm MK-108 w/2500 rnds
JeepGunner.gun123 1x37mm NS w/2500 rnds
JeepGunner.gun124 1x40mm Bofors w/2000 rnds
JeepGunner.gun125 2x40mm Bofors w/2000 rnds
JeepGunner.gun126 4x40mm Bofors w/2000 rnds
JeepGunner.gun127 4x45mm NS w/1500 rnds
JeepGunner.gun128 Rocket Launcher 50x132mm ROFS
JeepGunner.gun129 SAM Battery 20xAIM-9B
JeepGunner.gun130 SAM Site Defense 50xAIM-9B
JeepGunner.gun131 SAM Battery 20xAIM-9D
JeepGunner.gun132 SAM Site Defense 50xAIM-9D
JeepGunner.empty Empty
Best Regards,
UberDemon (AKA danzigzag)******************************************************For a 4.09 version of this mod see this
reply #85 by Ta183Huckebein.