I made some skins for warbirds, still flying today. After several requests, I decided to gather them in one post. These are skins I made some time ago.
HurricaneHistrorical skin of Hurricane MkIIc – KZ321 "JV-N" – G-HURY .
In the markings of No.6 Squadron on war service in Italy.
Skin made by _Harpia_Mafra55_
Template by Java Serval
Internal parts by Fly By Shooter
Hawker Sea Hurricane 1b, Z7015 (g-bkth) - no. 880sqn
Fleet Air Arm, Hms Indomitable, May 1942
Hurricane Z7015 was built by Canadian Car & foundry at its Fort William, Ontario, plant during 1940 as a Mk I, after flight testing Z7015 was shipped to the Uk. On june 27 1941 it was converted to Sea Hurricane ib standard. Z7015 had a patchy wartime flying career, which ended in 1943, when it was delivered to Loughborough College as an instructional airframe. It remained there until it was transferred to the Shuttleworth collection in 1961. Z7015 was used statically in the 'Battle of Britain' film.
Skin made by _Harpia_Mafra55_
Template by Java Serval
Internal parts by Fly By Shooter
Hurricane MkIIc - PZ865 In the markings of “JX-E”BE581, ‘Night Reaper’
flown by Flt Lt Karel Kuttelwascher DFC.
Skin made by _Harpia_Mafra55_
Template by Java Serval
Internal parts by Fly By Shooter
YakHistorical skin of Yak-3UA “Yellow 44” ? squad - 1944
flying today with code D-FYAG
Template by Jester.
Skin made by _Harpia_Mafra55_.
BF-109Historical skin of Bf 109E-7 White of 14 I(J)./LG2
september – 1940 today flying with code CF-EML
Skin made by Harpia_Mafra55_
Template made by Jester
Internal made by Shooter
P-51P-51D-30NT, 45-11525, " Val Halla "
57th Fighter Interceptor Squadron
Pilot - Maj. General William Anders USAF (Ret)
Template made by NN_Avirex
Skin Made by _Harpia_Mafra55_
F-86Skin of F-86 Skyblazers Sabre Dale 'Snort' Snodgrass (52-4959, NX86FR)
Reworked metal template and skin made by _Harpia_Mafra55_
Stencils and adicional panels made by Bad_Grant
Original Template and internals made by Peter_D
Skin of Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.5
Desert Rat – Pilot Ed Shipley
Skin and Metal layers by _Harpia_Mafra55_
Template by Bad_Grant
Original Template made by Peter_D