as requested
This new "Moon Mod" was created by TT. - All credit goes to TT.
It was originally posted on January 28, 2012.
The original link as since been deleted and gone, so I am uploading this for those
game fans who wish to see their game moon with a little more resolution and a little bit bigger.
=== DOWNLOAD === Moon Mod folder goes into your game in the following manner...
Just copy the folder and place it into your Modded game.
Take notice...I have done some "for fun" changes to my game and I am including some other
skin textures in this moon folder.
They have a "-" (minus sign) on their names.
When you wish to change the moon texture, just write a "-" minus sign in front of
a moon skin texture (so the game will not read that file) and rename one of
my new textures with the same name as the moon texture skin.
- This way it will appear in your game skies at sunset, or at night, or in the early morning sky.
My new texture files are named...
- Death Star (from Star Wars)
- Earth2
- Saturn
- MoonCities
Cheers and have a good flight at night looking at the moon.
If you believe this moon version is a little bit too large for your game skies,
a while back our good friend WxTech, also created his version of the Moon Mod...
here...,40517.msg453683.html#msg453683Give it a try also if you want to use that version.