This seems to be very hard to model.
You are right! I can't think of a possible way to make that shape without making the gun a more complicated mesh.
But if I do that then ship might not work!
So it's a dillema here. Either I raise polly cound and make the shelter look awsome or I go for a low polly approach.
I know how to model I just want to keep the gun low-polly because it will have tons of that guns.
Right now it's 125 pollys.And that without the base/small details so I'm estimating it will reach 300 pollys.
Just tell me how I can do that and still have that lovely curved shape.
Not possible I think.
I would love to build that but making a gun model a very large size while I'm already at the limit and when I put 1 more mesh file everything crashes is not wise I think.
You think I'm someone who does not know how to model.
I've been modelling in blender for 4.5 years now.
I may not have the great experience some of you do but this is an insult.
About Maggot I tottally respect him and his abilities but if you want to say things with their name he came and in 2 words told me your model is shit.
Would you not get angry?
I'm very sorry for it now I know he's experience but it's easy to remain calm when it's not your work critisized.
You tell me I should have being diplomatic. Well did he said to me "Hey this detail on the back is wrong I suggest you modify it that way.."
No he said you suck TD model is 1000 times better.
AND I'm the one who is out of order???
I have no diplomacy. And I like to discover things my own way.
I do not pretend to be expert, but this is the best I can do so far.
If you guys want to build a better ship and you can do it, go ahead and you'll have my full support.
Thx for the support all you gents , especially western for his nice details on the Yamato.