Yes, it wasn't my intention to kidnap Agracier post
, but it's too late. Sorry mate.
I wouldn't like to start being enemies so soon, we should know each other a little more before... (not as much as you know Arraez, please)
Start being enemies? XDD Not my wish, you can bet about that
. Even I don't know you, that would be foolish. And, yes, I was happier before know about those "birds", you don't know the half it...
I know what you "request", you are right, but you also miss there are a lot of things known by researchers but never published, in this case I don't know it at least as published. And yes, they are not published, but researchers and amateurs know them widely, they are not a secret, and so I said to you (the secrets I keep for myself...
). This is one of them, about the famous "camouflaged" Mosca. I know Arraez and Laureau publish even today, their publishers simply know them and continue publishing her materials, but, haven't you ever asked yourself why Arraez publish in France? He would say anything, but yes, it's because any Spanish publisher want him... Nobody take his "researches" in account here for a wide time ago
. He only publish little articles, or re-edit some book (in French). And that's because, not only his previous lies about lot of subjects, but also because "the way" he have "researched" all his life.
And only one last (very last) data...
Republican painting of aircraft was FAAAAAAR away from standardization
Yes, but faaaaaaarrrrr less you have been told by researchers like Arraez (and lot of more, Canario Azaola, Salas Larrazabal, and so...) in the past. Moscas were far more standardized than you're thinking, and no, red bands wide was pretty constant from aircraft to aircraft. You want them written on a book? You will have, full of things like that and much more, full of lies
proven to be false, as you want, with documents and physical proofs. But it's gonna be late for a while yet. I can't talk any more