I am not trying to hijack Malone's thread here, but it is an attempt to keep some like things together in the same place. Maybe that is a good thing. ?
I started using Benitomuso's TotalMODder Tool about seven months ago or so. {see that in the MODWORX section here => [
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,6.0.html ] } I learned how to divide my DBW install into separate game profiles, so for example I created an ETO game profile, PTO game profile, SCW game profile, and a WW1 game profile. I downloaded and used Malone's ICON packs and that worked really well. His icons are quite beautiful. As I expanded my use of the TotalMODder tool I began to have problems remembering which game profile each ICON represented. So I ended up creating my own set of ICONS, which, helped me better identify the related game profile.
But each day the great modders we have here in our community are creating more aircraft to play with and I started to see a need for a Vietnam game profile, and a Korean game profile, and perhaps soon an Arab-Israeli game profile. I had no suitable icons for any of these scenarios. So I fired up GIMP, opened a browser, and went crazy. I created a download package of more than 400 icons categorized into 10 folders (there are some duplicates) and there are more here than I will ever use, but, Hey!!! I had fun. Surely you will find some some icons here that might come in handy.
If you want art, then stick with Malone's, Max_theHitman's, Murdoc's, or VPMedia's work or the work of some of our other great artists here in the community. These are just 48x48 pixel hacks of material related to a "game profile" ideal. These will get the job done.Aviators, national symbols, Golden Age of aviation, famous people, blimps, helicopters,.....and so forth. Enjoy.
Thanks modders and artists for all of the great toys!