Welcome Mates,
Despite heavy r/l issues, here I present you a somewhat longtime abandoned project, it seemed we'll never get real long-winged Tonis. This Pack was first finished last year April. Placing them on E-7 wasn't sth. I appreciated, retarded me.
Thanks to SAS, after Docholiday came up with the longer tips, I thought it's time to refurbish, expand and release them.
30 historical and semi-historical Skins of
2. & 3. & 13./Jagdgeschwader 77
11./Jagdgeschwader 11
4.(Eins.) Jagdgruppe Drontheim
Jagdstaffel Helgoland

DOWNLOAD from Mission4Today:
http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=947Messerschmitt Bf 109 Tonis
Assorted Pack from Evaluating prototypes or so called delivery schemes, Jagdstaffel Helgoland, Jagdgruppe Drontheim, I./JG 77 and 11./JG 11 to some Misc. Skins of the exceptional Toni.
XYZ: ...\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\PaintSchemes\Skins\Bf-109T
These were planes planned for the carrier "Graf Spee" (as T-0, T-1 types, T for "Traeger" /Carrier). When the project was layed down, all carrier-stuff (tailhook etc.) was removed, but the fixed stuff (longer wings, other fuselage handholes) of course kept, plus GM-1 system added. These were called T-2 then.
All these Tonis where shared inventory, where there was notable record, see list below.
NJS 1 Yellow 1 ("Yellow 7" is fictional)
JG 77:
2./JG 77
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Red 5 "See Adler"
Red 9?
3./JG 77
Yellow 1 (Lt. Franz Wienhusen)
Yellow 3 (Uffz. Heinz Steinborn)
Yellow 7 "Erika" (Lt. Alfred Jakobi)
13./JG 77
White 4 (Lt. Alfred Jakobi)
11./JG 11:
Black 6 (StaKa Oblt. Herbert Christmann)
Black 9
Black 11
Black 14
4.(Eins.) JGr. Drontheim:
White 2 (Lt. Günther Eggebrecht)
White 3
White 5
White 8
White 10 (Uffz. Johannes Ranwig)
White 13
White 16 (Lt. Günther Eggebrecht)
Jasta Helgoland:
Green 1 (Fw. Erich Carius)
Green 2 (Uffz. Erich Ulmschneider)
Green 3 (Lt. Erich Hondt)
Green 4 (Uffz. Ewald Herhold)
Green 5 (Uffz. Rudolf Dölling)
Green 7 (Uffz. Oskar Menz)
Green 9 (Lt. Erich Hondt)
Green 24 (Uffz. Ernst Breton)
Template by Jesters-Ink
Have phunn and happy flying