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Author Topic: Red Tails movie  (Read 30063 times)

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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2011, 01:25:44 AM »

Itc Comes out on my Birthday!!! :D


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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #25 on: July 31, 2011, 07:40:57 AM »

Lucas films, wow this will be quite a treat for eyes and ears. awesome trailer too, so i'm excited!


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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #26 on: July 31, 2011, 07:50:43 AM »

You Guys crack me up!

              George Lucas a bit hollywood? Say it's not so.

              Don't believe for a minute that the P51 doing a quick stall to an inverted loop and catching up to an Me262 and then catching it in a dive is anything but CG.
I suggest asking any pilot who has flown a P51 to look at that and say whether a Mustang could perform that maneuvre.
              And the typical gas pot explosions from a cruiser hit with .50 cals I doubt it.

Am I a cynic? - you bet.

But will I go see it ? - you damn sure bet I will.

Will I enjoy it? - every damn over glorified over fantasized absolutely unbelievable moment of it.

And those of you loving  the SAS rennaissance of DBW, and watching or rewatching that film, should know that the filmmakers could'nt afford air to air shots of the quality that they desired, so they matted their pilot/cockpit shots which they did on a rig attachd to te back of an 18 wheeler, with outtakes from the 1969 yes 1969 Battle of Britain which they bought from the depths of the MGM archives, as that film still stands out as the outstanding achievement of air to air WW2 combat moviemaking.

See you at the movies.


ps Waiting for Ranwers next mod



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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #27 on: July 31, 2011, 09:42:48 AM »

The B-17  cockpit clip looks like its out off  the  ."MEMPHIS BELLE" Story 


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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #28 on: July 31, 2011, 10:33:36 AM »

              Don't believe for a minute that the P51 doing a quick stall to an inverted loop and catching up to an Me262 and then catching it in a dive is anything but CG.
I suggest asking any pilot who has flown a P51 to look at that and say whether a Mustang could perform that maneuver.

Thats possible with a 109, it has happened before. 262? Not a chance.


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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #29 on: July 31, 2011, 10:50:18 AM »

              Don't believe for a minute that the P51 doing a quick stall to an inverted loop and catching up to an Me262 and then catching it in a dive is anything but CG.
I suggest asking any pilot who has flown a P51 to look at that and say whether a Mustang could perform that maneuvre.

If you watch the trailer again, the P51 didn't chase that Me262. He didn't have to. As the P51 came out of his stall and rolled towards the 262, he fired a short burst into the engine of the 262, which caught fire and folded the wing. Quick snap shots like this were very common during WW2.



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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #30 on: July 31, 2011, 01:18:28 PM »

Wow... Maybe... Never mind.

How the hell can you mess up something lime that in a major movie for crying out loud...

The deaths head on LW aircraft was intentional - the LW is just not political enough for the propaganda objectives of the movie's director and producers---One sceen that was deleted was of a LW 109 pilot who has bailed out and is floating in a parachute wearing a red and black nazi sleeve armband on his flight suit, shooting a broom handled Mauser pistol at a mustang. 


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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #31 on: July 31, 2011, 01:38:25 PM »

  I would watch this film once it came on DVD, and a friend brought it round to watch... but to me it sounds like its going to create a new load of WW2 mis-conceptions & associated disagreements, during the hype build up & post film release (unless I hear/read different).
  But as much as it couid do that, it would also indirectly bring new people into the historical & gaming side of the community connection to learn, fly, enjoy with knowledge, to request and enquire etc.

  Hopefully Lucasarts have updated their CGI graphical systems & knowhow; of course they do, maybe I expect too much - excellent city scapes & droids, but not always as good CGI vehicles; could've sworn some of their CGI space ship/action scenes looked more like Wing Commander pixelated gfx than 'lesser' films CGI efforts, mmm, the games dept helped the film dept, so hopefully down the line, better Lucasarts games coming soon too...


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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #32 on: July 31, 2011, 01:43:18 PM »

Very cheesy CGI, but hey i'm a stickler for realism and that'd be no fun in a movie! Coming Fall 2012, Nachtjaegar the movie, featureing 120 minutes of jet black night sky, cockpit gauges and tracerless ammunition :P


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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #33 on: July 31, 2011, 01:57:05 PM »

Can't stand the cheesy hollywood CGI effects, looks worse than Pearl Harbor in that regard. They seem to think airplanes flying at hundreds of miles per hour while shooting at each other with machine guns is less than exciting so they gotta dumb it down until it looks so damn ridiculous.  They made another Tuskegee Airmen movie a few years back, I remember seeing it on cable. That one had Cuba Gooding also. I think it was Just called the Tuskegee Airmen. That one was not a big budget film but they at least used real planes for a lot of the shots.....


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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #34 on: July 31, 2011, 06:04:18 PM »

Can't stand the cheesy hollywood CGI effects, looks worse than Pearl Harbor in that regard. They seem to think airplanes flying at hundreds of miles per hour while shooting at each other with machine guns is less than exciting so they gotta dumb it down until it looks so damn ridiculous.  They made another Tuskegee Airmen movie a few years back, I remember seeing it on cable. That one had Cuba Gooding also. I think it was Just called the Tuskegee Airmen. That one was not a big budget film but they at least used real planes for a lot of the shots.....

yes, that's true, but since it was very low budget, the "gun camera" and cockpit actions were very poorly made. And there were countless parts repeated and then mirrored if you know what I mean. Also they weren't really flying in a dessert (they could have taken Arizona or Nevada but they didn't) but flew somewhere in the midwest (not sure but alteast not anywhere close to a dessert)


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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #35 on: July 31, 2011, 06:46:33 PM »

I Hate to say it Chaps But CLOD Movies look more realistic than the SGI they have used in this Movie
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