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Author Topic: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs  (Read 74526 times)

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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #108 on: March 09, 2012, 08:54:24 PM »

Whacker, you're fight with the rookie KI-84 stacks up pretty much exactly to what mine was.  Your corsair vs zero fights though... don't know what to tell you, man.  When I go into a dive, get up to 300mph or so and level out and keep steady as she goes, 52map and 2.7k rpm, rad setting at 4.  This setting will have me settle down about 280-290mph, at which a zero at any skill level can't catch me.  Could you maybe save a track and post it here?     

Blarg.  Long, long story short, I was flying the F4U based on some "bad data" I'd read elsewhere.  Trying to keep MAP about 44" and RPMs below 2500, turns out that was semi accurate but not for military power or war power.  I've got the original F4U-1 pilot manual now, I'll try her out with the new information.  Looks like cowl armor flap/radiator settings are unrestricted and can be fully opened at any speed, at least according to the book.


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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #109 on: March 09, 2012, 09:17:41 PM »

feels like that 4.101 just came out. I think we're moving too fast, soon all the modders will phase out and then we'll have to have dozens of installs just to use a certain plane in one patch and a map for another and Visual Effects in another etc etc etc etc just because the mods are older

That's what already exists. We have been working really hard to make a consolidated pack to stop this drift, but unfortunately no one can agree on what they want on their install. The SAS AI Engines Hotkeys and Carrier mod is our main attempt at consolidation and it definitely brings DBW/ModAct close together but it is still difficult.

Maybe when we have a good 4.11m ModAct and DBW, we might get closer to that goal.


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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #110 on: March 09, 2012, 09:22:43 PM »

OK, so I ran a real short test.

F4U-1C vs A6M5-52 ace, Okinawa, 1000m, all as prior.  Did my lil barrel slide to get past and leveled out about 1400 ft.  52" MAP was right at 99% throttle, 100 pitch was 2750rpmish, rad at 40%.  I ended up going about 240-250 KIAS, which is roughly 280-290MPH as you said.  I sloooowwwwly pulled away from the zero.  Maybe .01 km per sec.  Decided to put it in a shallow climb like the AI does, kept MAP and RPM at 52 and 2700, rad at 40.  When I hit about 5000 ft the MAP dropped to 50 so I shoved it to low blower and reset for 53" MAP, which turned out to be about 95-96% throttle, pitch remained the same and 2700 rpm on the dot.  The entire time I didn't touch the rad but temp kept creeping up to where the gauge was about 1/8 below full mark, dunno what that temp is (didn't zoom in to look)..  Also, the kicker is, my speed dropped to about 200 KIAS and wouldn't go any higher, and the zero started gaining on me rather steadily.  Kept it straight and level but still nada, wouldn't go above 200 KIAS.  Engine sounded normal and strong, the temps were high but no overheating message, so unless damage or power loss occurs without the OVERHEAT message I'm not sure what happened and why it wouldn't accelerate.

Roger Smith

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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #111 on: March 09, 2012, 11:57:07 PM »

The SAS AI Engines Hotkeys and Carrier mod is our main attempt at consolidation and it definitely brings DBW/ModAct close together but it is still difficult.
I just wish it was still an option that I can switch on and off, I would turn it off to have simple AI so I can have some cannon fodder fun and turn it on when I finally want a challenge


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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #112 on: March 10, 2012, 12:09:45 AM »

Ya, ok, but if they made every single thing in DBW optional you'd never get past the selector and I cant imagine the nightmare it would cause for support issues.
Fact is that most people prefer better AI. The popularity of Certs AI mod attests to that.
Why not play the stock game if your up for a turkey shoot.

Roger Smith

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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #113 on: March 10, 2012, 12:12:45 AM »

stock game don't got no, F-4 or Albatross


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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #114 on: March 10, 2012, 05:51:41 AM »



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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #115 on: March 12, 2012, 04:49:11 AM »

I just wish it was still an option that I can switch on and off, I would turn it off to have simple AI so I can have some cannon fodder fun and turn it on when I finally want a challenge

If that's the case, make them all Rookies and select their loadout to Empty. We already went down the path of making it an optional beta and to be honest, it caused chaos for us trying to support it!


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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #116 on: March 18, 2012, 03:10:53 PM »

I guess it is what it is.  Whacker, I ran your Corsair vs Zero test with the shallow climb and saw similar results.  I wanted to do it a week ago, but haven't had time thanks to work.  Anyways, I was about 1km away when it started, level flight pulled to about 1.9km away before I started the climb.  Tried my best to keep the climb needle on 2, didn't touch any of my throttle/pitch controls, noticed at about 8000 feet that he was slowly gaining on me.  By the time I got up to 10,000 feet he had made up about .25km, and then I started pulling away again at about 14,000.  So there is a zone in there where an AI Zero will be able to gain some on a Corsair.  Was this possible in real life?  Probably not.  However, in the course of a sim like this, if I'm in a 1v1 fight like that and I'm 2km in front of him, in all likelihood I'll turn around and go at him rather than trying to run away, unless I was hurt or out of ammo.  In which case, even if you were outrunning him, he'd follow you all the way back to your airfield if he had the fuel for it, and he'd take you on your landing approach. 


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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #117 on: March 18, 2012, 10:40:20 PM »

Regarding the "chased back to base" scenario, you could equip your home base with anti-aircraft guns and station a dome patrol circling over head for the expected duration of your mission.

As for the discussion on harder AI, I still don't understand why the harder AI can't be provided as a JSGME Mod or an option in the game selector that player change as often or as seldom as he or she wants to. I think one of the great things about IL-2 is its challenge level adjustability ... something for everyone. Obviously going back to the stock game is something no one wants to do.




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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #118 on: March 18, 2012, 11:53:57 PM »

Ya but that comes at a price.
How many other mods did the AI mod interfere with? Several of them had to have with and without AI mod options.
As the point of DBW has been compatibility and ease of use the only good choice was clearly to make the AI mod part of DBW. Otherwise every other mod would have a with and without option, people would run the wrong version, ask why it no work and confusion would insue.
Simplest and best answer-integrate the AI mod.


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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #119 on: March 19, 2012, 12:50:52 AM »


Ok. Based on what you have said, I understand the following:

1) In previous builts of DBW, the AI JSGME Mods conflicted with other mods and it has been concluded that the JSGME approach provides no work-around to avoid such conflicts.

2) Henceforth, DBW AI will be harder at all skill levels, including rookie level.

3) So, in my opinion, a "one-size-fits-all" AI will be integrated into DBW because adding an option allowing the player to adjust to some degree the overall skill level in the player's install of the game is not technically possible (e.g. including an overall AI skill level adjustment option in the game selector).

I think I understand now. Thanks.


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