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Author Topic: DBW Current Build All Bug Reports  (Read 124597 times)

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DBW Current Build All Bug Reports
« on: June 28, 2011, 10:57:38 AM »

This is the topic for all bug reports on a current DBW build (bug reports of previous builds are not accepted)

~Please keep the topic clear of non bug report related posts (they may be deleted)

~Please post all bug reports for the latest verion of DBW in this topic. If it is not in this topic, it may not be seen and attended to.

~Please ensure that it is a bug you are reporting. Installation, startup and selector problems are not bugs, they are user issues.

~Personal preferences are not bugs.
~Verify a bug in a clean DBW install before reporting it (an install of DBW with no mods added by you)

~Verify that a bug is not caused by one of the jsgme options (like the AI mod) before reporting it If so, see if there is not a specific topic for reporting it. There is a seperate topic for AI mod bugs.

~Please do not report incompatibilities with other mods, in this topic.

~Reports of any online-play associated bugs will be deleted without notice

~Make your bug report as clear and detailed as possible. Just saying something is wrong or something is broken, does not cut it.

~DO NOT double report bugs. One report is enough.

Please adhere to the above, posts not adhering to the above will be completely ignored.

For reports and issues not covered or allowed by the parameters of this topic, open a thread in the board.



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Re: DBW Current Build All Bug Reports
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2011, 02:37:01 AM »

Sorry HaDes

'Artillery:WWI Battery' placed at a few locations and set (e.g. Blue). A/C flightpath (set to Red) flies over the Battery location and don't get any flak-bursts. No crashes, nothing untoward in the game except no sign of any flak-bursts.

Since updated to Build 1.2 and tried it again yesterday, still no flak-bursts.

Downloaded the SuperFlak mod from this site, dropped it in #DBW folder, didn't alter the the technics or stationary inis, and flew the same mission. Saw the flak-bursts.

So, at least in my install, the routine is being called, just not seeing the flak-bursts in vanilla DBW.



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Re: DBW Current Build All Bug Reports
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2011, 03:54:16 AM »

Sorry HaDes

'Artillery:WWI Battery' placed at a few locations and set (e.g. Blue). A/C flightpath (set to Red) flies over the Battery location and don't get any flak-bursts. No crashes, nothing untoward in the game except no sign of any flak-bursts.

Since updated to Build 1.2 and tried it again yesterday, still no flak-bursts.

Downloaded the SuperFlak mod from this site, dropped it in #DBW folder, didn't alter the the technics or stationary inis, and flew the same mission. Saw the flak-bursts.

So, at least in my install, the routine is being called, just not seeing the flak-bursts in vanilla DBW.


Rgr, fixed :)


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Re: DBW Current Build All Bug Reports
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2011, 07:50:55 AM »

Can see or insert Objects Nos. 2353 to 2390.




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Re: DBW Current Build All Bug Reports
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2011, 06:12:59 AM »


Thanks for responding to my concern. However, your response does raise another question. Among the JSGME mods I have activated is "#DBW_MissionPro Combo by PAL". It is my understanding that FMBplus is a part of that mod. However, when I try to insert one of these invisible objects there is no response. I believe that when you insert any object, even an invisible object, you will see the object icon, i.e. a white house. When I try to insert one of the objects to which I refer, the object icon does not show up.

If anything I've said here indicates that my misunderstanding is incomplete, please point it out to me. However, at this time, it still seems to me that something is not working as it should with object nos. 2353 to 2390.




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Re: DBW Current Build All Bug Reports
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2011, 10:53:11 AM »


Thanks for your comments on the "invisible" objects. I found a fix for the problem. The objects in question are associated with nounette's "NEW BIG MIDEAST MAP V2.00final", see 'https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,16061.msg172867.html#msg172867'. The object files are include in DBW Build 1.3. All you have to do to get them to show up is copy the lines provided in the 'add2static.ini', which is a file that comes with the map download, over the 'Title Mideast' section of your ...\#DBW\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects\static.ini. Then, visit Giza, just a little southwest of Cairo, on nounette's fantastic Middle East Map.

There are still 37 invisible, un-insertable objects on my objects list. The only thing that changed is that they are now object nos. 2383 to 2420. I agree that this is not a bug, but rather some problem with my static.ini that I just have not figured out how to correct, yet. I don't think it is causing any other difficulty. In any case, I think my problem has been solved :). Thanks again for your input.




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Re: DBW Current Build All Bug Reports
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2011, 10:02:16 PM »


OK, with the AI mod activated, I found that the cataput works on carriers Essex, Illustrious, Casablanca (CVL) and Wasp. The cataput did not work on Colossus, Valley Forge, Ameer (CVL), Aquila and Graf Zeppelin. I used the F4U-1A in all cases and the Coral Sea Map.




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Re: DBW Current Build All Bug Reports
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2011, 03:32:10 PM »

Not sure if this is a "bug" per se, but it is weird.  Since installing UP3.0 and DBW, fire effects on the ground look like a strange red miasma cloud, not so much like fire. 

This pic was taken flying over Malta during Monty27's excellent campaign, just after a flight of bombers went over the city.  The red clouds are over buildings that had just been bombed, so I am assuming they are supposed to be on fire.  I also noticed this effect in "the black death" track, when rockets are fired at stationary planes.  There's a fiery explosion, then red misty cloud afterwards.  I played with UP2.01 for a long time and don't remember fire looking like this.  I hadn't played for a number of months, DBW is what got me back into it, possible that it's always been this way and my memory sucks.  If this is just the way it is, are there any good fire mods out there to make it look... well... like fire? :D


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Re: DBW Current Build All Bug Reports
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2011, 12:20:14 AM »

Hello All,
I don't know if it is bug actually - but I 've noticed that some planes have wrong colour of back position/navigation light. It should be white of course - and in most cases we have green:

PS. Offtop question - may I add new skins into "Skins" folders without any risk?

Have a great day.


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Re: DBW Current Build All Bug Reports
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2011, 10:46:34 AM »

Bugs in the 109T

1. the canopy opens in inside vew but won't fall off.... the old one had a canopy that had the open command but not the animated canopy.

the command is necessary to access the raised seat but the animated canopy looks ridiculous at 200km/h....

2. you have to unfold "virtual" folding wings before takeoff.


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Re: DBW Current Build All Bug Reports
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2011, 08:39:24 PM »


I appreciated your feedback which got me to test my setup to discover my real problem …

I went back and did some more experimentation.   I began deactivating some of the mods and some aircraft I had added.   Every time I thought I had found the "problem" aircraft I was able to load the ”problem” aircraft back in after I remove another aircraft, so I finally have come to the conclusion that I have again run into the size limitation of IL2.   This leads me to believe that the #DBW AIMod in DBWv1.4 is much larger than the one in DBW v1.3 and my 70% CTD is sensitive to the number of aircraft additions rather than any particular aircraft. 

Just for your information I have been able to run DBW v1.4 with 25 additional aircraft folders (which activated 31 separate aircraft) and the ZP Semireal AAA mod in my # DBW folder.     

The settings I’m using in the JSGME are:
#DBW_Ecran Wide for 4.101

The IL-2 Selector Settings I’m Using are:
Dark Blue World
Maximum RAM size: 1200 MB
This Selector Exits with IL-2
6DoF/ TrackIR enabled
4 GB Address Space enabled.

I’m Running this on a Computer running Windows 7 Pro with a i7 Processor (OCed to 4.0GHz) , 8GB RAM, and a Nvidia GTX 470, so far I haven’t noted any slow down with any additions to DBW or UP.

Thanks … TS


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Re: DBW Current Build All Bug Reports
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2011, 08:43:46 PM »

yes. the limit you speak of seems to be only partialy affected by the PC you have. It is a limitation of the java version that IL2 was written in.

Try some experiments with the selector, especialy with some lower memory settings (yes perverse, but try)

I am playing with the idea of splitting DBW up into 3 periods (WWI to Golden Age, WW2, and 1946 and onwards), we will see how we go in future.
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