IL2 1956 - The Jet Era v1.33By the Aviator Mod Team and the SAS Modding CommunityFinally after many months of development we are proud to present IL2 1956 - The Jet Era. It has been a lot of work with so many modders contributing each in their own different way. It hasn't been a completely smooth journey but we've made it. Thank you to everyone who has been giving input in our development threads which has aided us along the way. So without further ado here is the IL2 1956 package, now at v1.2 and in SFS format for optimal game performance.
Please note that this is constantly a Work In Progress and various features in this package are still being refined as we go along. This first release is the
"Core" package which will essentially be needed for future add-ons (e.g. F9F Cougars, Hawker Hunter, MiG-21 etc).
For more information about IL2 1956 please see our

Current Guide Version: 1.20
Guide changelog:1.20: Updated all pilot notes, added new aircraft and features equivalent to Version 1.2 of IL2 1956
1.02: Updated credits and loadouts on MiG-17PF
1.01: Updated credits and loadouts on F-86A-5 to F-25L
Version 1.33 Hotfix Change Log:- Compatible with 4.12.2m using latest SAS Engine Mod
- Fixed all issues with Tu-4 (missing cockpits, flight models etc)
- Solved 'heat floating and ghost canopy bug' seen when ejecting from MiGs
Version 1.32 Hotfix Change Log:- Re-enables Tu-4 cockpit, disabled by accident with faulty classfile
- Bombardier site now works in widescreen (thanks to tarakan67)
- F-86D/K cockpit damage textures on by default, now restored
- Bomb bay door control re-enabled in Tu-4 and F-86D
- Added missing Mk 81 bomb classfile
- Tu-4 gunner positions fixed
- Tu-4 flight model re-enabled (previously using B-29)
- 30% crash in Tu-4 bombardier position fixed
Version 1.3 Change Log:- Compatible with 4.11.1m using SAS Engine Mod v2.6RC Final
- Added afterburner sounds to MiG-17F/F and F86-D/K (when using latest SAS Buttons)
- Corrected MiG pilot helmets. Now have leather helmets
- Fixed cockpit bug in late F-86s that showed part of missile instruments
- Fixed missile smoke size bug
- Adjusted engine effect code so it appears based on thrust, not just power
- Fixed gear spinning bug on MiGs
- Implemented new flight model parameters (e.g. differential braking now defined in FM)
- Sirena-2 removed from MiG-17PF as never used historically
- Radar reimplemented in MiG-17PF. Still buggy (reads elevation instead of range) but will fix for future release
- MiG-15/17 flap settings corrected. In addition, MiG-15 tank repositioned correctly
- Added bomb fuses (for 4.11.1m only, please use downloadable patch if using in 4.101m)
- Updated and correct stationary aircraft list. Should no longer provoke errors on certain maps
Version 1.2 Change Log:- Added MiG-15 (early), F-86D-40, F-86D-45 and Tu-4 (carrying KS-1 missiles)
- Merged MiG-15bislate with MiG-15SB
- Removed F-86F-30, merged loadouts with F-25E/Ls
- Removed MiG-17AS, merged loadouts with MiG-17A & F
- Updated and expanded CAC Sabre loadouts
- Cockpits updated. New repaint for MiGs and F-86s. F-86A features new gunsight and emergency compass in correct position
- New 3D pilot models
- Fuel dumping added to F-86 family
- New weapons added to pack (AIM-9C, Mk 82 Snakeye, KS-1 Komet)
- CAC Sabre sounds equalized with other jet sounds
- Sirena radar warning receiver beta. Available on MiG-15SB, MiG-17A and MiG-17F. Can only use it for select nationalities (USSR, North Korea and North Vietnam), and only in missions set post-1952.
- Fuel tank fix: Late-model Sabre fuel tank erroneously labelled as 200gal. Instead correct to 120gal. Confusion arose due to conversion between Imperial and US gallons.
- Updated missile code by Storebror. Allows for future expansion into more missile type e.g. AGMs.
- Massive class-file and content clean-up, plus integration with AI Engines Hotkeys mod.
Version 1.1 Change Log:- Revised flight models, thanks to Lt Wolf, JackS and Howlin
- Supersonic flight modelling revised. All supersonic parameters are now localized to the flight model
- Transonic drag bug fixed (as part of moving all supersonic parameters to the flight model itself)
- F-86K warping bug resolved
- Afterburner effects adjusted to improve performance
- Engine surging no longer occurs on air start
- Cannon models revised. NR23 and NS23 now chamber correct round, ADEN bullet mass reduced (resulting in a substantial increase in energy per round)
- Weapon LODs revised to improve performance on low-end machines
- Gauge and warning light errors corrected in Sabres
- Minor visual fixes to external 3D (e.g. Pitot tube now on correct wing for all Sabres)
- MiG landing light removed from intake (all models feature are late-production, with landing light under left wing)
- F-86K canopy opening corrected
- Static aircraft added
- Mod packed in SFS format, to reduce file size and improve game performance
preferred setup for this mod pack is SAS ModAct 5.3 running Il-2 4.12.2. In addition, you will need to install the SAS Engine Mod v2.7 from
HereIt is also recommended you run these buttons to prevent the jet overheating bug present in the 4.12.2 patch:,
- This will run on 4.101m with SAS ModAct 3.06 or later OR DBW1.71. Alternatively, it will run on 4.111m with SAS ModAct 4 OR HSFX6.1
- You
MUST be using Buttons Version 10.3 or later, see this
- You
MUST REMOVE Il-2 1956 v1.1 from your install, otherwise you will experience gameplay issues.
- You
MUST be running the SAS Engine mod v2.6RC or later. Otherwise this pack will NOT work. Available
Download:Mirror 1 (Mediafire):Core Package:
Jetwar_13_ContentPackage.7z (129mb approx)Version 1.33 Hotfix:
Jetwar_v133_Hotfix.7z (151kb approx)4.101m version Bomb Patch:
Jetwar_13_4101m_Bombs.7z (4kb approx)Mirror 2 (4Shared):Core Package:
Jetwar_13_ContentPackage.7z (129mb approx)Version 1.33 Hotfix:
Jetwar_v133_Hotfix.7z (151kb approx)4.101m version Bomb Patch:
Jetwar_13_4101m_Bombs.7z (4kb approx)Skins:
IL2_1956_Skins.7z (12.3mb approx)Note: The skins are optional, they have not changed from v1.0. We will try and add more mirrors if needed in the future.
Installation for 4.12.2m ONLY:1) Make sure you are running ModAct 5.3 on Il-2 4.12.2m
2) Make sure you meet the game requirements listed above
3) Extract content to your Il-2 directory
4) Then please copy the SFS archives from SAS_SFS to SFS_AUTO folder. By doing this, there is no need to touch the RC file
5) Add the latest Hotfix (if any)
6) Add the aircraft lines below
NB: If you are new to modding, please read the following guides:,15031.0.html,1353.0.html7) If you wish to add the static aircraft, please use the stationary and technics entries AFTER backing up your .inis

Run Il-2 with SAS ModAct and enjoy

Installation for 4.101m or 4.11.1m:1) If you are running a ModAct install, please remove ANY JetWar files in your #SAS directory. In addition, please delete ALL air.ini entries related to it, as some have been removed
2) Make sure you meet the game requirements listed above
3) Extract content to your Il-2 directory (ensuring patched to 4.101m OR 4.11.1m and running latest ModAct/Buttons)
4) Add the following lines below
NB: If you are new to modding, please read the following guides:,15031.0.html,1353.0.html5) If you wish to add the static aircraft, please use the stationary and technics entries AFTER backing up your .inis
6) If you are running 4.101m install, please install the 'Bomb Patch' from above. This will remove the fuse code from the bombs, which will otherwise trigger errors
7) Run Il-2 with SAS ModAct and enjoy
ALTERNATIVELY1) Extract over DBW1.71 install. Should run without any further modification.
.rc entries for SFS archives(insert before @sfs MOUNT sasup_decals_01.sfs)
@sfs MOUNT SAS_SFS/sasamt_jetwar_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_SFS/sasamt_jetwar_02.sfs
NOTE: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SFS INSTALLING FOR USERS OF SAS MODACT 3.06 OR LATER: You dont have to add lines to your .rc file, just copy the two SFS files from this mod, into your SAS_SFS folder, replacing the placeholders already there.
air.iniA-1H_Tanker air.A1H_Tanker 1 NOINFO usa01 DESERT
F-86A5 air.F_86A5 1 usa01 SUMMER
F-86D40 air.F_86D40 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-86D45 air.F_86D45 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-86E10 air.F_86E_10 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-86F25E air.F_86F_25E 1 usa01 SUMMER
F-86F25L air.F_86F_25L 1 usa01 SUMMER
F-86F40 air.F_86F_40 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-86K air.F_86K NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
SabreMk31 air.CAC_Sabre_Mk31 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
SabreMk32 air.CAC_Sabre_Mk32 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
FJ3M_Fury air.FJ_3M 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
MiG-15 air.Mig_15 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
MiG-15(bis) air.Mig_15bis 1 r01 SUMMER
MiG-15SB air.MiG_15SB 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
MiG-17A air.Mig_17A NOINFO r01 SUMMER
MiG-17F air.Mig_17F 1 r01 SUMMER
MiG-17PF air.Mig_17PF NOINFO r01 SUMMER
Tu-4 air.TU_4 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
plane_ruA-1H_Tanker A-1H Skyraider Tanker, 1955
F-86A5 F-86A-5 Sabre, 1949
F-86D40 F-86D-40 Sabre Dog, 1953
F-86D45 F-86D-45 Sabre Dog, 1954
F-86E10 F-86E-10 Sabre, 1952
F-86F25E F-86F-25 Sabre, 1953
F-86F25L F-86F-25 Sabre (6-3 Wing), 1953
F-86F40 F-86F-40 Sabre, 1954
F-86K F-86K Sabre Dog, 1955
SabreMk31 CA-27 Sabre Mk31, 1954
SabreMk32 CA-27 Sabre Mk32, 1955
FJ3M_Fury FJ-3M Fury, 1956
MiG-15 MiG-15, 1949
MiG-15(bis) MiG-15(bis), 1950
MiG-15SB MiG-15bis SB, 1952
MiG-17A MiG-17A Fresco A, 1952
MiG-17F MiG-17F Fresco-C, 1953
MiG-17PF MiG-17PF Fresco-D/E, 1956
Tu-4 Tu-4 Bull, 1949
# A-1H_Tanker
A-1H_Tanker.default Default
A-1H_Tanker.2x DT Droptanks
A-1H_Tanker.none Empty
# F-86A5
F-86A5.default Default
F-86A5.2x207gal 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86A5.2x120gal 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86A5.2x500lbs 2x 500lbs
F-86A5.2x750lbs 2x 750lbs
F-86A5.2xM117 2x M117
F-86A5.2x1000lbs 2x 1000lbs
F-86A5.2xM114 2x M64A1
F-86A5.none Empty
# F-86E10
F-86E10.default Default
F-86E10.2x120dt 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86E10.2x207dt 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86E10.2x500lbs 2x 500lbs
F-86E10.2x750lbs 2x 750lbs
F-86E10.2xM117 2x M117
F-86E10.2x1000lbs 2x 1000lbs
F-86E10.2xM114 2x M64A1
F-86E10.none Empty
# F-86D40
F-86D40.default Default (24x FFAR Mk4)
F-86D40.2x120gal 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86D40.2x207gal 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86D40.none Empty
# F-86D45
F-86D45.default Default (24x FFAR Mk4)
F-86D45.2x120gal 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86D45.2x207gal 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86D45.none Empty
# F-86F25E
F-86F25E.default Default
F-86F25E.2x207dt 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25E.2x120dt 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25E.2x500lbs 2x 500lbs
F-86F25E.2x750lbs 2x 750lbs
F-86F25E.2x750lbsM117 2x M117
F-86F25E.2x1000lbsM114 2x 1000lbs
F-86F25E.2xM114 2x M64A1
F-86F25E.4x120dt F-30:4x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25E.2x120dt+2x207dt F-30:2x 120 gal. + 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25E.4x207dt F-30:4x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25E.2x75nap F-30:2x 75 gal. Napalm
F-86F25E.2x75nap+2x120dt F-30:2x Napalm + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25E.2x75nap+2x207dt F-30:2x Napalm + 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25E.2x500 F-30:2x 500lbs
F-86F25E.2x500+2x120dt F-30:2x 500lbs + 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25E.2x500+2x207dt F-30:2x 500lbs + 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25E.2x500+2x750 F-30:2x 500lbs + 2x 750lbs
F-86F25E.2x500+2xM117 F-30:2x 500lbs + 2x M117
F-86F25E.4x500 F-30:4x 500lbs
F-86F25E.2x750 F-30:2x 750lbs
F-86F25E.2x750+2x120dt F-30:2x 750lbs + 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25E.2x750+2x207dt F-30:2x 750lbs + 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25E.2xM117 F-30:2x M117
F-86F25E.2xM117+2x120dt F-30:2x M117 + 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25E.2xM117+2x207dt F-30:2x M117 + 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25E.2x1000 F-30:2x 1000lbs
F-86F25E.2x1000+2x120dt F-30:2x 1000lbs + 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25E.2x1000+2x207dt F-30:2x 1000lbs + 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25E.2xM114 F-30:2x M64A1
F-86F25E.2xM114+2x120dt F-30:2x M64A1 + 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25E.2xM114+2x207dt F-30:2x M64A1 + 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25E.16xHVAR F-30:16x HVAR
F-86F25E.8xHVAR+2x120dt F-30:8x HVAR + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25E.8xHVAR+2x207dt F-30:8x HVAR + 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25E.1xMk12+1x207dt F-35: 1x Mk 12 Nuke + 1x 207 gal. Droptank
F-86F25E.1xMk7+1x207dt F-35: 1x Mk 7 Nuke + 1x 207 gal. Droptank
F-86F25E.none Empty
# F-86F25L
F-86F25L.default Default
F-86F25L.2x207dt 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25L.2x120dt 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25L.2x500lbs 2x 500lbs
F-86F25L.2x750lbs 2x 750lbs
F-86F25L.2x750lbsM117 2x M117
F-86F25L.2x1000lbs 2x 1000lbs
F-86F25L.2x1000lbsM114 2x M64A1
F-86F25L.4x120dt F-30:4x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25L.2x120dt+2x207dt F-30:2x 120 gal. + 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25L.4x207dt F-30:4x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25L.2x75nap F-30:2x 75 gal. Napalm
F-86F25L.2x75nap+2x120dt F-30:2x Napalm + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25L.2x75nap+2x207dt F-30:2x Napalm + 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25L.2x500 F-30:2x 500lbs
F-86F25L.2x500+2x120dt F-30:2x 500lbs + 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25L.2x500+2x207dt F-30:2x 500lbs + 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25L.2x500+2x750 F-30:2x 500lbs + 2x 750lbs
F-86F25L.2x500+2xM117 F-30:2x 500lbs + 2x M117
F-86F25L.4x500 F-30:4x 500lbs
F-86F25L.2x750 F-30:2x 750lbs
F-86F25L.2x750+2x120dt F-30:2x 750lbs + 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25L.2x750+2x207dt F-30:2x 750lbs + 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25L.2xM117 F-30:2x M117
F-86F25L.2xM117+2x120dt F-30:2x M117 + 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25L.2xM117+2x207dt F-30:2x M117 + 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25L.2x1000 F-30:2x 1000lbs
F-86F25L.2x1000+2x120dt F-30:2x 1000lbs + 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25L.2x1000+2x207dt F-30:2x 1000lbs + 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25L.2xM114 F-30:2x M64A1
F-86F25L.2xM114+2x120dt F-30:2x M64A1 + 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25L.2xM114+2x207dt F-30:2x M64A1 + 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25L.16xHVAR F-30:16x HVAR
F-86F25L.8xHVAR+2x120dt F-30:8x HVAR + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25L.8xHVAR+2x207dt F-30:8x HVAR + 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F25L.1xMk12+1x207dt F-35: 1x Mk 12 Nuke + 1x 207 gal. Droptank
F-86F25L.1xMk7+1x207dt F-35: 1x Mk 7 Nuke + 1x 207 gal. Droptank
F-86F25L.none Empty
# F-86F40
F-86F40.default Default
F-86F40.2x120dt 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F40.4x120dt 4x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F40.2x120dt+2x207dt 2x 120 gal. + 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F40.2x207dt 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F40.4x207dt 4x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F40.2x75nap 2x 75 gal. Napalm
F-86F40.2x75nap+2x120dt 2x Napalm + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F40.2x75nap+2x207dt 2x Napalm + 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F40.2xMk82 2x Mk82
F-86F40.2xMk82+2x120dt 2x Mk82 + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F40.2xMk82+2x207dt 2x Mk82 + 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F40.2xMk82+2xM117 2x Mk82 + 2x M117
F-86F40.4xMk82 4x Mk82
F-86F40.2xM117 2x M117
F-86F40.2xM117+2x120dt 2x M117 + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F40.2xM117+2x207dt 2x M117 + 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F40.2xMk83 2x Mk83
F-86F40.2xMk83+2x120dt 2x Mk83 + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F40.2xMk83+2x207dt 2x Mk83 + 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F40.16xHVAR 16x HVAR
F-86F40.8xHVAR+2x120dt 8x HVAR + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F40.8xHVAR+2x207dt 8x HVAR + 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F40.2xAIM9B 2x AIM-9B
F-86F40.2xAIM9B+2x120dt 2x AIM-9B + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86F40.2xAIM9B+2x207dt 2x AIM-9B + 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
F-86F40.none Empty
# F-86K
F-86K.default Default
F-86K.2x120dt 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86K.2xAIM9B 2x AIM-9B
F-86K.2xAIM9B+2x120dt 2x AIM-9B + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
F-86K.none Empty
# SabreMk31
SabreMk31.default Default
SabreMk31.2x120dt 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
SabreMk31.2x207dt 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
SabreMk31.2x75nap 2x 75 gal. Napalm
SabreMk31.2x500 2x 500lbs MC Bombs
SabreMk31.2x1000 2x 1000lbs MC Bombs
SabreMk31.16xRP3Mk5 16x RP-3 Mk5 60lbs SAP Rockets
SabreMk31.16xRP3Mk5-25 16x RP-3 Mk5 25lbs AP Rockets
SabreMk31.8xRP3Mk5+2x120dt 8x RP-3 Mk5 SAP + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
SabreMk31.8xRP3Mk5-25+2x120dt 8x RP-3 Mk5 AP + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
SabreMk31.24xSURA_D_HE 24x SURA-D HE
SabreMk31.24xSURA_D_AP 24x SURA-D AP
SabreMk31.none Empty
# SabreMk32
SabreMk32.default Default
SabreMk32.2x120dt 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
SabreMk32.2x207dt 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
SabreMk32.4xdt 2x 120 gal. + 2x 207 gal. Droptanks
SabreMk32.2x75nap 2x 75 gal. Napalm
SabreMk32.2x75nap+2x120dt 2x Napalm + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
SabreMk32.2x500 2x 500lbs MC Bombs
SabreMk32.2x500+2x120dt 2x 500lbs + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
SabreMk32.2x500+2x1000 2x 500lbs + 2x 1000lbs
SabreMk32.4x500 4x 500lbs MC Bombs
SabreMk32.2x1000 2x 1000lbs MC Bombs
SabreMk32.2x1000+2x120dt 2x 1000lbs + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
SabreMk32.16xRP3Mk5 16x RP-3 Mk5 60lbs SAP Rockets
SabreMk32.16xRP3Mk5-25 16x RP-3 Mk5 25lbs AP Rockets
SabreMk32.8xRP3Mk5+2x120dt 8x RP-3 Mk5 SAP + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
SabreMk32.8xRP3Mk5-25+2x120dt 8x RP-3 Mk5 AP + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
SabreMk32.24xSURA_D_HE 24x SURA-D HE
SabreMk32.24xSURA_D_AP 24x SURA-D AP
SabreMk32.2xAIM9B 2x AIM-9B
SabreMk32.2xAIM9B+2x120dt 2x AIM-9B + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
SabreMk32.none Empty
# FJ3M_Fury
FJ3M_Fury.default Default
FJ3M_Fury.2x120dt 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
FJ3M_Fury.2x75nap 2x 75 gal. Napalm
FJ3M_Fury.2x75nap+2x120dt 2x Napalm + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
FJ3M_Fury.2x500 2x 500lbs
FJ3M_Fury.2x500+2x120dt 2x 500lbs + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
FJ3M_Fury.2x500+2x750 2x 500lbs + 2x 750lbs
FJ3M_Fury.2x500+2xM117 2x 500lbs + 2x M117
FJ3M_Fury.4x500 4x 500lbs
FJ3M_Fury.2x750 2x 750lbs
FJ3M_Fury.2x750+2x120dt 2x 750lbs + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
FJ3M_Fury.2xM117 2x M117
FJ3M_Fury.2xM117+2x120dt 2x M117 + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
FJ3M_Fury.2x1000 2x 1000lbs
FJ3M_Fury.2x1000+2x120dt 2x 1000lbs + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
FJ3M_Fury.2xM114 2x M64A1
FJ3M_Fury.2xM114+2x120dt 2x M64A1 + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
FJ3M_Fury.2xLAU10 2x LAU-10 Rocket Pods
FJ3M_Fury.2xLAU10+2x120dt 2x LAU-10 + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
FJ3M_Fury.2xAIM9B 2x AIM-9B
FJ3M_Fury.2xAIM9B+2x120dt 2x AIM-9B + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
FJ3M_Fury.2xAIM9D 2x AIM-9D
FJ3M_Fury.2xAIM9D+2x120dt 2x AIM-9D + 2x 120 gal. Droptanks
FJ3M_Fury.none Empty
# MiG-15
MiG-15.default Default
MiG-15.2xDroptanks 2x Droptanks
MiG-15.none Empty
# MiG-15(bis)
MiG-15(bis).default Default
MiG-15(bis).2xDroptanks 2x Droptanks
MiG-15(bis).none Empty
# MiG-15SB
MiG-15SB.default Default
MiG-15SB.2xdroptanks 2x Droptanks
MiG-15SB.2x100 2x FAB-100
MiG-15SB.2x100+2xdt 2x FAB-100 + Droptanks
MiG-15SB.4x100 4x FAB-100
MiG-15SB.4x100+2xdt 4x FAB-100 + Droptanks
MiG-15SB.2x250m46 2x FAB-250 M46
MiG-15SB.2x250m46+2xdt 2x FAB-250 M46 + Droptanks
MiG-15SB.2x250m46+2xdt+2x100 2x FAB-250 M46 + Droptanks + 2x FAB-100
MiG-15SB.2x250m46+2x100 2x FAB-250 M46 + 2x FAB-100
MiG-15SB.4x250m46 4x FAB-250 M46
MiG-15SB.4x250m46+2xdt 4x FAB-250 M46 + Droptanks
MiG-15SB.2xSR55 2x SR-55 Rocket Pods
MiG-15SB.2xSR55+2xdt 2x SR-55 + Droptanks
MiG-15SB.2xSR55+2xdt+2x100 2x SR-55 + Droptanks + 2x FAB-100
MiG-15SB.2xSR55+2xdt+2x250m46 2x SR-55 + Droptanks + 2x FAB-250 M46
MiG-15SB.2xSR55+2x100 2x SR-55 + 2x FAB-100
MiG-15SB.2xSR55+2x250m46 2x SR-55 + 2x FAB-250 M46
MiG-15SB.4xSR55 4x SR-55 Rocket Pods
MiG-15SB.4xSR55+2xdt 4x SR-55 + Droptanks
MiG-15SB.2xSR55a2a 2x SR-55 (Salvo) Rocket Pods
MiG-15SB.2xSR55a2a+2xdt 2x SR-55 (Salvo) + Droptanks
MiG-15SB.2xSR55a2a+2xdt+2x100 2x SR-55 (Salvo) + Droptanks + 2x FAB-100
MiG-15SB.2xSR55a2a+2xdt+2x250m46 2x SR-55 (Salvo) + Droptanks + 2x FAB-250 M46
MiG-15SB.2xSR55a2a+2x100 2x SR-55 (Salvo) + 2x FAB-100
MiG-15SB.2xSR55a2a+2x250m46 2x SR-55 (Salvo) + 2x FAB-250 M46
MiG-15SB.4xSR55a2a 4x SR-55 (Salvo) Rocket Pods
MiG-15SB.4xSR55a2a+2xdt 4x SR-55 (Salvo) + Droptanks
MiG-15SB.2xLR130 2x LR-130
MiG-15SB.2xLR130+2xdt 2x LR-130 + Droptanks
MiG-15SB.2xLR130+2xdt+2x100 2x LR-130 + Droptanks + 2x FAB-100
MiG-15SB.2xLR130+2xdt+2x250m46 2x LR-130 + Droptanks + 2x FAB-250 M46
MiG-15SB.2xLR130+2x100 2x LR-130 + 2x FAB-100
MiG-15SB.2xLR130+2x250m46 2x LR-130 + 2x FAB-250 M46
MiG-15SB.4xLR130 4x LR-130
MiG-15SB.4xLR130+2xdt 4x LR-130 + Droptanks
MiG-15SB.none Empty
# MiG-17A
MiG-17A.default Default
MiG-17A.2xdrops 2x Droptanks
MiG-17A.2x100 2x FAB-100
MiG-17A.2x100+2xdrops 2x FAB-100 + 2x Droptanks
MiG-17A.2x100+2x250m46 2x FAB-100 + 2x FAB-250 M46
MiG-17A.4x100 4x FAB-100
MiG-17A.2x250m46 2x FAB-250 M46
MiG-17A.2xMARS2 2x MARS-2 Rocket Pods
MiG-17A.2xMARS2+2xdrops 2x MARS-2 + 2x Droptanks
MiG-17A.2xORO57 2x ORO-57 Rocket Pods
MiG-17A.2xORO57+2xdrops 2x ORO-57 + 2x Droptanks
MiG-17A.4xORO57 4x ORO-57 Rocket Pods
MiG-17A.4xORO57+2xdrops 4x ORO-57 + 2x Droptanks
MiG-17A.none Empty
# MiG-17F
MiG-17F.default Default
MiG-17F.2xdrops 2x Droptanks
MiG-17F.2x100 2x FAB-100
MiG-17F.2x100+2xdrops 2x FAB-100 + 2x Droptanks
MiG-17F.2x100+2x250m46 2x FAB-100 + 2x FAB-250 M46
MiG-17F.4x100 4x FAB-100
MiG-17F.2x250m46 2x FAB-250 M46
MiG-17F.2xMARS2 2x MARS-2 Rocket Pods
MiG-17F.2xMARS2+2xdrops 2x MARS-2 + 2x Droptanks
MiG-17F.2xORO57 2x ORO-57 Rocket Pods
MiG-17F.2xORO57+2xdrops 2x ORO-57 + 2x Droptanks
MiG-17F.4xORO57 4x ORO-57 Rocket Pods
MiG-17F.4xORO57+2xdrops 4x ORO-57 + 2x Droptanks
MiG-17F.2xK13A 2x K-13A
MiG-17F.2xK13A+2xdrops 2x K-13A + 2x Droptanks
MiG-17F.none Empty
# MiG-17PF
MiG-17PF.default Default
MiG-17PF.2xdrops 2x Droptanks
MiG-17PF.2xORO57 2x ORO-57 Rocket Pods
MiG-17PF.2xORO57+2xdrops 2x ORO-57 + 2x Droptanks
MiG-17PF.4xORO57 4x ORO-57 Rocket Pods
MiG-17PF.4xORO57+2xdrops 4x ORO-57 + 2x Droptanks
MiG-17PF.2xMARS2 2x MARS-2 Rocket Pods
MiG-17PF.2xMARS2+2xdrops 2x MARS-2 + 2x Droptanks
MiG-17PF.4xK5M 4x K-5M
MiG-17PF.4xK5M+2xdrops 4x K-5M + 2x Droptanks
MiG-17PF.4xK5Mf 4x K-5M (flare)
MiG-17PF.4xK5Mf+2xdrops 4x K-5M (flare) + 2x Droptanks
MiG-17PF.4xR55 4x R-55
MiG-17PF.4xR55+2xdrops 4x R-55 + 2x Droptanks
MiG-17PF.4xR55f 4x R-55 (flare)
MiG-17PF.4xR55f+2xdrops 4x R-55 (flare) + 2x Droptanks
MiG-17PF.none Empty
# Tu-4
Tu-4.default Default
Tu-4.48XFAB-100 48xFAB-100
Tu-4.48XFAB-50 48xFAB-50
Tu-4.24XFAB-250M-46 24xFAB-250M-46
Tu-4.24XFAB-250 24xFAB-250
Tu-4.14XFAB-500 14xFAB-500
Tu-4.8XFAB-1000 8xFAB-1000
Tu-4.1xRDS-4T 1xRDS-4T Nuclear Bomb
Tu-4.2xKS1 2x KS-1 Anti-Shiping Missiles
Tu-4.none Empty
A1H_Tanker vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$A1H_Tanker 1
F_86A5 vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$F_86A5 1
F_86E_10 vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$F_86E_10 1
F_86D40 vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$F_86D40 1
F_86D45 vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$F_86D45 1
F_86F_25E vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$F_86F_25E 1
F_86F_25L vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$F_86F_25L 1
F_86F_40 vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$F_86F_40 1
F_86K vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$F_86K 1
CAC_Sabre_Mk31 vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$CAC_Sabre_Mk31 1
CAC_Sabre_Mk32 vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$CAC_Sabre_Mk32 1
FJ_3M vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$FJ_3M 1
Mig_15 vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$Mig_15 1
Mig_15bis vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$Mig_15bis 1
MiG_15SB vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$MiG_15SB 1
Mig_17A vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$Mig_17A 1
Mig_17F vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$Mig_17F 1
Mig_17PF vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$Mig_17PF 1
TU_4 vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$TU_4 1
// JetEra Stationary planes
// JetEra Stationary planes
Description A1H_Tanker
Icon Plane
Class air.A1H_Tanker
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode WagonMetal
Description F_86A5
Icon Plane
Class air.F_86A5
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode WagonMetal
Description F_86E_10
Icon Plane
Class air.F_86E_10
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode WagonMetal
Description F_86D40
Icon Plane
Class air.F_86D40
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode WagonMetal
Description F_86D45
Icon Plane
Class air.F_86D45
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode WagonMetal
Description F_86F_25E
Icon Plane
Class air.F_86F_25E
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode WagonMetal
Description F_86F_25L
Icon Plane
Class air.F_86F_25L
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode WagonMetal
Description F_86F_40
Icon Plane
Class air.F_86F_40
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode WagonMetal
Description F_86K
Icon Plane
Class air.F_86K
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode WagonMetal
Description CAC_Sabre_Mk31
Icon Plane
Class air.CAC_Sabre_Mk31
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode WagonMetal
Description CAC_Sabre_Mk32
Icon Plane
Class air.CAC_Sabre_Mk32
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode WagonMetal
Description FJ_3M
Icon Plane
Class air.FJ_3M
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode WagonMetal
Description Mig_15
Icon Plane
Class air.Mig_15
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode WagonMetal
Description Mig_15bis
Icon Plane
Class air.Mig_15bis
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode WagonMetal
Description MiG_15SB
Icon Plane
Class air.MiG_15SB
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode WagonMetal
Description Mig_17A
Icon Plane
Class air.Mig_17A
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode WagonMetal
Description Mig_17F
Icon Plane
Class air.Mig_17F
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode WagonMetal
Description Mig_17PF
Icon Plane
Class air.Mig_17PF
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode WagonMetal
Description TU_4
Icon Plane
Class air.TU_4
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode WagonMetal
Extra:This is not mandatory but for those who want to have a new icon for your game shortcut we have created one here:

Download here:
NOT right click and save the image shown above. It is a .png file not an .ico file. You
MUST download it using the link provided!)
Extract the .ico file to your IL2 directory folder (example: C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946). Then find your IL2 shortcut and right click on it and select properties. Then under the shortcut tab click on the change icon button. Then navigate to your il2 directory and select this icon and there you go!
Credits in no particular order: PeterD, Twister, Flakiten, Checkyersix, Csocso, Sani, Storebror, GJE52, Benitomuso, Freddy, Anto, F22-Raptor-2006, Lisek, Deutschmark, Lt Wolf, Josse, JackS, Howlin, Birdman, VH-Rock, Cranky1, Jonesinator, US_GRANT, Chromhunt, JG1/Max, CirX, Ranwers, Santobr, HaDeS, CHN_xixi, CHN_@6, Red_Fox90, Wolfighter, Robo and members of the 51st FIS.
Also many thanks to all the beta testers at SAS.
Skin Templates:Sabre Dog F-86K:,14508.0.html
F-86F Series:,14317.0.html
Troubleshooting:- 5%/ CTD:
Reinstall SAS ModAct (3.02 or later) and try again. In addition, check to see you have the SFS files added correctly
- 60% CTD:
Make sure to use latest SAS buttons v8.6 or later. (And make SURE it is the 4.101 version of SAS buttons you install)
In addition, please check you have added your air.ini entries correctly
- 70% CTD:
Make sure it's not a 60% CTD for real (proceed with 60% above to be on the safe side first).
Make sure you installed the mod files correctly AND that you have added all the static aircraft entries correct.
When installed you should have a folder structure like this:
Your Main IL2 Folder\#SAS\00_1956_Core_v11
- FPS drop in Sabre cockpit view:
Happens on PCs with low-end graphics cards.
Please check the general considerations below and consider upgrading your graphics card.
- "Slideshow" in Sabre cockpit view and/or when missiles are cruising around:
This happens on PCs with very low end CPUs and on improper machines which aren't suitable for gaming at all (i.e. Netbooks, shared memory onboard GPUs).
You can give it a try and check a map with less actors being around.
The IL-2 default QMB map "Bessarabia" has it's airstart placed right above a big town which is the worst situation for low-end CPU constellations. You might want to try flying on the Kuban or Smolensk map instead.
- Textures disappearing:
This issue is strongly related to shared memory GPUs and cannot be addressed.
Don't try playing IL-2 on Smartphones or Tablet PCs 
Some general considerations:
- In the most demanding situations, check most obvious and easiest solutions first.
Are you running IL-2 4.10.1?
Did you upgrade IL-2 correctly up to 4.10.1?
Is IL-2 4.10.1 running fine without the 1956 pack?
Is IL-2 4.10.1 running fine with ModAct 2.72 installed only?
- I checked the IL-2 1956 package on low-end and mismatching PC configurations myself.
It is running fine on as old machines as a Pentium 4 2.6 GHz with Nvidia Geforce 6200 256MB GPU (passive cooled, unable to run FS 2004 playable), but of course it's not running in perfect mode then.
It is running fine as well on newer low-end GPUs such as a Geforce 210, even in perfect mode if the CPU can catch what the GPU leaves.
- Overall low FPS point to a weak graphics card.
- Stuttering in cockpits, over big cities and when missiles are flying around points to a weak CPU.
- Texture issues point to a graphics card with low graphics memory available. You might want to give S3TC texture compression a try (conf.ini entry "TexCompress=2") and limit sprites (conf.ini entry "TexFlags.UseClampedSprites=1") to see if it helps.