Kinda confused about something,I can install clean and patch all the way up to HSFX5.0.1 and that's what I see down in the corner when I start the game HSFX5.0.1 but,after I install this Modact for HSFX5.0 what I see in the corner when the game starts is HSFX5.0.By installing this Modact do I lose the 5.0.1 Hotfix or is it still there? Im using the 4.101 SAS Offline Buttons file if that makes a difference.
Gumpy, no, you fdont loose anything. When you have SAS modfoder enabled, it shows you that loadupscreen to tell you on top in red that you should disable it before online play. And when I made the spashscreen, HSFX was still on 5.0. Chalrie is a lazy shit, he should have put the version number in a classfile

. So, all that is happening is that you are SEEING a 5.0 splashscreen. But you are fully in 5.01.
what if i have already added mods to my game folder?
We dude, then you dont need this, do you?
Fully updated with this and every other updated patch,buttons too...everything works like a charm & am delighted...really.... :)but having no luck getting properly installed new aircraft to show up anywhere in QMB or FMB .Yes have been selective in only trying the few SAS planes rated good for 4.10,but still no joy.I do have an STD folder in Mods folder,with the three files you would expect & have tried to use these while the remaining one on the 'Files" folder have been either enabled or disabled with no luck- I've even tried loading the required aircraft texts here as well with no joy.I'm not a Noob ,and have installed dozens of planes in diffeent encantations of Modded games,but I am only too human & may have missed something here or didn't read the proper readme that describes a different process...or maybe something else? 
This is my default game play location so I 'd like to get all the bells & whistles up & working...
Dietz I know of no specific problems. When making this modact I installed the whole Jetwar pack in HSFX without a hitch. What specific planes are you talking about here?
Have you been updating the air ini in the HSFX Files folder..?. obviously something is a amiss, because
properly installed planes do by definition show up in QMB and FMB.