I have turned off the mods in HSFX and conf.ini is set to 1920 x 1080 after discovering that on another forum. As a matter of fact, I came across your mod when I was researching if it was possible to move the HUD/messaging text and the minimap to my newfound extremes. Truly, hats off to you.
My setup has other issues as well. A little bit of history...
I recently re-introduced myself to IL2 after having it sit dormant on my system for a year.
I rewrote my CH-Products scripts, updated my ATI drivers and brought my IL2 install up to 4.09m, found the widescreen mod and added HSFX as I stated earlier.
After each step, I verified I had the performance I wanted.
But after I added HSFX, for the primary purpose of adding 242's historical mods, I have observed the following:
I get the dreaded "60% Install" when trying to apply the historical mods. No amount of buttons fixing made that go away.
My frame rate drops down to crazy low levels (1 fps to 4 fps) when terra firma is in 10% or greater of my frame. If I point my view skyward I get 60 to 70.
--I thought I had fixed my framerate issue by dropping my terrain values to flat and low (dull and boring). It did work for a time being. But my past few game starts have proven otherwise. The game is currently unplayable. So, if anyone has any ideas as to where to look to make some changes I'd appreciate it.
I know I introduced a bunch of variables into my system and game configuration so in lieu of any specific board member recommended corrections to apply, I am going to restore back to 4.08m and start over.
Since I'm talking about my "problems", here's some other things I encountered since I started to immerse myself into the greater IL-2 community:
This board appears to be one of the most current and extremely active with posts. The updated stickies that keep important gameplay items current and foremost is the best community offering I've seen.
I've applied to a couple other forums (m4t and 242) and I've received no confirmation or reply. With m4t I applied over a year ago without any success as well as recently trying again as well as sending a separate email. Are these "invitation only" forums? Do they screen out applicants that use browser based email addresses? I have pop server access with my provider but I haven't used it in years. Do I smell funny?