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Author Topic: redko's MTO remade V1  (Read 43399 times)

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Re: redko's MTO remade V1
« Reply #48 on: March 07, 2011, 12:57:31 AM »

Thanx mr. Redko.  :)
I like the way you populated the cities, very clever way of combining 3d objects on phototextures. Take for instance the brick walls along the road... That way you can have less objects which is good for framerate.
Something similar I did when populating Sidi Ifni on Agraciers Ifni map.
And good to see my desert house repaints are used a lot.  :)

Yea you Houses were VERY useful, impossible to make an authentic north african urbanism style without this. I will use it too for Tunisia map. The structure of cities is rather similar to what i used for MTO, for exemple there is the same regular pattern coming from the ancian roman empire. Tunis region :

But i will need varierty for your house, same objects but with a little differences. If i make those house would you integrate it to your pack, i think it's better than makin each time a new one?


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Re: redko's MTO remade V1
« Reply #49 on: March 07, 2011, 02:01:11 AM »

Thank you Redko for the repaint and Gerax for the new Blue Scramble mission!



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Re: redko's MTO remade V1
« Reply #50 on: March 07, 2011, 06:22:15 AM »

Redko, you continue to set the bar.

Loool. What map have you in mind?

i wanna bomb my home

If you want you already can bomb your home. Venice is included in ZipZapp's Alpen map.
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Re: redko's MTO remade V1
« Reply #51 on: March 07, 2011, 06:30:40 AM »

But i will need varierty for your house, same objects but with a little differences. If i make those house would you integrate it to your pack, i think it's better than makin each time a new one?

I would suggest to make a brand new download for your repaints and post it in the 'Visuals' section like I did.
And name it Desert House Pack part II for instance...
It will be a bit confusing I think when members do have to download my pack for the second time and by the way my repaints are already included in Boomer's Object Mod Pack.
Looking forward to your paintjob!
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Re: redko's MTO remade V1
« Reply #52 on: March 07, 2011, 07:52:05 AM »

Ok but seriously, so this is more than a standard repaint, its actually a redrawing of the map boundaries/landforms?

No. Its not Redko who did a "redrawing", there are two versions of MTO Maps around ( I never noticed this before :(). And he used this "old" (first beta?, stock?) version of the MTO map I think. But when this map as Redko used it was changed and who did this I don't know ...

I just looked into a old campaign (DE/ZG CRETE; Jun-Nov 1941) wich was made 12-2008, it works with this "old" maps Redkos repainted, there the pathways etc. fits.

I will have a look into newer missions later, maybe other campaigns/missions wich was made for the "new" map and the set objects, takeoff/landing/etc. pathways on the islands will not fit as with the new bluescramble mission (as far as I see it the mainland in the south is not affected, so what is set there should be playble without problems).?

I for my part will rather rework some missions than to forgo Redkos repaint..
but I know a lot of users will not do this, they want mods "out of the box" (best with 5 years of guarantee.. :D).

Redko , what do you say? Any suggestions mate?

Interresting finding Gerax, never heard about that second MTO. Are they called exactly in the same way ? ::). I guess my version is a little older, and most of missions for that map are made for that one, but maybe i'm wrong. Anyway, is the size map is the same, it could be easy to copy past the map_t and the object from one the other. Is someone could do so i could texture the big island in the north.

For the moment i have to update a little Sands and Dersert, i'm already involded in Tunisia and Sinai so time is short. More than than these 2 last maps are more important and interresting for historical missions.


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Re: redko's MTO remade V1
« Reply #53 on: March 07, 2011, 09:35:39 AM »

I for my part have no problems with your repaint. As said above "I would rather rework some missions than to forgo your repainted MTO".  ;D

Ok. Thanks for help. And people reworking missions/campains feel free to post links here  :)


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Re: redko's MTO remade V1
« Reply #54 on: March 07, 2011, 12:22:51 PM »

WOW - lots of responses to the problem discovered: 2 versions of the QMB MTO Map are in random, uncoordinated use by modders.

So......................................it has been suggested that we who are having a "blue start" problem change the missions.
This is QMB, not FMB we are talking about, the Axis mission start/scramble position is compressed into the main game folder,

So.... to avoid "blue start" we have to download a tool/software program: to un-compress
the main game QMB mission files in the axis section , manipulate it, and re-compress it
back into the game? - If I was capable of doing that I might try modding a map myself -
sorry I posses no such computer acumen.
 Thanks to all who tried to help.

I like the map so I will just fly Allied on it.


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Re: redko's MTO remade V1
« Reply #55 on: March 08, 2011, 06:44:46 AM »

So.... to avoid "blue start" we have to download a tool/software program: to un-compress
the main game QMB mission files in the axis section , manipulate it, and re-compress it
back into the game? - If I was capable of doing that I might try modding a map myself -
sorry I posses no such computer acumen.

For changing quick missions you don't have to be a computer wizkid.
Try out Benitomuso's MissionProCombo Mod. This is the link to the 4.09 version but there is also another for V4.10.
With this mod you are able to edit every quick mission to your own taste, even default ones. And besides that it includes dozens of quick missions for modded maps.
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Re: redko's MTO remade V1
« Reply #56 on: March 08, 2011, 09:34:15 AM »

Thanks - im behind the times  - with this QMB editor program I should be able to fix it all.!!!


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Re: redko's MTO remade V1
« Reply #57 on: March 08, 2011, 02:36:07 PM »

Maybe better we can leave this map like MTO_REDKO another way will be big problem with mission and online game. :(


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Re: redko's MTO remade V1
« Reply #58 on: March 08, 2011, 02:57:30 PM »

I would be grateful for a map f also.


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Re: redko's MTO remade V1
« Reply #59 on: March 08, 2011, 03:35:33 PM »

Hi red, I play an UP 209 install but even though I followed what u said to bombsaway I can't get the redko_Mto working. Removed the map_f line, renamed to redko_load.ini the load.ini in the map and renamed the line in main load.ini as redko_Mto redko_Mto/redko_load.ini but still I get a "landscape" error. No clue about that... Thks a lot for your work and your help!
PS: as a stock install (instead of the stock MTO) it works
Best regards, gianluca

Edit: took a _f from "desert" map, yours of course and it works but, maybe, not the choice u would suggest to get what u intended to...
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