Sorry I can only post threads in some boards as a new member so excuse me if this is in the wrong place.
I was putting some of my old mods back into il2, some vehicles and guns in this case (WFlyr "you are very sexy man" is Russian for thanks dude), anyway I'm scrolling down the technics.ini past the AAA stats and I notice hang on, all the effective ceilings on the German AAA is wrong.
Now I understand the lateral ranges (ie. ranges against ground targets) of artillery in IL2 is shortened for game purposes. But the ceilings of the AAA is supposed to be accurate.
Ref. include Encyclopedia of WW2 Weapons, 1998 Aerospace Publishing
FlaK 30 2cm and FlaK 38 2cm are good at 2200m
incidentally the gun series always describes the carriage, machinery and sighting system being used, not the gun which is only described by barrel dimensions although FlaK and PaK will always be lengthy for high projectile velocity so length-calibre is rarely noted (length-calibres are important for KwK or tank guns so operators know how much it was shortened by when being converted from a PaK)
FlaK 18 3.7cm
Actually a really troublesome carriage the FlaK 18 for this gun, they never did quite get it sorted and it never wound up being recalled, just stayed out in service alongside its replacement the FlaK 36. When you see these 3.7cm being mounted on the back of a halftrack or as an SPG, that's a FlaK 36 or 37 mounting (37 was just the late war sights). Anyway the FlaK 18 carriage was heavy, awkward and had a slow (by German standards) traverse. Don't kid yourself about how dangerous this gun was though, they brought down a lot of Allied pilots around airfields and were the standard equip of the Luftwaffe FlaK abt. at company level and SPG-FlaK (SPG and vehicle mounted versions of course use the later carriage).
(changes in red)
Ammendment: I have found you cannot change min and max pitch without CTD 70% but other figures are fine. Always back up your files before modification.
// Weapon
Gun MachineGunBoforsUS40
AttackMaxDistance 3276.0
AttackMaxRadius 3276.0
AttackMaxHeight 4800.0
HeadYawHalfRange 180.0
GunMinPitch -5.0
GunStdPitch 45.0
GunMaxPitch +80.0
HeadMaxYawSpeed 26.0
GunMaxPitchSpeed 48.0
DelayAfterShoot 1.0
ChainfireTime 4.0
FlaK 18 8.8cm
Everybody loves this gun, the "88" but it's actually pretty ordinary as AAA in these early versions, mostly it combined the typical performance of 75mm AAA with a bigger shell for more bang. Its contemporary would be the QF Ordnance 3" AAA used by the BEF.
But being pretty handy (around 5tons in action) AAA of these calibres could be used as extremely effective PaK and the 88 was designed from the start for this dual role, first used against armour in Spain. It was Rommel using it to devastating antitank effect in North Africa that earned the gun its reputation among the Allies, so much so that American troops at Normandy identified every field howitzer they came across as "88s" seriously it's on record.
The really impressive German FlaK was the 10.5cm with several thousand made so this was really the main heavy AAA from 1942 onwards, but it wasn't very mobile or handy. Basically most static emplacements or rail mountings had them, the old 88 remained in field units.
// Weapon
Gun CannonFlak18_88mm
AttackMaxDistance 5000.0
AttackMaxRadius 5000.0
AttackMaxHeight 8000.0
HeadYawHalfRange 180.0
GunMinPitch -5.0
GunStdPitch 45.0
GunMaxPitch +85.0
HeadMaxYawSpeed 10.0
GunMaxPitchSpeed 4.0
DelayAfterShoot 3.0
ChainfireTime 0
small calibre AA
I've no idea why IL2 offers effective range/altitude of 1.6km for light calibre guns like the ShKAS, you'd need a radar director to get that. A guy with a peashooter firing at aircraft from the ground, you're talking like 2-300m or else you're just doing it to make youself feel better. With a heavy calibre MG like a 50cal or one of those Russian antitank rifles they started using as AAA at Stalingrad, 6-700m tops. Against ground targets maybe 1-2km if you can lay down plenty of shells, but firing upwards, against a metal target moving at 4-600km/h with turbulence and wind and birds squawking and rats crawling over your toes and the sun in your eyes forget it.
I'm going to leave it though and just consider it a game quirk.
Zenit 72-K 25mm AAA
No way this gun has worse performance than a Hotchkiss. Sure the carriage is a joke but the gun is sound. No way this carriage has the traverse of the FlaK 36. These points are just technical logic.
// Weapon
Gun MachineGunZenit25mm_1940
AttackMaxDistance 2000.0
AttackMaxRadius 2000.0
AttackMaxHeight 3000.0
HeadYawHalfRange 180.0
GunMinPitch -10.0
GunStdPitch 45.0
GunMaxPitch +82.0
HeadMaxYawSpeed 28.0
GunMaxPitchSpeed 15.0
DelayAfterShoot 2.2
ChainfireTime 5.5
JA Type 98 20mm AAA
Who'd have thunk I actually have detailed entries on this specific gun, very underrated by IL2, the author of its article calls it "extremely deceptive appearance and a thoroughly modern weapon with good performance"
Was carried into action by a 2-3 man crew you know and setup within 3 minutes. The reason it was such an unusually hard hitter for a 20mm was because its ammunition was based on antitank guns of this calibre, firing a shell 15% heavier than something like an Oerlikon at easily the same muzzle velocity.
// Weapon
Gun MachineGunFlak30_20mm
AttackMaxDistance 2200.0
AttackMaxRadius 2200.0
AttackMaxHeight 3650.0
HeadYawHalfRange 180.0
GunMinPitch -5.0
GunStdPitch 45.0
GunMaxPitch +85.0
HeadMaxYawSpeed 45.0
GunMaxPitchSpeed 18.0
DelayAfterShoot 2.2
ChainfireTime 5.5
FireFastTargets 1
Well that'll do for now. Might check through others another time.