hi all
here's a bunch of static objects that can be used for creating scenery to help with the all-important immersion factor, just a group of assorted bombs at different heights, to allow mission builders to create their own 'stacks' of bombs, plus a few bomb trolley objects which can be used for this, as well.
very handy for populating airfields, etc...
please note, these are purely static objects for scenario 'eye-candy' purposes, and do not have bomb/weapon properties, so don't expect to see big explosions if you try to strafe/bomb them, whatever.

use 'em or lose 'em, folks!
download: https://storebror.it.cx/sas/archive/sas2/Malone/StaticBombs.rarreadme included.
[Edit by Epervier]Concerns all objects Bombs static (Malone's Bombs + bombs FR & IT) !
Many of these objects do not have a shadow.
Others have shadows without correct shape.
I took all of the objects and I added the correct shadows!
Link : https://www.mediafire.com/?ih8b7c9oqc8760bcredits:
GJE52(bomb trolley models)
Jolly/Jones (HC4000/Tallboy models)
Zorin(original mesh reworks for several bombs)
happy FMB'ing!!

4.09m & 4.10m COMPATIBLE !!