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  1. My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....
  2. The cockpit night light of AI's planes from external view
  3. About Bf-109E-3/B
  4. Sorry, you are not allowed to post external links.
  5. goodbye
  6. In-game SAM(s) guide and electronic warfare.
  7. I-15 to I-16 China Roundel Problem (Solved)
  8. Flak_Gun Tower (8,8 Flak_t)
  9. Missing stationary planes....atm in DOF
  10. New Black Cross Red Star vol 3
  11. Adding a Golden Age into WAW??
  12. Paulus Dragonfly 39Y...
  13. MS-410
  14. P-61 Radar?
  15. DOF....flutter effect ON or OFF?
  16. Wishlist for BAT
  17. About the cockpit of OspreyS (Solved)
  18. Korean War Era Carriers
  19. Trying Moscow campaign says "No master file mission found"? DCG 3.50
  20. Will home bases attach to anything else?
  21. WAW BSMU guns and motors mods
  22. NG-CAM - NG-PAL - perfect companions
  23. New statistics for on line game
  24. Markings issues on some italian aircrafts (wrong numbers and not changable)
  25. Me-210 and 410 Stuvi bomb sights
  26. Dynamic weather - is it possible?
  27. Ju-88 Landing Flaps
  28. Wounds
  29. Customizing BAT loading screens and backgrounds - general thread
  30. B.A.T. Multiplayer resource thread
  31. Question about adding a map in QMB
  32. Grumman F9F Panther
  33. Can we blur the horizon to hide curvature at higher altitudes?
  34. Some PTO maps aren'y appearing
  35. BAT 4.2 repeatedly not installing : Corrupt files !
  36. Jet Age A-10's and P-47's act/performe weird
  37. BAT Multiplayer hints and tips?
  38. Update 2.4.3 Night Fighter Pits
  39. Will BAT modswork work with STEAM install ?
  40. About Fairey Battle (BAT stock version)
  41. Modder Membership
  42. new sound ambience for Harbours and ports
  43. Oil/Gas rig (platform)
  44. About the number marking of ZERO initial type
  45. Uninstalling BAT
  46. About the nose part of the Mig-3U
  47. Multiplayer missions in BAT? (WoW, Jet age)
  48. Camparing turn speed and other characteristics between planes.
  49. Various munitions vs ship
  50. Any maps load.ini/textures checker?