Hi Everyone.
There seems to be a bit of misunderstanding about posting links to other IL2 sites, and what is allowed and what is not. This seems to be exaggerated by our human trend towards conspiracy theory, of which we are all guilty. We like to think in terms of feuds and wars between forums and groups. What we forget is, that this is a decades old GAMING community. Which means that, and some stage, every single group or person has fought with every single other one. About almost everything. That is the nature of things.
Everyone also eventually moves on and gets over it. We hope!

We endeavor to never let such things interfere with the running of this community. We do fail sometimes, but we do try.
So I post this just to clarify things for everyone:The only type of link, referral or mention, we do NOT allow (and never have and never will), and which will be removed by admins if noted, are links to places where you have to register an account to view it.
Links, referrals to, and mentions of, other forums and pages, which are open (like SAS) and which can be accessed and viewed by a visiting guest without having to register, are 100% fine.
And that is all there is to it! Very simple really.
![Cheers ]cheers[](https://www.sas1946.com/main/Smileys/akyhne/occasion14.gif)