These aircraft are based off the B-25s (stock/modded) planes, but adapted for naval actions. Armed with bombs, flares, marker dyes, Depth Charges, rockets, and torpedos.
Tested on 4.09, 4.10, 4.101, and DWB 1.71
Download PBJ Pack v2DOWNLOAD PBJ Arms <---- Place into your 3do folder
Download PBJ RadomeIf you have my previous version, delete the old single file planes and replace them with these. add the needed air and plane.rus and your ready to go. If you havent already installed these, well... you know what to do
- B-25 Mod pack : Gibbage/Monguse/Howlin(FM)
- Gaston from Check-6: (the work of extracting the new planes included in the AAA UI 1.2 and compiling the B-25 pack here at SAS).
- SAS~Bombsaway: Test piloting and Research
- Sani & Radar: Cockpit Classes Instructions
- Howlin for the FM on the B-25D&Js
- CsoCso for nose job and mesh editing
And the crowd goes wild for SAS~Epervier!!!!!!!!
The PBJ-H1C is now ready for the skies of 4.10! see attachment below.