First, I wish to thanks the team for his work on CUP.
I would like some help:
Since WAW part 15-17, some stock Dgen campaigns do not work anymore.
I have not test all but Sturmovik,Russian heavy bombers, Finland fighers,.... are broken, planes explode on the ground.
Others like USMC fighters, USAAf fighters, French NN work well ( at least, no exploding planes).
I have tried to replace the #WAW with the one in part 17, no luck.
Same planes used in campaigns work ok in QMB.
I have a Logfile if needed but I think it's more a Dgen problem.
Here extract of Dgen logfile/
===== eventlog.lst =====
[3 janv. 16 14:03:34] Mission: campaign/hu/DGen_F_Prokhorovkastepanov0/30704.mis is Playing
11:15:00 Mission BEGIN
11:15:00 163IAP000 damaged on the ground at 0.007190778 -0.0020810529
11:15:05 Mission END
PlayerWing found:5_1_FighterH
TestWing(f,s): III_JG5_2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): III_JG5_2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): III_JG5_2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): Stab_JG52 0 00
TestWing(f,s): III_JG5_1 0 00
TestWing(f,s): III_JG5_1 0 00
TestWing(f,s): III_JG5_1 0 00
TestWing(f,s): II_JG5_2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): 16GvIAP 0 00
TestWing(f,s): 16GvIAP 0 00
TestWing(f,s): 120IAP 0 00
TestWing(f,s): 120IAP 0 00
TestWing(f,s): 5GvIAP 0 00
TestWing(f,s): 239IAP 0 00
Inherits operations from DGen\ops43-N.dat
MissionDistance set, testing DGen\ProkhorovkaRed0.mis
Can't open!
MissionDistance set, testing DGen\ProkhorovkaBlue0.mis
Can't open!
Dangerous areas
Red:6 Blue:0
What can I do ?
Reinstall WAW or simply reinstall SAS-MME12 ?
Thank you for your help.