Hello guys here is my re-working of Phonix D.I, one more of Gio's masterpieces is finally finished.

Mediafire link:
https://www.mediafire.com/?lv2scckpe39r6qrSkins and template by Stalker:
https://yadi.sk/d/OnI1Juv_jG3rs3D model by: gio963tto.
Slot: Mission_bug, using U-2 dumped classes with 3Dparts from the original model for the cockpit.
FM: Mission_bug using renamed and altered fmd and emd from my re-worked RE8.
Default skin: Stalker
Cockpit texture: vpmedia.
Reducing un-necessary files in aircraft folder: vpmedia.
Currently flying in my DBW 1916, DBW 1.71 and TD 4.12 with SAS Modact 5.30.
Place folder 'AIRCRAFT_PHONIX_DI' in your mod folder and add the following:
Add to Air.ini
Phonix_DI air.Phonix_DI 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Add to Plane_ru.properties
Phonix_DI Phönix D.I, 1917
Control stick and rudder are operable.
No instruments.
FM on auto aircraft slow to start take off but gets in the air and can reach top speed of 180/90 km/h once at height.
Pilot view has been set so you can see the bullet stream if you look straight ahead through to the front of the engine, difficult but as near as I could get.
If you change the aircraft skin you also need to add the skin1o.tga for it into the cockpit folder so you get a uniform scheme overall.
It has been reported in testing that the aircraft is difficult to bring down and does not burn.

If you wish to have a Self Stationary add the folder 'PS_Phonix_DI_SSP' to your mod folder and add the necessary text:
Phonix_DI vehicles.planes.Phonix_DIStatic$Phonix_DI 2
// Self Stationary planes
Description Phonix_DI
Icon Plane
Class air.Phonix_DI
PanzerBodyFront 0.004

Wishing you all the very best, Pete.