This adds a landing light to the Corsairs in the game.
New in v2... In v1 the landing lights were aimed straight down to the ground. In v2 they have been calibrated so that they are aimed in front of the aircraft.
Copy the F4U Landing Light folder into your Mods folder
When you run the game just hit your landing lights key to see your new landing lights.
To uninstall:
Delete the F4U Landing Light folder from your mods folder.
I have also added some skins that I think work very well with this mod.
1: Copy the aircraft skins to your skins folder.
2: Copy the F4U_Droptanks to your jsgmemods folder.
3: Activate the F4U Droptanks that you have just put in your jsgmemods folder.
Now when you select the dark blue F4U skin, your drop tanks and weapons pylons will match.
NOTE: With the dark blue droptanks deactivated you will be able to see the stock droptanks again.
Download link: Landing Light Mod v2 Download.7z