I have now added this here in the WWI section as I now consider my work on it finished.

Bristol F2b by gio963tto.
Mediafire link:
https://www.mediafire.com/?0afv2eva1j27mx23D model: gio963tto.
Default skin: Stalker.
Classes: Pete Shaw aka Mission_bug from U-2 4.10 dumped classes.
FM: uses that of the DH-9 by kant renamed for the Bristol and with a different engine emd.
Bombs: Dreamk.
Pilot textures: Gb taken from DBW 1916
Currently running in my DBW 1916, DBW 1.71 and TD 4.12 with SAS ModAct 5.30.
Place the folder for the Bristol-F2b in your mod folder and add the necessary entries:
Entry for air.ini:
Bristol_F2b air.Bristol_F2b 1 r01 summer
If you wish to have a Self Stationary plane add the folder PS_Bristol_F2b_SSP in your mod folder
and add the folowing entries:
Entries for Self Stationary Plane:
Bristol_F2b vehicles.planes.Bristol_F2bStatic$Bristol_F2b 2
// Self Stationary planes
Description Bristol_F2b
Icon Plane
Class air.Bristol_F2b
PanzerBodyFront 0.004

Self Stationary included:

There is one forward firing gun for the pilot and the twin guns cockpit can be used.
Pilot controls move but there are no working instruments.
Note: I had a issue with the rear guns where if I moved them to the left I could see another set move the opposite way. I cured this using the Matrix tool, however, in doing so it now gives a strange looking view of the guns texture. It may be mapped upside down, who knows.
The view of the gunner station and gunner you see when you look back is fixed, for some reason the moving rear gunner is not visible so I thought this was best option for the moment.
Bomb load follows that of the R.O.F f2b, however, according to sources this should be much lighter in weight.
To help the view in the cockpit it was necessary to add various parts of the 3D from the main model,however, this will use the skin1o file in the cockpit and gunner folders which is for a RFC aircraft. If you wish to use a skin for your aircraft that is a different colour from the default you will need to change the skin1o. tga in the cockpit and gunner folders to match.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. 11th July 2015.