Since I made so many small! but time intensive cockpit mods, I thought about re-uploading and or regrouping them in one thread.None of this would have been doable without PA_Jeronimo, my mesh hero for pits.
These pits may or may not work for various game versions as for e.g. Mustangs! Try and backup!! I did not include 335th_F_Red's gorgeous remeshed and updated pits, these are a stand alone at SAS and also do not work well in DBW or 4.12 IIRC.
No new meshes, but recolour etc.
The folder is the same name as the original SAS~S3 upgrade made for the 2nd Gen Mig-21 thread.
No classfiles, so whatever version of 4S_Vega's new FMs you may use can work.
But these files will override cockpit gauges and layouts from the default Mig-21 2nd Gen install folder named MiG_21 or 0_MiG_21 or whatever.
Both PF and PFM pits now have a black tuned switchboard upper right. Like I saw it on RL shots....e.g.:

PF version with stronger canopy reflection to give the F-16 blister a sort of room/spatial feel from inside.
The PFM version has the same used on the Mig-21MF/bis/s-I find that one a little more immersive.
Also the colour was tuned and the black switchboard right of the radar added.
All pits use the version without animated radar because that one still has the bug with missing switches.
Also I tuned the saturation and added a (humble try>soso) gauge shine.
That one worked better on my P-38 improvement.
SAS~S3, Texx, vpmedia and anyone listed in the Mig thread.
"Cockpit 3D by SAS~S3 (based on CsoCso's original work)
Class work by SAS~Anto, Wasted, SAS~S3 and Sani
RP-21 Radar Implementation by Wasted
Cockpit Textures by Vpmedia, Texx and Wasted"

Extra PF version, black one.
Inside folders are some files marked - or -- aka with one or more minus signs in front. Open them and you see what they are, e.g. different panels or pron stuff lol. This counts for all 'my' pit mods.
F-80....Placeholder, pit not finished!
One of several attempts I made.
Base was crazyflak's Shooting Star mod.
PA_Jeronimo: 3D mesh smoothing!
Freddy: Original F-86 seat mesh and textures.

Love the red one.
Unknown: Canopy reflection I used to modify colours.
NonWonderDog-reticles IIRC.
mfisch2004, maybe some files used here.
Me-Mirror repositioning and resizing after Rl shot(s).
Canopy colours inside.
Grouping of some textures.
Anyone I forgot!

P-51A/B/C and Ds...
Dedicated P-51A pit WIP!
PA_Jeronimo-> all new meshes
me, rest, some texture recolouring, adding reflection inside cockpit, tuning front shields.
Note: Another extra front shield tint for P-51As, WIP cockpit underway as soon as some levers are rounded up.
I researched all front shields for all versions and got them as close as I could do them. I can back up all or most versions with RL shots. But I am not doing it atm..
Also more here:,42948.0.html!0_P-51_cockpits.rar!_0_Cockpit_P-51Atint!.rar---------
P-38, now with new gauges aka a humble try at more glass effect:
Oleg and team-P-38
Team Daidalos-P-38 update
JAMF-one optional high reso panel as base
PA_Jeronimo-mesh fixes and panel edit.
Tom2-panel edits and gauge edits;s_3D_mesh_update_for_4.12_extra_stuff_as_stand_alone_mod.rarlink
See also this thread for canopy reflection option,42948.0.htmlShots

F-6Fs and F-4Us:
PA_Jeronimo, all new 3D new meshes.
Cromhunt: F4-U textures
Slikk, F-6F cockpit base.
Me: canopy reflections, tga grouping etc.
