Mission Pro Combo MOD
includes: Mission Pro, Q.M.B. Pro and F.M.B.+
Final Revision for v4.12.2m
Mission Pro Combo 4.12.2m:Introduction: When 4.12 appeared, I was not in a MODding mood and to make it compatible (because previous version for v4.11 didn't work) I transfered the sources of the MissionPro to SAS~Storebror, who created a working version in record time to catch the launching of v4.12 of the game. But it wasn't ever fully revised. Now I took the time and I fixed several issues pointed out by some users:
-Bug with Multi Selection of Objects in Full Mission Builder.
-Hangup when entering Quick Missions if you changed between different packs installations (HSFX7, Pre-DBW2, ModAct 5.30... this is something very relevant with the TotalMODder Easy Pack for example).
-Several things in the map ordering.
-I adopted the criteria of Countries in Object Search in Full Mission Builder used by Team Daidalos. In fact, as previously they did, they took some code adaption I introduced, in a different way. So to be more convergent I took the class as implemented by them.
Full Mission Builder Plus+:
-Team Daidalos took the Mouse Wheel scroll in FMB and implemented it similar to me. Again: to standardize, I accepted their code which is a reversion of mine.
Full Mission Builder+ v4.12.2m reworked from the original classes. Now it orders the planes in the combobox for selection in the same way you have established for QMBPro (alphabetically or normal). It includes options for Single Missions, Campaigns and Net Missions.

QMBPro v4.12.2m a lot of different contents merged.
-Solved some problems present in the now corrected 4.101m code.
-The sort order for planes list is kept and switching between alphabetical or Standard you don't loose the planes selected.
-The main feature here is that
YOU CAN USE ALL THE PREVIOUS QUICK MISSIONS! My Mod is fully compatible with the old 8 flights QMB missions of 4.09m and previous versions while still being able to read flawlessly the 4.10m new 16 flights missions.
-I have included the folder Missions\Quick with all the previous QMB missions that were around in the forum arranged in individual folders as now are required to operate with 4.10m. In the case they were old missions with only 8 flights, you will see the next 8 as empty ones.
-The contents of "Mission" combobox are the actual names of the files present in the mission folder. So we are not limited anymore to the standard names: Airbase, Armor, Bridge, None, Scramble and Strike. You can have a DestroyCarrier set of missions i.e. and they will be listed. Nothing extra is required for it. Now the Target themselves are the current filenames of the missions in the corresponding mission folder.
-Changed behavior of stock 4.12.2m: when you select from the "Mission" combobox the one you want to use, it will display in Target the corresponding type, and if it is "None" eventually the Adv or Dis, etc.
-It has a couple of corrections in the internal code plus the suggestion of Malone for having a Combo to set the Countries for each flight.
Why a combo? -Because there are some interdependencies between classes that didn't exist before and now require that all are homoegeneous. I took the time to debug everything from my previous Mission Related MODs and make them clear.
The QMB Pro now has a link to the F.M.B. too. It allows you to edit the Quick Mission that you are selecting:

The Big ComboBoxes as the one of Planes or this one of Missions, are Auto-Limited now to not exceed the height of the Screen. It is a problem derived from the stock code that in the past we have solved by setting the size of the auto-expansión. Nothing of that is required anymore.
Single Mission Pro v4.12.2m.
The Combo of the the Mission Pro allow us to change the conditions of missions, plus decide if the parachutes (a fps impacting feature) will be enabled or not.
Now it remembers the last mission for Single Missions, Campaigns, Net Mission of every kind, etc. (this feature originally was only available for Single Missions and off-line campaigns).Now you can invoke (only for Single Missions) the Full Mission Builder (F.M.B.) from the Single Mission Pro, and it opens the mission you were working on. This F.M.B. is based on FMBPlus, but the scrollwheel operation and some minor extra functions required to make it available for other modules (QMB and Briefing screens) were implemented:
Credits for QMBPro: Josse, FatCat and SAS. To CirX for being my Beta Tester and encouraging me to follow with these projects.
Special thanks to Diego (Sir Galahad) who helped me to debug the MOD to this final version.
Malone for his suggestion of the Country field for the flight.
Credits for MissionPro: CirX from SAS and special thanks and compliments to Andy (Vampire Pilot) who helped me a lot to debug the MOD and make this new release clean, fully functional and stable.
Credits for FMBPlus+: to the author / authors of the original FMBPlus who I never could find who are (if someone tells me I will amend this empty space).