NEW TRAIN MOD v1.1 for IL-2 v.4.09 and above 

Tested in DBW-1.7
Tested in UP2 (Epervier)
UPDATE version-1.1 (big thanks Epervier)- added platform with tanks Turan.I
- added trains-light and others Steam left/right (Java classes and effects by Epervier (According to the idea and realization of the Lokomotive light Mod by Stuka40))
- Between 19h (7pm) and 06h (6am) = lights ON
- If aircraft near = lights OFF
NEW TRAIN MOD included of itself:
* Cargo coach
* Passenger wagon
* Platform1 - Now Platform with "Opel Blitz"
* Platform2 - Now Platform with "Pz-IIIJ"
* Platform3 - Now Platform with "Studebecker"
* Platform4 - Now 20t.Zenithal platform with "Flak-30"
* Oil tank
* RUS Locomotive (model with coal tender)
* GERM Locomotive
* GERM Coal tender
* Platform with "ZIS-5"
* Platform with "T-34"
* Platform with "Sherman"
* Platform with "Turan-I"
* Platform with Tractor and Gun
* 20t.Platform with 2xGun
* 20t.Platform with cargo
* 20t.Zenithal platform with machine gun "Maxime"
* Zenithal platform with Gun 25mm "ZIS"
* Zenithal platform with "Flak-38"
* Command wagon
* Sanitary wagon
* Armoured Locomotive
* Armoured Coal tender
* Armoured coach - 1
* Armoured coach - 2
* Cargo coach - two variants
* Cargo coach damaged - two variants
* Oil tank - six variants
* Oil tank damaged
* Passenger wagon damaged - summer and winter
* Command wagon damaged - summer and winter
* Sanitary wagon damaged - summer and winter
* Locomotive - two variants
* Locomotive damaged - three variants
* Summer and Winter camouflage
* New models of the damages
* Corrected Summer and Winter textures Vokzal plate
* Corrected Summer and Winter textures Rail, sk_Rail
* New presets-files for sounds
* Epervier - for making the classes and support of this project
* Wingflyr - for creation many 3D-models used in given to MOD
* Molva and Greif11 - for making the models of the russian locomotive
* Greiff11 - for making the texture of the damaged Oil tank and original textures "Rail" and "sk_Rail"
* Creators of the strategic game TOW (Theatre Of War) and free mods packs for TOW - for creation many 3D-models used in given to MOD
* SolanaBogon - for making presets-files
* Stuka40 - for idea and first realization of the Lokomotive light Mod by Stuka40_MOD
*Changes the models, textures, assembly of the new models - wcat
!!! Delete all my early TrainMOD !!!
* Place folder "!!!_NewTrainMOD" in your folder "MODS" (#DBW, #SAS, #UP# and etc.)
* Add (with change original) to lines from text files - "_Add in static.ini"
"_Correct and add in chief.ini"
"_Correct and add in stationary.ini"
"_Correct and add in technics.ini"
"_Correct and add in technics_ru"
in necessary files on - #DBW/STD/com/maddox/il2/objects/chief.ini
Sorry for my bad english!
DOWNLOAD v1.1 link :
Respectfully yours!
For 412 users !
- fix Platform 4 6 7 8
- fix Platform4Arm & Plateform4Arm2please find attached at bottom of this post, the fix for the AA firing causing a ctd for some 412 users,
courtesy of Epervier (the 409 rebel who saves the day for the 412 imperialists)