New debugged and expanded versions of Mission Pro and QMBPro Extending some of the features of my previous versions, these two mods will expand even more your IL-2s by adding the chance of selecting more things and customizing them more in depth.
I wish to thank specially:
Andy (Vampire Pilot) who helped me a lot to debug the MissionPro MOD, and who made a very exhaustive and precise testing of every function and
Diego (Sir Galahad), who was the one that pointed out some of the issues of the QMBPro and helped me to confirm that I debugged all the operation anomalities.
Now the Mission Pro works with Static and Dynamic campaigns as well as with Single Missions. Some oddities about colors, text, etc., were corrected.
For those who didn't like my use of colors to indicate Flights, Armies, etc., now I have included a setting through the [Mods] section of Config.ini that allow to disable that with the line:
PALMODsColor=0 it will disable the Red / Blue army differentiation (please read ReadMe files for details) and use only black for indication text.
Regarding the Quick Mission Pro 4.09m I have solved some issues that existed with the Reset function and when you set to 0 the number of planes of a flight. Now any mission respects exactly what you see in the screen regarding the number of planes of a flight, etc.
Another feature is that for those users that had problems with the number of items of the comboboxes (that the list went out of the screen, etc.), now every single line is configurable to specify the number of items that will be used (again: please read the ReadMe of QMBPro to see the details on how to do that).
Full readme with detailed instructions is included in both .rar files. Please, I recommend you to read them in detail to fully understand the ways of configuring them and using the available options.
benitomuso (P.A.L.)