Hi Folks,
this is the "High Resolution / True Color Textures Mod" Package. This is the release version of the WIP mod posted here (old WIP thread):
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,28127.0.htmlIt enables you to use Textures with HD resolutions (currently max. 2048 x 2048 pixels, 4096 x 4096 on your own risk) and true color, even for custom aircraft skins from the "PaintSchemes" folder.
A big hand to carsmaster for his permission to include his high res DLLs into this mod package and to Glynn (SAS~GJE52) for providing sample custom skins for some Spitfires in HD!
Please find the first public Release version v1.0, for download below:
High Resolution True Color Texture Mod Package v1.0 (Mediafire)High Resolution True Color Texture Mod Package v1.0 (Mission4Today)The regarding Manual can be found here:
High Resolution True Color Texture Mod Manual (Mediafire)This mod is supposed to be compatible with any game version from 4.09m onwards, regardless which modpack (DBW, UP, HSFX, SAS Modact, Histomod, whatever else) you use.
- HD Texture DLLs (il2_core.dll and il2_corep4.dll) by carsmaster. A big hands to carsmaster for his HD texture DLLs which made this mod package possible at all.
- True Color Texture Mod by SAS~Storebror.
- Sample HD skins by SAS~GJE52.
- Original game files by 1C/Maddox.
* *
* True Color / High Resolution Texture Mod *
* *
Extract the contents of this package to your IL-2 game folder.
Run JSGME to enable mod contents.
The mod consists of two mandatory parts:
1.) The high resolution Texture DLLs.
Enable either "full" or "light" version depending on your requirements
and PC performance/capabilities.
2.) True Color Texture Mod.
Enable the version corresponding to your game version.
Additionally there are optionally available Sample HD aircraft skins which
you can enable too if you wish.
Compatible IL-2 Game Versions:
HD Texture DLLs (il2_core.dll and il2_corep4.dll) by carsmaster. A big hands to
carsmaster for his HD texture DLLs which made this mod package possible at all.
True Color Texture Mod by SAS~Storebror.
Sample HD skins by SAS~GJE52.
Original game files by 1C/Maddox.
Enjoy and redistribute FOR FREE!
Bug reports welcome, skinners most welcome

Please RTFM before you report any bugs. Thank you very much!
Best regards - Mike