The Aviator Mod Team and Ferté Alais Virtuelle presents the L-39C! Please note this is a Work In Progress.
This mod has been developed and managed by the Ferté Alais Virtuelle for their project.

air.ini:L-39C air.L39C 1 r01 SUMMER
Download: (If you have installed previous versions, please delete the old L-39C folder before installing this newer version)
Version 4.2 Patch: (Includes 4.1) (Delete old L-39C folder before installing, includes L39_Default pilot skin and UV map). Please note that original pilot skins are no longer compatible. The area around the face has now changed. For this reason a default pilot skin is provided. For ease of use please try and stick to L39_***.bmp for pilot skin names. 256x256 bitmap and if I remember correctly there must be no spaces in the file name or it will cause crashes.
Please note if you are using UP3 you will need DiffFM. If you are using DBW you will not need DiffFM as it is already there in the base installation. Other mod packages/setups have not been tested and are not supported.
DiffFM: (Thanks to ton414)
It is recommended to use this custom lights mod: (Thanks to santobr and Nightshifter)
It appears that the large majority of people are missing the #UP# Sample Folder files as since it is not available on their website readme you can download it here: (Install aircraft as you would normally, #UP# folder is now your MODS folder.)
Features:- New 3D.
- New Flightmodel.
- Dual seat works online, you can jump into the back seat and join in the ride.
- Dual Ejection seats.
- Opening Canopies.
ChangelogVersion 4.2:- New pilot head. Mapped onto pilot skin. (UV Map and new default pilot skin included in patch)
- New default skin by Phas3e.
- Moved WingTip vortex hooks.
Version 4.1:- Instructor (back seat pilot) will now turn head and look around at random.
Version 4:- Fixed second ejector seat 3D bug.
- Second pilot can now also bailout.
- Ejector seats fitted to both pilot positions, instructor ejects first if the seats are used.
- Fixed canopy animation and added second canopy animation.
- Removed trainer loadout, now comes default with 2 pilots.
- Small updates to flightmodel.
- Fixed flap fully lowered angle, 44 degrees.
- Flap usage limited to 310kmh TAS and lower.
- Automatic airbrake deployment at 0.78 mach (varies at different altitudes, ~ 950 kmh at sea level and ~ 850 kmh at high altitude)
- Updated tip tank mapping, both sides are no longer mapped to one identical location, they are now split up. (New UV map:
- Folder split for L-39 Sounds, these will not be changing in the foreseeable future and so future uploads will only include main folder.
This aircraft has been designed for aerobatics, as such it has no guns or things like damage models. Please feel free to play with it and report any bugs or comments about the flightmodel etc... Note that the real life engine takes 9 seconds or so to go to full power, this one has been modified to 3 seconds for aerobatic purposes. It is likely a separate flight model will be made that will use the civilian engine that is less responsive closer towards the final product. Pink_Tigger is experiencing computer problems and is currently away so there are some limitations to what can be done on the 3D side at the moment. Hopefully when he comes back these problems can be resolved.
Progress:External 3D

- LODS/Shadow




Additional Features: (to be implemented)
- Cockpit (Aymi)
- Airshow smoke (Cannot be changed until final UP3 comes out)
Bug Reports:- Green tail light must be changed to white. (Cannot be changed until final UP3 comes out)
- Rear canopy is ejected during bailout even though canopies are open.
Credits:Aviator Mod Team:
Pink_Tigger - 3D
GJE52 - 3D
F22-Raptor-2006 - Java, FM
Phas3e - Default Skin
Also many thanks to Ferté Alais Virtuelle - Beta testing, skins, project management
and Frecce Tricolori Virtuali for MB-339 Sounds.

Edited by SAS~EpervierVersion 4.1 for 4.09 users !
Link for SAS-buttons : for C6-buttons : for 4.11 users