Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star

This MOD requires a 4.101m installation and the latest SAS button in order to work.
Many thanks to SAS~Anto, SAS~Storebror, SaS~JackS, Harpia Mafra and Birdman: it has been a neat experience to work with experts like you

And obviously many thanks to the SAS and CirX!
This plane is so full of features that SAS~Anto implemented that you will be pleasently surprised in discovering them!!
FOR REFERENCE (by SaS~JackS):The entry airspeed for:
-rolling manuvers ( aileron roll, barrel roll, pitch out for landing): 250KIAS
-vertical maneuvers ( loops cuban 8s, cloverleafs): 350 KIAS
Airstart attempts: one
Minimum altitude for a controlled ejection : 10,000 feet
Minimum altitude for an emergency ejection: 500 feet
Usual altitude for training aerobactics: 15,000
Keep in mind that you need to be EASY ON THE THROTTLE.
CREDITS:Java and classfiles by SAS~Anto and SAS~Storebror
FM and references by SaS~JackS
New skins by _Harpia_Mafra55_
New 3D by Red_Fox90
LOD values by Birdman
Original 3D by 1C
Pilots by Wolfighter and Red_Fox90