Note: Replacement classfiles posted here,16988.msg646125.html#msg646125
These remove class dependencies on ShipPack2. I've been working on these for a while now and they are finally done. Asheshouse provided the class files that allow this mod to work.
These ships were used in the South Pacific during 1944; the ships with Measure 21, Navy Blue, were used during this period and in 1945.
Because the skin uses one copy of the hull for both sides I originally was going to do alternate sides of the same Design - Design 8A Port then Design 8A Starboard etc. I then decided that, as good Naval aviators we would always approach our ship from the port side using a left-hand circuit before landing. With this in mind I then decided to model only the port side of the ships. The island, however, is accurate on both sides as the skin provides both sides.
I used photos from the Internet for every ship I could find. Some of these photos were not much use and some were invaluable for the details - particularly of the flight deck. Just to short-circuit those who will ask "What the h*** is the 'Z' doing on the deck of Belleau Wood?": I got the photo clearly showing this version of the deck number. For those interested here's the link: and similar sites were heavily used during the painting process.
So, with all this in mind here's some pictures showing these ships:


Belleau Wood:






San Jacinto:


There are three downloads for these.
The first download is for the ships alone. Here's the link: second download puts the deck crew on board these ships using Ranwers' old Carrier Crew v4. Here's the link: third download puts the deck crew on board these ships using Ranwers' new Carrier Crew v5. Here's the link: on this Carrier Crew v5:
I repainted the deck crew for the ships in Measure 21 - USS Langley CVL-27, USS Cabot CVL-28, and USS Generic CVL - to better reflect the uniforms used on these ships during combat operations. It was with the help of Ranwers that I was able to separate these crewmembers from the rest of the ships' crews.
Here are three pictures showing Carrier Crew v5:
On board USS Cabot CVL-28

On board USS Cowpens CVL-25

This last download is for Ranwers' latest creation - Carrier Crew v5. I heartily recommend this last addition for the on-deck immersion value. Here's the link:,16467.0.html?PHPSESSID=c327a8333e93769945691571e03f6b00I hope you get as much enjoyment from these ships as had making them for you.