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Author Topic: DBW Base Pack and Mandatory Updates Downloads  (Read 124859 times)

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DBW Base Pack and Mandatory Updates Downloads
« on: June 14, 2011, 09:36:26 PM »

Dark Blue World Downloads: Base Pack and Mandatory Updates

NOTE: Read all instructional & information Topics in this board, and in the Download carefully before proceeding! start here:

Newbie Guide : What is Dark Blue World (DBW) ?

Information: DBW Base Pack (build 1.1) must be installed first to use DBW. Updates must be installed in numbered sequence.

Note: The original Base Pack 1.0 has fallen away. If you are new to DBW, you now directly go to Build 1.1, downloading Build 1.1 part 1 and Build 1.1 part 2 "super". Users who already have Build 1.1 (the older version) over the old build 1.0, do not need this before proceeding to build 1.2.

DBW Build 1.1 (includes build 1.0)

~This update comes in two parts. Both are required for a succesfull installation.
~Included in Part 2 is a quick installation guide, and all other needed documents, including fileslist, features and build-log with credits.
~You MUST have up3 with any of its latest hotfixes and updates installed (at least RC3).

DOWNLOAD DBW Base Pack (build 1.1 super) :

DBW Build 1.1 Part 1(185MB)
DBW Build 1.1 Part 2 (super) (95MB)

Oceanic Wing Mirror (thanx to Magpie):

DBW Build 1.1 Part 1(185MB)
DBW Build 1.1 Part 2 (super) (95MB)

Megaupload Mirror (thanx to Boomer):

DBW Build 1.1 Part 1(185MB)

Mediafire Mirror 2 (thanx to hguderian):

DBW Build 1.1 Part 1(185MB)
DBW Build 1.1 Part 2 (super) (95MB)

Gamefront Mirror (thanx to korrigan):

DBW Build 1.1 Part 1(185MB)
DBW Build 1.1 Part 2 (super) (95MB)

Filefactory Mirror (thanx to MrOblongo):

DBW Build 1.1 Part 1(185MB)

4shared Mirror (thanx to walter_solito):

DBW Build 1.1 Part 1(185MB)
DBW Build 1.1 Part 2 (super) (95MB)

Thank you all for the help with putting up the mirrors, guys! :)

Visit the Bug Report topic for the relevant build to see notices on known issues https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,189.0.html

NOTE: the documents following are included with the download also.

Installing DBW Build 1.1 (super)
(for new players of DBW, you no longer need build 1.0, you can go directly from your UP3 install to DBW buils 1.1. Following are the installation instructions)

Code: [Select]

~ Working copy of IL2 1946 v 4.101, with UP3, and any UP3 hotfixes and updates, installed and working (at least up to UP3 RC3 or later)

~ We advise: This copy of IL2 should be located somewhere other than your C:\Program Files folder.


~ Use [url=https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,2123.0.html]7zip[/url] to unpack the downloads "part 1"  and "part 2 super"

~ Disable ALL jsgme mods you may have enabled

~ Total (both parts combined)Contents are 6 folders and an il2fb.exe file:

~SAS_DBW (part 1 and part 2 downloads both have parts of this folder)
~SAS Modact 3 Documentation

~In your Game's Missions folder, do the following

1) Backup and remove the QuickQMBPro folder, if you have it **(see notes below)

~ Copy all  items to your chosen game installation. If asked about over-writing files, say that it is OK.

[b]Before starting the game:[/b]

~ Ensure that you have the latest version of the il2fb.exe selector, and the latest version of the SAS Offline Buttons file installed. (DBW build 1.0 comes with il2fb.exe selector v1.3b, and SAS Offline Buttons v8.9 ). Latest versions of these can be found in this board: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,176.0.html

~ Ensure that, in your JSGME folder, there are no other il2fb.exe files present. If there are, back them up and delete them.

~ Ensure that NO UP3 option is enabled in jsgme.

[b]Starting the game:[/b]

~ Click on the selector to launch it. Make your chosen setting and select your chosen game (Dark Blue World in this instance), and start it.

[b]We Advise:[/b]

~ If you experience some stuttering on some maps, to enter your conf.ini file, and under [Render_OpenGL], and set

(this is realy heavyhanded compression, and will reduce the quality of the visuals, but at least it may make your game playeable. I use it myself sometimes)

~ That you use the "22050" audio quality setting, and Disable Extentions, for best results.


~ DBW contains DiFFM mod by default. Do not install other versions of DiFFM on it.
~ The AI mod in the JSGME options, is a beta, which is being developed still. Use at your own risk. More info in the "AIMod Readme" in the documents folder.


~ Report and post support requests in the [url=https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,189.0.html]Dark Blue World Discussion & Support Board[/url]
~ Install the latest DBW builds before reporting any problems, as they may have been solved already.


~ DBW build 1.0 is based on UltraPack 3. Refer to UP3 readme's for all relevant credits.

~ Changes and packaging of DBW Build 1 is by SAS~CirX, with support of UP and SAS development teams.

~ il2fb.exe selectors and additional DBW support by SAS~Storebror

~ DBW SFS packaging by stg~HaDeS and II/JG51-Lutz

~ Included JSGME options credits in the DBW build 1.1 JSGME contents post below


Build 1.1 Features at-a-glance

Code: [Select]
DBW Build 1.1 Features At-a-Glance

Inherited from build 1.0 (included):

Fixed AHS in E and F series 109
addidng lastest boomer mapsfixes
added more QMP pro missions, from Le0ne, Gerax and Knochenlutscher


New planes:

The number of new planes have been kept to a minimum while tests are ongoing about the limits of JDK1.3. However, there are some great one in here:

~Ki 100 Otsu by Japancat, with fixes by Birdman, and default skin by CirX
~Fokker G1 by Ranwers, Messer, Sani & Birdman, customised for DBW, dedicated to Netherlands service, new classes, improved gunsight view, beter tail logo texture, ect.
~Lublin R-XIIID and XIII floatplane, by Loku, awesome fully developed new planes for DBW! There is a third D-XIII slot, which will be inlcuded in future.
~Ar234C-2, by CirX, Sani and ModdingMonkey, with improvements by Birdman and cirx, and brand new default skin by CirX.

Also on the plane front:

~ The Me210's have their own Hungarian slot with painschemes now, CirX's treat.
~ The Hurricane MkI wooden prop also has its own 3d slot, with fabric wings skin by Phas3e! BOF here we come!
~ The L-5A sentinel artillery spotter by Flakiten and CY6 has been merged with the L-5 already in the game. Go blow some shit up. The Sentinels also now have properly good default skins by MishaMisha.


Avia S199 classes were completely rewritten, full AHS now, and 109pack integration, by CirX
~All Ki84s now have opening canopies, thank to 200th_Sakagawa
~ Compass, gunsight, reticle and mask fixes for Me262 (Blue reticles is an urban legend folks, sorry!), Buffalo, A-20G, Finnish Brewster, do335s, He162, Me 163, Hurricane MkII, and POV fix and reticles for He219. Most by CirX, also from TT.
~ Beautifull He129 cockpit also rescued from horrible stock reticle.
~ Fi156 floor texture improved slightly
~ Reverted to I15Bis stock cockpit classes, replacing entire XTD folder to get rid of conflicting classes.
~ AFN enabled in FW190A2 and 3 cockpits , by CirX.
~ Blenheim cockpits imported from HSFX5. Cockpits by Ranwers with 3d by messer.Reflecter sight & Top turret by WTE_Newy HSFX 5 classes and adaptations by Charlie Chap

3d and textures:

~ Loku fixed the D3A1, and this has been applied to the A2 also, by Birdman and CirX, and also features awesome new default skins by CirX, for both summer and pacific theaters.
~ A brand new new 250kgBombJ from 200th Kajinami
~ Added missing mat fix for certain other nation Bf109's from HaDes

And then amongst others, a HUMONGOUS amount of fixes by Birdman, the man! See the 1.1 build log for more details, it is too much to list. But highlights are:
- F9F-2 LODs fixed, ejection seat direction fixed (thanks Anto) and RedFox90's canopy mod applied
- Spitfire Mk.XIV damaged tail, keel and rudder meshes fixed so that they now have proper markings ovarlays and two-sided mesh in case of alpha holes.
- Spitfire Mk.XVI updated to Anto's latest version with smooth leading edge of wing and proper alpha channel in default skin.
- fixed and added the newer I-15 3d model by Ivan750.
- 3d LOD and damage fixes to AR234C, FokkerG1, L-5Artillery Spotter and U19A_Gun
- Mk13 torpedo positions fixed in A-20, Beaufighters, PBY and TBM/TBF.
- 200th_Sakagawa's new default skins added for A6M-22(Ko)
~ Added Docholiday's Mosquito CC Rocket position and 110C4 canopy position fix and F2 engine fix, updated by Birdman

....and many more... cheers Birdman!

Also, quite a bit of TLC was given to the tigermoth, by both Birdman and CirX.

then, ~ P.11c Engine mesh updates by Loku
~ P.11F new default skins by Loku

Also, T-6 trainer, ADF (object behind canopy) color changed from pitchblack (black hole in screen) to realistic black, by CirX

Also, I did this: ~ Wilcat f4f3, wingfold toggled for catapultmod compatibility. Fixed the wingfold direction issue that prevented this in the past. This is not perfect, the flaps protruding are a problem, but, it is just a quickfix.

"Catapultmod" you ask?

read on....


 ~ Included is the latest Beta of of Anto's "AI Package" mod for DBW.
There is a readme for it included, with instructions of fnctions an dfeatures of it. The highlights are:
- Certificate's AI (HSFX5 version)
- Carrier TO +catapult v5.3.3 by Fireball
- GATTACK mod by CY6, tested by Beowolf
- Ground Attack Orders mod by CY6, tested by Beowolf
- Sniper Gunner fix by CY6 and Riken, tested by Beowolf
- AI Overheating and Supercharger mod by Sani
- 'School for Robots' AI tweak by Recruit and Skipper
- Nightfighter AI tweak by Anto
- Zuti Friction mod

~ Also included is the latest version of MissionPro, that fixes all previous problems, from PAL, and with it,, a debugged and ARRANGED missions set for it by CirX. Quoted from the Quick Install txt: Included in build 1.1 is a rearranged and somewhat de-bugged set of missions for QMB Pro. Have a look and see if you will enjoy it that way. Maps are arranged by theater. If you dont like you can copy your old missions back, or if you like it, you can rename you own custom maps missions in the same format. The format is that, as long as the folder name, and the first part of the .mis file name is the same, QMBPro will see it. Inspect for yourself. Also, the sides are now called "Blue" and "Red" to fit in with outside-WW2 scenarios also.

~ Then there is also a host of fixes and improvements from our sister team at UP3, and while some of it is in here already, more of it will be triggered by the latest UP3 update. Happy days! Cheers Hades!

~ And last but not least, a COMPLETE REWRITE of the forgotten countries classes by CirX, which you may not notice right away, but which you will be thankfull for down the line when you do not hit that plane limit wall so soon!


Boomer is the guy here, he did a huge amount of work, to get what we have correct, and to set us up for the massive map expantion packs that are just around the corner.
~ Updated map inis with latest fixes and versions from Boomer and fixes by Gilb57, fixes to all camouflage settings by Boomer & CirX, as well as airfield and other map fixes by Gilb57. Cheers dudes!


I save the best for last. The DBW soundsystem has been made independant from UP3, to avoid future confusion and cross-loading. We now have great flexibility. To kick this off, Several improvements have been made to weapon sound assignments file structures, And from Jiver we got a great Helicopter sound, now assigned to all chopper via the included buttons file (SAS 8.9 offline), as well as a nifty reassignment of the Airbrake souns, also Jiver's idea.
Our new base-soundfile has also been reviewed in detail and some sampling and other errors were not merely fixed, they were totally ass-raped, by CirX.

To solve a filesize problem, I removed Jiver's soundmod option form the new buils 1.1 super. It is now be available for seperate download : https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,16540.0.html

The above list may seem pretty tall, but, there is a 100 and 1 small fixes and tweaks that were not even noted when they were done. And with each build DBW will get better and better.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.


PS: For modders who want to mess with stuff, I included as usual a full fileslist for the SFS archives in Build 1.1 in the Documents folder! Have a blast!

Build 1.1 JSGME contents at a Glance

Code: [Select]
The following Options are available as JSGME mods, in DBW Build 1.1:

#DBW_6DOF NormalMouse by PAL and #DBW_6DOF XYMouse by PAL

Function: allows mouse setting of the 6DOF (view position inside the cockpit) without loosing the headshake effect
Author: P.A.L. (benitomuso), originally by sHr

Detailed Readme's in the documents folder


Enable this only if you are using Track IR or similar device. Also select the 6dof/Track IR option in the il2fb.exe selector
Author: originaly by sHr, updated by CharlieChap

#DBW_Ecran Wide for 4.101

A wide Screen mod for IL2 4.101
Author: SAS CirX and Josse.

#DBW_Forgotten Countries Full and #DBW_Forgotten Countries Off

DBW comes with a full forgotten countries and markings mod, but has only some of those enabled by default. Choose other option with these selections.
Author: SAS~CirX, with help by Gaston , based on original mods by Sanka, and with help from: McWolf, CharlieChap, kopfdorfer, SAS~Anto, incorporating previous works by Veltro, Brandle and Bridgestock, Loku, and special mention to 102nd_YU_Devil, and jg54 Spookie

#DBW_FX_Small Collection

Readme In Documents folder
Author: Stuka_40, SG4_Loku, Maven, Fly!, CirX, HolyGrail, Potenz, F22-Raptor, carsmaster(AvSk)

#DBW_HakenCross Disabler

DBW has the german and finish historical markings enabled by default. Disable them with this option
Author: SAS~CirX

#DBW_MissionPro Combo by PAL

The latest Beta version of the full MissionProCombo mod. This reads it's QMB missions from it's own folder in Missions, called QuickQMBPro
Author:  P.A.L. (benitomuso)

#DBW_MyScreenshots as TGA v2.0

DBW comes with a mod that saves all your screenshots as JPEG files, and saves them neatly in the "MyScreenshots" folder.
Enable this option to save screenshots as TGAs instead of JPEGs.
Author: old version: QTim, this version: SAS~CirX


The AI mod for DBW in the JSGME options, is a beta, which is being developed still. Use at your own risk. More info in the "AIMod Readme" in the documents folder.


Additional Items included in DBW Build 1.0:

Additional missions for QMBPro: All available QMB missions by Le0ne, Gerax and Knochenlutscher were added to the Missions/QuickQMBPro folder.

Recent Mapfixes by UP~Boomer are included

Build 1.1 super includes all the relevant and needed bugfixes that came out prior to Build 1.2. After succesfull install of build 1.1 super, proceed directly to build 1.2

DBW Responsible Modding: Important Information

DBW is very mod friendly. However, if you plan to add mods to DBW manualy, please bear the following in mind:

DBW will be frequently updated, and many of those updates will take the forum of new planes, maps, objects, and other things that require editing of the .ini files and properties files.

When you install such an update, it will be your own responsibility to ensure that there are no duplicate and/or outdated and/or conflicting entries done by you previously.

So, take care and take notes of what you install to your DBW. Errors and destroyed installs following from careless additions by players will be their own problem.



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Build 1.2
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2011, 10:29:13 AM »

DBW Build 1.2

Note: Read the installation instructions carefully before proceeding ! They are quoted below, and they are also in the download's Documents folder

Download DBW Build 1.2 (152MB) SAS Mediafire Mirror (thanx to CirX)

Download DBW Build 1.2 (152MB) Oceanic Wing Mirror (thanx to Magpie)

Download DBW Build 1.2 (152MB) GameFront Mirror (thanx to Korrigan)

Download DBW Build 1.2 (152MB) 4Shared Mirror (thanx to walter_solito)

Download DBW Build 1.2 (152MB) MegaUpload Mirror (thanx to Boomer)

Download DBW Build 1.2 (152MB) Alt Mediafire Mirror (thanx to hguderian)

Big thanx for the guys who put up mirrors! A Drink to them!

Quick Install Guide For DBW Build 1.2

Code: [Select]

Quick Install Guide For DBW Build 1.2


~ Working copy of IL2 1946 v 4.101, with UP3, and any UP3 hotfixes and updates, installed and working (at least up to UP3 RC3 or later)

~ DBW Build 1.1, working.


~ Use 7zip to unpack the downloads

~ DISABLE ALL jsgme Mods for DBW.

~ In your #DBW Folder, DELETE the following:

XTD folder
VTD AIMOD BETA folder (If you have it)
0_DBW1.1_HOTFIXES folder (If you have it)

~ Copy the downloaded build 1.2 files into your main game installation.
(note: the total size of build 1.2 after unzipping, is about 165MB)

There are no new planes or static objects in this build that require any entries into your files to be adjusted. Only the .rc file has been updated and the country property files. As long as you delete the files required above, and follow the above steps precicely, and do not have a corrupted download, and install everything fully, you will be fine.

Feature list and Fileslist for Build 1.2 is included in relevant documents folder.

DBW Build 1.2 was made by SAS-CirX and packed by II/JG51-Lutz
Full credits for involved modders in the features document.

DBW Build 1.2 Features At-a-Glance

Code: [Select]
DBW Build 1.2 Features At-a-Glance


~ New unique 3do slot for finnish I-153 by Loku, with new default skin by VP Media
~ New Unique 3do slot for Romanian Hurricane MkI with new default skin by CirX, also numbering texture improvement
~ Fw190D11 and 15 bounce fix by Birdman
~ Beaufighter 1,1C and X arming bug sorted
~ Updated/corrected 3d for S-199, with some other fixes
~ B24 bombdrop crash fixed


~ Consistent and realistic reticles and revi12 leather pad covers for all german planes, gyro reticles also updated.
~ Updated Bf109Z cockpit and classfiles by CirX., with tectures from Freddy, Bolox.
~ Fixed the horrible P40-early cockpit mess, now cockpits and external models match sofar as gunsights and mirrors go. New improved ironsight mod by CirX, new cockpit repaint by CirX, building on work by Tyrl
~ Return of CirX's POV mod, as a JSGME option. Contains thus far about 1/3rd of all cockpits done, with regular updates to follow
~ New reticle glasses, and revi's for all 262's. AFN navigation for 262's fixed

CirXs POV MoD:

~ This is a jsgme option for those who want it. It is the original POV mod tailored to every plane individualy. This version is being adapted for DBW specifically. With each build, it will be expanded and more cockpits added. So far there are about 90 cockpits done. Listing at the bottom of this document.

3d and textures:

~ MiG3 prop texture imporvement
~ Fixed Mig17 white-out exhaust funnel
~ Reverted MgFF tracermesh to original yellow/red, and adjusted smoketrail frequency, also added back smoketrails to BredaSafat 127s
~ Added optional Mg17/131 and Browning 303 smoketrail mods


~ AI mod is now a jsgme option: This is so we can quickly and easily update it in future, and so that it can be more easily disabled by those who seem emotionaly unable to do so manualy to check if it is the cause of a bug they wish to report.
~ Included sas offline buttons v 8.9
~ Also included is the latest version of MissionPro, that fixes most previous problems, from PAL
~ Fixed Phillipines QMBPro missions
~ HGuderian added a little historical correction to the country.properties and country_ru.properties
files for Forgotten Countries mod.
1) Italian '43-'45 side is named more properly as "R.S.I. - A.N.R. '43 - '45" (which
means "Social Italian Republic - Republican National Aviation) cause this is the
official nomenclature of the non occupied North Italy since 1945.
2) Pre 08/09/1943 the italian side Air Force was named as "R.A. - "Regia Aeronautica"
which means "King's Air Force".


~ Added elements of VP latest mapmods, plus lots of his maps inis for pacific and cbi maps, and the textures they required, by Avala, Redko, SL, ect.
~ Added an excellent repaint of the default Eastern Front maps by SLADE - Kuban, Crimea, Prokhorovka, Smolensk, Stalingrad, Gulf of Finland. All textures re-assingments and texture saturation and coloration fixes by CirX
~ Palau load ini fix
~ Set up filestructure for upcoming UP/DBW Massive Map Expansion Packs.


~ Extensive recutting and mastering of Centaurus soundset for Seafury, replacement of prs with edited file from Jiver's set
~ Replacement and remastering of top end sabre soundfiles

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.


POVMoD list so far:

~ See documentation inside the download   


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Build 1.3
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2011, 07:40:08 AM »

DBW Build 1.3

Note: Read the installation instructions carefully before proceeding !(especialy if you have previous modified your DBW maps all.ini and static ini yourself) They are quoted below, and they are also in the download's Documents folder

Part Sizes of the Downloads are as Follows:

updbw_mapex_01.7z        188mb
updbw_mapex_02.7z        189mb
updbw_mapex_03.7z        158mb
updbw_mapex_04.7z        185mb
updbw_mapex_05.7z        107mb
DBW_Build_1.3_Part6.7z    166mb

Attention players of UP3: Part 1 to 5 of this is for UP3 also. Download and install part 1 to 5 in the meantime. they will be "unlocked" for UP in the next UP update I think.

This build comes in 6 parts. You have to have all of them, or none of them will work. This is a large build, because it contains the first massive maps expansion pack. The 6 parts are called updbw_mapex_01.7z to updbw_mapex_05.7z, and DBW_Build_1.3_Part6.7z

MediaFire Download Mirror 1:


GameFront Download Mirror (thanx to Korrigan):


MediaFire Download Mirror 2 (thanx to hguderian):


MegaUpload Download Mirror 1 (thanx to MrOblongo) (only part 2 to 5):

updbw_mapex_02: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4J7X8MZH
updbw_mapex_03: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=G2ULW6RJ
updbw_mapex_04: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=40929LE5
updbw_mapex_05: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VNKHXGTC

MegaUpload Download Mirror 2 (thanx to UP~Boomer) (only part 1 to 5):

updbw_mapex_01: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FMJHW2MI
updbw_mapex_02: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=B81ADZ2V
updbw_mapex_03: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SBU7ZWQP
updbw_mapex_04: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=O5N2T888
updbw_mapex_05: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FMIRWTNB

4shared Download Mirror (thanx to walter_solito) :


Please give a HUGE thank you to the guys who put up mirrors for DBW. They are the absolute best!   :)

Quick Install Guide For DBW Build 1.3

Code: [Select]
Quick Install Guide For DBW Build 1.3


~ Working copy of IL2 1946 v 4.101, with UP3, and any UP3 hotfixes and updates, installed and working (at least up to UP3 RC3 or later)

~ DBW Build 1.2, working.


~ Use 7zip to unpack the 6 parts downloads

~ DISABLE ALL jsgme Mods for DBW.

if you have never touched your MapMods folder, or updated your static.ini by yourself, you can skip the warning.

Warning: If you have customised your all.ini, or static.ini before:  Build 1.3 contains many new maps. If you have installed new maps on your own in DBW, you are advised to carefully edit your all.ini with a file compare program, like winmerge. Your #DBW\STD\i18n\maps.properties and maps_ru.properties will also need to be updated. See the features document of build 1.3 for a list of maps added to the all.ini.

~ Copy the downloaded build 1.3 files into your main game installation.
(Part 1-5 contains SFS archives called updbw_mapex_01.sfs to updbw_mapex_05.sfs. They go into your main game folder, replacing the placeholders put there in build 1.2)

We did warn you about installing maps on your own! There will be another big map expantion in not too long a time.
Players who have not added maps by themselves or edited any maps, do not have to worry about a thing.

Feature list and Fileslist for Build 1.3 is included in relevant documents folder.

DBW Build 1.3 was made by SAS-CirX and packed by UP~HaDeS. The Map Expansion package was put together and edited by UP~Boomer.
Full credits for involved modders in the features document.

DBW Build 1.3 Features At-a-Glance

Code: [Select]
DBW Build 1.3 Features At-a-Glance


~ New 3do slot to Fw190A-7 Sturm, with new default skin, and flatcanopy to outside model of both A-7s, adjusted loadouts, and external modeling and opening canopy all by CirX(for moviemakers and screenshots mainly, it is not functional, just eye candy, but the A7 Sturm does have a unique FM and damage model.
~ Also external opening canopies for other Fw190s. Internal Open canopy view will come later.
~ Early P40 LOD fixes by Birdman
~ Solved Cargo dropping crash when dropping BombCargoA loadouts.


~ Solved Me262 opening canopy from inside visibility error from bld1.2
~ give credit for Poncho who did the first P40 ring and bead mod, the updated version was in Build 1.2
~ Added cockpit repaints fron Tyrl, repacked and inlcuding several fixes by Birdman, and some textures re-texturised and re-surfaced, as well as colour corrections in some places by CirX, for:

Also Via Birdman:
Blenheim Mk1 corrcted frames added and other details (by Newy)
CR42 repaint from HSFX 5
P11 repaint put onto P11F

~ MiG-3 repaint in UP3 applied also to UB/ShVAK variants
~ New Morane Cockpit canopy and other details by T, Tyrl, ton414, mirror tex and horizon tex and desats and new reticle by CirX
~ Added I-15M repaint by Alge_1
~ Small improvements in color and texture to cockpits: La5 to La7, P39s by CirX
~ Reworked and added Baracca's Mc202 and 205 cockpit repaints
~ replaced all those cursed mirror texture files with "MIRROR" written on them
~ all Ta152H and C cockpits smarted up. Also used some elements from Burn's repaint in this
~ P-38 Cockpits get upgraded based Fly_Zo's old repaint ,reworked by CirX, with elements added from other P38 cockpits I could not identify the author of.(let me know if you spot your work there)

CirXs POV MoD:

~ a few cockpits added, see list below

3d and textures:

~ Enormous amount of textures added for map support.


~ I include the latest Beta of the complete AI mod from Anto. this is still having some issues, but I believe much less than the previous version I put out here. It is jsgme and replaces the previous version, and you are on your own if you choose to use it. PLEASE read the readme's on it in the Modact3documents folder, there is a LOT of realy awesome stuff in this already. I MEAN it, read it now! NOW!!!!


~ Fixed CAN_Channel airfield texture bug

~ These are the new maps added to the all.ini:

ag_Andalucia ag_Andalucia/load.ini
ag_Aragon ag_Aragon/load.ini
ag_Baleares ag_Baleares/load.ini
ag_Cartagena ag_cartagena/load.ini
ag_uf_Madrid ag_uf_Madrid/load_1024.ini
zip_Alpen zip_Alpen/zip_Alpen_load.ini
zip_Anzio zip_Anzio/load.ini
ag_ArchangelskS ag_Archangelsk/load_s.ini
ag_ArchangelskW ag_Archangelsk/load_w.ini
ag_Australia ag_Australia/load.ini
ag_Chaco ag_Chaco/load.ini
ag_Cuba ag_Cuba/load.ini
ag_Dakar ag_Dakar/load.ini
ag_Djibouti ag_Djibouti/load.ini
ag_Formosa ag_Formosa/load_Redko.ini
ag_Hankow ag_Hankow/load.ini
ag_Hanoi ag_Hanoi/load.ini
ag_Hejaz ag_Hejaz/load.ini
ag_Hormuz ag_Hormuz/load.ini
ag_Iraq ag_Iraq/load.ini
ag_Madagascar ag_Madagascar/load.ini
ag_Mozambique ag_Mozambique/load.ini
ag_New_Georgia ag_New_Georgia/load.ini
ag_uf_Ifni ag_uf_Ifni/load.ini
agcz_Biscay agcz_Biscay/load.ini
Benghalli Benghalli/load.ini
fly_Z_BOB_S   fly_zo_BOB/fly_Z_normS_load.ini
fly_Z_BOB_A   fly_zo_BOB/fly_Z_normA_load.ini
fly_Z_BOB_W   fly_zo_BOB/fly_Z_normW_load.ini
Blumax_Online8Islands Blumax_Online8Islands/load_v2.ini
Coral_Islands  Coral_Islands/load.ini
VKG_Grand_Canyon VKG_Grand_Canyon/load_X.ini
Nachtjagd_RLV   RLV_Night/load.ini
BB_North_Vietnam BB_North_Vietnam/load.ini
zip_Monte_Cassino zip_Monte_Cassino/load.ini
Slovakia_1955 Slovakia/load_1955.ini
Slovakia_1955_winter Slovakia/load_1955w.ini
SNARKJungle SNARKJungle/load.ini
TKM_net8islands TKM_net8islands/load.ini
TKM_net8islands_v2 TKM_net8islands/load_v2.ini
TKM_PacificIslands_b1 TKM_PacificIslands_b1/load.ini
PS_South_VietNam PS_South_VietNam/load.ini
CAL_Zimbotho CAL_Zimbotho/load.ini

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.


New cockpits added to the POV Mod::




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Build 1.4
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2011, 03:48:57 PM »

DBW Build 1.4

Note: Read the installation instructions carefully before proceeding ! They are attached below, and they are also in the download's Documents folder

Download DBW Build 1.4 (198MB) SAS Mediafire Mirror (thanx to CirX)

Download DBW Build 1.4 (198MB)Mediafire2 Mirror (thanx to hguderian)

Download DBW Build 1.4 (198MB)Megaupload Mirror (thanx to UP~Boomer)

Download DBW Build 1.4 (198MB)Fileserve Mirror (thanx to MrOblongo)

Download DBW Build 1.4 (198MB) GameFront Mirror (thanx to Korrigan)

Download DBW Build 1.4 (198MB) 4shared Mirror (thanx to walter_solito)

Many thanx to the DBW mirror upload guys! :)

Quick Install Guide For DBW Build 1.4

Code: [Select]

Quick Install Guide For DBW Build 1.4


~ Working copy of IL2 1946 v 4.101, with UP3, and any UP3 hotfixes and updates, installed and working (at least up to UP3 RC4 or later)

~ DBW Build 1.3, working.

Special Note:

~ Because of it's size, build 1.4 contains none of the static, technics, maps fixes or additions it was meant to. These are all in build 1,l5, which will be available a few days after 1.4, and it is HIGHLY recomended you update to 1.5 also when you can.


~ Use 7zip to unpack the downloads

~ DISABLE ALL jsgme Mods for DBW.

~ Copy the unzipped build 1.4 files into your main game installation, replacing files if asked to.

~ Add the lines required for the new planes included :

B-24D             air.B_24D 1                                   usa01 SUMMER
SpitfireMkXI      air.SPITFIRE11 1                      NOINFO  gb01  SUMMER

(find other entries for plane and weapons files in the Quick Install Guide included in the build 1.4 Download documents folder)

Feature list and Fileslist for Build 1.4 is also included in relevant documents folder.

DBW Build 1.4 was made by SAS-CirX and packed by UP~HaDeS.
Full credits for involved modders in the features document.

DBW Build 1.2 "Features At-a-Glance" Document is too large to quote in this post, so it is attached to this post for download.

Please just note, the Colosus ship ini fix mentioned in the features somehow did not make it into the download. We will bes sure to include it in 1.5, which will be out in 3 or 4 days from now.


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Build 1.5
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2011, 05:37:57 AM »

DBW Build 1.5

Note: Read the installation instructions carefully before proceeding ! They are attached below, and they are also in the download's Documents folder

Mediafire1 Mirror (CirX)
Download Part1 (updbw_mapex_06) (183.8mb)
Download Part2 (DBW_Build_1.5) (87.8mb)

Mediafire 2 Mirror (hguderian)
Download Part1 (updbw_mapex_06) (183.8mb)
Download Part2 (DBW_Build_1.5) (87.8mb)

GameFront Mirror (Korrigan)
Download Part1 (updbw_mapex_06) (183.8mb)
Download Part2 (DBW_Build_1.5) (87.8mb)

MegaUpload Mirror (MrOblongo)
Download Part1 (updbw_mapex_06) (183.8mb)
Download Part2 (DBW_Build_1.5) (87.8mb)

FileServe Mirror (MrOblongo)
Download Part1 (updbw_mapex_06) (183.8mb)
Download Part2 (DBW_Build_1.5) (87.8mb)

4shared Mirror (walter_solito)
Download Part1 (updbw_mapex_06) (183.8mb)
Download Part2 (DBW_Build_1.5) (87.8mb)

big thanx to our download mirror putter uppers :)

Quick Install Guide For DBW Build 1.5

Code: [Select]

Quick Install Guide For DBW Build 1.5


~ Working copy of IL2 1946 v 4.101, with UP3, and any UP3 hotfixes and updates, installed and working (at least up to UP3 RC4 or later)

~ DBW Build 1.4, working.


step 1 ~ Use 7zip to unpack 2 part downloads

step 2 ~ make sure to DISABLE the following jsgme Mods for DBW: #DBW_AIMod , #DBW_CirXs_POVMoD

PAUSE: if you have never customised any of the following files by yourself, you can continue with step 3 and skip the next warning:

 static.ini, all.ini, ships.ini, air.ini, maps.properties (or maps_ru.properties),plane_ru.properties or weapons_ru.properties.
(build 1.5 contains  air.ini,plane_ru.properties or weapons_ru.properties with some fixes, as well as the two new planes from build 1.4, already added)

WARNING: If you have customised any of the above before, you may have to update them manualy, and NOT allow the files to be over-written during instllation ,  Build 1.5 contains many new maps and rearrangements of previous ini files.
Carefully update the above-mentioned files with a file compare program, like winmerge.

step 3 ~ Copy the downloaded build 1.5 files into your main game installation.

Part 1 contains 1x SFS archive called updbw_mapex_06.sfs (188mb)
Part 2 contains:
1x SFS archive called updbw_mapex_07.sfs (60mb)
#DBW Folder (5mb)
jsgmemods Folder
Missions Folder
SAS Modact 3 Documentation Folder
SAS_DBW Folder (17.8mb)

They all go into your main game folder, replacing the placeholders like updbw_mapex_0x and overwriting?adding to other DBW folders as usual.

DBW Build 1.5 was made by SAS-CirX and packed by Lutz. The Map Expansion package was put together and edited by UP~Boomer.
Full credits for involved modders in the features document.

Build 1.5 Features at a Glance

Code: [Select]

DBW Build 1.5 Features At-a-Glance


~ Changes Claude prop assignment for A2M4 for better mod compatibility
~ Bombplacement fixes for B17G and B24 J (Birdman)
~ F9 panther ejection seat fix (Anto)
~ Replaced  F9 panther cockpit classes with older version that does not crash without AI mod.
~ Fixed loadout problems with Fw190D15, Bf110D3 & E1
~ Fixes Fw190 A5 and A5 U14 loadout bug when AI mod is active


~ Lancaster Pic compass adjustment by Bolox
~ Added improved G50 Instrument panel and instrument face textures by TT
~ Fixed Revi Dimmer movement and position for 109 G3,4,5 and 6 early (CirX)
~ Centered Bf109 B-F central cockpit positions (original stock error)

CirXs POV MoD:

~ Updated POV mod, with new POV for early Bf109s (B-F), Ta 152H and Cs, Hurricanes (Mirror)
~ Adjusted Hurrican Mirrors in POV mod

3d and textures:

~ Many Textures and stuff added in support of maps added


~ Added Fixes Ship.ini from benitomuso (fixes Colosus class)
~ AI mod updates to SAS_AI_Engine_HotKeys_Mod_v12Build090811 (Anto)
~ Changes to AI mod that fixes loadout issues to Yak7 trainers, U2's, Spit16e's,FW190A5 and A5U14, ect. (Anto)
~ Added buttons 9.1 to fix exploding ta152C
~ Added completed air.ini, weapons_ru.prop and plane_ru.properties files from build 1.4 that contains B24 and spitfire PR entries.
Weapons_ru also contains lates fixes from UP3rc4 (HaDeS)


If you find that when working in full mission builder, you cannot access other items in the main menu because when you try, the whole maps list appears and blocks everything, press esc twice.
There will also be a Fonts mod by CirX available shortly for use in FMB, that will alleviate this for most.

~ Fixes to maps and New Maps package assembled by UP~Boomer: (I have not all additional credits here!)
-Formosa Map (Redco)
-Cuba (agracier)
-Blumax (Blumax)
-SNARK jungle (Farang65)
-SouthVietnam (Mission Bug)
-BOF (ash)
-Greenscreen (michel_boonstra1974)

~ Greenscreen QMBPro mission added (Michael Boonstra)
~ For notes about Greeescreen Maps visir original thread https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,15414.0.html

Specific Map Update notes by UP~Boomer:

Cuba,Dakar,Madagascar,Snark Jungle
all had issues and are bug fixed for all reported bugs on those maps
BoF(Battle of France),Kt_eastafrica,
ElsaHonNic(Football wars),PS_South_VietNam
and Greenscreen map are all maps that were asked to be added
ag_viet_Minh,Formosa,MidEastBig all updated maps
I tweaked the Formosa map,before there was not much ocean around it so I expanded the ocean around Formosa a bit
This version also has numerous airfields on Formosa now,9 I think in total
Med War over Italy,in UP RC4
But I added it to the DBW all.ini and maps.properties file so it will be available in DBW through the RC4 UP Core maps

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.


CirX's DBW Full Mission Builder FontMod: This is for people struggling with the amount of maps in the FMB maps list. This mod lowers the font size in FMB slightly, you can also customise it futher. Choose the setting closest to your screen's horisonal resolution, and next to it, reduce the font size. (or reduce all the fonts by 1 point at a time)

Attached Below, unpack and put foler "0 0 0 DBW FMB FontMod" in your #DBW folder.                                                                                                                                     


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Build 1.6
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2011, 07:03:36 AM »

DBW Build 1.6

Note: Read the installation instructions carefully before proceeding ! They are attached below, and they are also in the download's Documents folder

Mediafire1 Mirror (CirX)
Download Part1 (166mb)
Download Part2 (148mb)

Extra Mirrors for Downloads:

Thanx to hguderain:

Thanx to Korrigan:

Thanx to MrOblongo:

Thanx to walter_solito:

Special Note re the 1916 section: A very rough beta of the DBW 1916 pack is included. It contains a number of shorcomings.
This was collected and packed by UP~Boomer for DBW1.2. I got it then, added one or two things, and had to re-adapt it to DBW 1.6. This, together will a lot of other housekeeping work on the endless duplication files one finds in these things, and the repopping of a lot of the classfiles, to eliminate the use of the DiFFM (which is realy a tool for testing), led to me just running out of steam on this project. I got so far as to revert to stock technic ini's static and stationary inis and such, with small additions. So the bottom line is, there are probably a 1000 bugs and shit in the ini files and classfiles, while I recon the content should be more or less good to go.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. DBW 1916 can access all the stuff in the SFS files that DBW has access to, it is just a matter of sorting it all out and telling it what to use. I am out of steam with it, and I have a lot of important upcoming work in DBW porper. So I put this out as is, and asked those in the community who can and are interested, to get involved and sort this 1916 pack out for us.

Know issues is that two of the maps will not save (the first two I think), the rest seem OK, and everything else seems to work so far, but, I warned you, I did not get to even nearly finish this, and I think it is time to hand it back to those who realy want to.

Quick Install Guide For DBW Build 1.6

Code: [Select]
Quick Install Guide For DBW Build 1.6

~ Working copy of IL2 1946 v 4.101, with UP3, and any UP3 hotfixes and updates, installed and working (at least up to UP3 RC4 or later)
~ DBW Build 1.5, working.

step 1 ~ Use 7zip to unpack 2 part downloads
step 2 ~ make sure to DISABLE all jsgme mods for DBW.

WARNING: This update contains updated static.ini and all.ini files (for the normal #DBW section). If you have customised your's previously, you should intall carefully with a file compare program, like winmerge.

step 3 ~ Copy the downloaded build 1.6 files into your main game installation.

Part 1 contains:
~SAS_DBW folder (169MB)

Part 2 contains:
~SAS_DBW folder (53.3MB)
~updbw_mapex_08.sfs (87 MB)
~il2fb.exe (5.2 MB)
~SAS Modact 3 Documentation folder
~Missions folder (2.1MB)
~jsgmemods folder (5.9 MB)
~#DBW_1916 folder (20.4MB)
~#DBW folder (3.3MB)

They all go into your main game folder, replacing the placeholders like updbw_mapex_0x and overwriting/adding to other DBW folders as usual.

DBW Build 1.6 was made by SAS-CirX/UP~Boomer and packed by Lutz & HaDeS.
Please read carefully the "features at a glance" document, for very important info about the state of the 1916 part.

Build 1.6 Features at a Glance

Code: [Select]
DBW Build 1.6 Features At-a-Glance


~ (re-)Fixed Beaufighter MkX loadout bug (CirX)
~ Birdman's fixes added to following:
- fixed LOD2 material for F9F CF damage meshes
- fixed bomb hook positions for B-17G and both B-24, this is the same fix as I posted in separate thread
- fixed LODs for all changed early Bf-109 meshes
- fixed Bf-109B/C/D keel and rudder meshes, they are all now B/C/D parts with the new haken position (some were E part before and those are not really interchangeable)
- removed haken overlay from early Bf-109 keel LODs since it was completely messed up in LOD1 and old one in LOD2+
~ Added  several fixes and updates to Yaks by Birdman (Birdman)
~ Ju 88 C-6 Dayfighter & Nightfighter 3d update for DBW (Birdman/CrazyFlak)
- Original Ju 88 C-6 by Maraz
- New Ju 88 3d in v4.10m patch by Jippo and Team Daidalos
- 3d model update using v4.10m parts by Birdman
- Classfiles adapted for new 3d by Crazyflak
- New default skins adapted by Crazyflak from Buglord (Ju88NJ eto) & MaxTheHitman (Ju88NJ summer), Hayate (all others)
- Multiple fixes by Birdman, including better smoothing of undernose gondola, possibility for visual damage in nose and LOD tweaks


~ Fixes to bf110 cockpits (Bolox)
~ Extensive fixes to numerous issues in ju88 cockpits and all positions (Bolox)
~ Inserted new Revi 16 model into Fw190D15, as well some barout/AHS (CirX).
~ Fulmar AHS applied for use in POV mods (CirX)

3d and textures:

~ Fixed winter snow skin problem for chevrolet flatbed for all theaters. (CirX)
~ Added Germain campaign medal display fix (PA_Willy)


- Latest version of DBW AI mod included (v13Build200811)(Anto)
~ Several New QMB pro mission sets and updates to 4.10 standard (Le0ne)
~ Small FontMod by CirX for FMB Maplist added to jsgme options
~ New IL2 selector version 1.5.2 from Storebror, to include DBW 1916 option


~ Added several WW1 Maps (Packed by Boomer)
~ fixed camo setting on Mediteranian WOI map, and PS_SouthVietnam (CirX)
~ Switched Load ini for Pacific islands 2 to use UP3 version (CirX)
~ Fix to War over Italy map in static ini (Birdman/Boomer)
~ Fix to BOF map in all ini (Birdman/Boomer)

1916 Pack:

A very rough beta of the DBW 1916 pack is included. It contains a number of shorcomings.
This was collected and packed by UP~Boomer for DBW1.2. I hgot it then, added one or two things, and had to re-adapt it to DBW 1.6. This, together will a lot of other housekeeping work on the endless duplication files one finds in these things, and the repopping of a lot of the classfiles, to eliminate the use of the DiFFM (which is realy a tool for testing), led to me just running out of steam on this project. I got so far as to revert to stock technic ini's static and stationary inis and such, with small additions. So the bottom line is, there are probably a 1000 bugs and shit in the ini files and classfiles, while I recon the content should be more or less good to go.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. DBW 1916 can access all the stuff in the SFS files that DBW has access to, it is just a matter of sorting it all out and telling it what to use. I am out of steam with it, and I have a lot of important upcoming work in DBW porper. So I put this out as is, and asked those in the community who can and are interested, to get involved and sort this 1916 pack out for us.

Know issues is that two of the maps will not save (the first two I think), the rest seem OK, and everything else seems to work so far, but, I warned you, I did not get to even nearly finish this, and I think it is time to hand it back to those who realy want to.

Credits for all this WW! stuff I was not given, but I will list here names who I know worked on this stuff:
UP~Boomer, Zuti, Sergei "Oknevas", Uufflakke/Lejo, Dimus, Agracier, Asheshouse, Beowolff, RAF209_Benge , Skipper and T.Dasche, CirX,
Please alert me to missing names.

You can launch the 1916 DBW by selecting it in the selector (below Dark Blue World).
Also be aware, most DBW jsgme options will now enable a thing for both DBW and DBW 1916. Except for the AI mod, which is only for DBW at this time.




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Build 1.7
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2012, 09:47:44 PM »

DBW Build 1.7

Note: Read the installation instructions carefully before proceeding ! They are attached below, and they are also in the download's Documents folder. This is a very tricky update for those who are going to try to adapt their previous modified and customised installs to, and it is realy meant as a "fresh start" baseline type of version. Nevertheless, there will be a dedicated help thread in the main DBW board for those manualy installing to this version.

Note: there will soon be a large single DBW download that will contain all versions in one step

Mediafire1 Mirror (CirX)
Mediafire Direct Download (94mb)

Extra Mirrors for Downloads:

Mediafire 2 Mirror (hguderian)

Gamefront Mirror (Korrigan)

LiveFileStore Mirror (fixed link) (Hey_Joe)

Quick Install Guide For DBW Build 1.7

Code: [Select]
Quick Install Guide For DBW Build 1.7


~ Working copy of IL2 1946 v 4.101, with UP3, and any UP3 hotfixes and updates, installed and working (at least up to UP3 RC4 or later)
~ DBW Build 1.6, working.


step 1 ~ Use 7zip to unpack . You should have 6 folders and 2 files ( one IL-2 selector.exe and one il2fb.ini file)

step 2 ~ make sure to DISABLE all jsgme mods for DBW.

Step 3 ~ Go to your jsgmemods folder, and DELETE the 2 folders called "#DBW_AIMod" and "#DBW_MissionPro Combo by PAL"

Step 4 ~ Go to your #DBW folder, and DELETE the XTD Folder.

Step 5 ~ Go to your Missions folder in your main game directory, and delete your QuickQMBPro folder. Make a backup of it before you delete it so you can replace any of your own custom additions later again if you need to or choose to.

Step 6 ~ Copy all the files and folders of the 1.7 download over to your game directory, overwrite files if asked.

Step 7 ~ Open the IL-2 Selector.exe, and make a setting of your choice, and save that setting. It is important to save the setting at least once after installation, to allow the new selector to set itself up properly. Read the included selector pdf guide for more info.

Notes for Manual updaters:

~the only document in the XTD/i18n folder that is updated in 1.7, is hud_log_ru.properties
~If you want to manualy update your STD folder, do so with winmerge or by following in detail the Notes for Manual updaters guides alongside this document.Otherwise copy new STD folder over old one.

DBW Build 1.6 was made by SAS~Anto, SAS~Storebror, & SAS-CirX and packed by Lutz & HaDeS.

Build 1.7 Features at a Glance

Code: [Select]
                                                                                                                                                                    DBW Build 1.7 Features At-a-Glance


~ Build 1.7 's primary goal is to set a common and workable standard in the use of Selector version, QMBpro version, Jetwar version, and plane list, as well as to integrate the AI mod with DBW permanenetly. This stable and solid base is what is required for future expantion of DBW.

~ Jetwar 1.2 added, updated to rc30jan (Anto & team)
~ SeaHurricaneMkIIc enabled

3d and textures:
~ HVAR update from Anto added
~ 109F prop damage fix by Birdman
~ Safat Fix from Birdman (Fix for turrets in italian bombers unable to aim)
~ P40 thin wire antennas fix by Birdman
~ B29 nose LOD1 fix by Birdman (tu4 fix also by Birdman/Benitomuso)
~ Ju88 nightfighter default skin fix by Birdman (Crazyflak?)
~ Added GunsmokeI tga fix to effects from Walter Solito


~ Udaded Technics.ini, air.ini and stationary.ini consolidating plane slots.Detailed lists of what was removed/made optional is available in the documents.
~ Added latest updated Selector from SAS~Storebror. Version is a competely new generation selector, and comes with a user manual also by Storebror, included with the 1.7 document files.(.../SAS Modact 3 Documentation\DBW Build 1.7 Dox...)
~ Added new version of missionprocombo (Benitomuso) https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,18353.0.html
~ Latest version of DBW AI mod included (v2.3 rc1)(Anto, see credits in readmes)
~ FMB Crash fix by Birdman ( for - Bf 109 B/C/D- Ju 52- He 219- Halifax- L-5 Sentinel- RWD-8)
~ Updated & New set of QMBPro missions (Birdman/Le0ne)
~ Added new buttons 9.6

~ Added Malone's Coral Island mapfix
~ Centmed airport fix by Birdman

Known Bugs:

Pe-2series32 isn't destroyed in explosion if crew is still inside, likely an old bug with crew number or classfile
All F-84 loadouts seem to have RATO working with boost and effects, boosters are just hidden in loadouts without them


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