Light in the IL2 by carsmasteredit Gerax 10-March-13: I reworked this first post to have the latest versions downloads available here in the first post:
Copy of Post Nr.322 23.Dec. 2012 by carsmaster:Hello.
As I'm already wrote that project of the new Light for IL2 (beta) is CLOSED.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for all of You!!!
That is my gift to all for New Year.
I'm against use of my work in new Dt patches,
new UP packages, new HSFX packages without cooperation with me.
Any individuals can independently use in any personal packages.
That is unification of Light in the IL2 (beta) and libraries DLL for Hi Res texture mod 2048 pixels.
Works in versions 4 09M and 4 10 1
Please, don't ask me: "Why doesn't work in version 4 11 1"
I don't support version 4 11 1 at all.I have no time to make up to the end here this standard(default) Net1summer map
Any wishing can complete it.
On this card I removed ALL roads! !
Airfields I DIDN'T DELETE! !
Objects I DIDN'T DELETE! !
Objects need to be removed and put again! !
Trees grow in water them it is necessary to delete! !
I used only 3 textures.
I tested the map at 16-00 o'clock in the afternoon.
It is possible to download archive at the link and to receive additional textures.
I prepared them for this map.
To download:
Carsmaster Light in the IL2 (beta)+2048 pix RC version WIP MAP CMR-TEST Net1summer 2048 pix textures in 2048 pixels
Light in the IL2 by carsmaster - "Easy" VersionCopy of post #338 4.Feb. 2013 by carsmaster It
ONLY!! for those for whom doesn't work.
It is the "EASY" version of DLL.
You can try with the TexMipFilter=3 parameter
Carsmaster Light in the IL2 (beta)+2048 pix RC version Light versionDLLs

outdated ex first post by Skipper March 2011
This work CARSMASTER aims to improve the dynamic light in the game.
The mod also reduces the inhibition in the game when using for elements of the cockpit texture size 1024x1024
Before installing the mod, save -
il2_core.dll, il2_coreP4.dll, msvcp71.dll, msvcr71.dll
GRAPHICS SSE2+SSE3+SSE4+LIGTH 4 09(v.1 beta).7z
GRAPHICS SSE2+SSE3+SSE4+LIGTH 4 10 1(v.1 beta).7z
GRAPHICS SSE2+SSE3+SSE4+LIGTH 4 10 1(v.1 beta).7z - mediafire
I'm sorry but the changes can be assessed only subjectively.
Any help in the qualitative assessment would be greatly appreciated.
I beg to take the risk - try it.
I deliberately did not call the changes in the image that may appear.
Just look outside the aircraft and cockpit at various angles to the sun.